Og bluberry yum yumzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
just stoping by dude ... that bb looks great yeah boy iam at day 45 and the crystals just started showing i got another two weeks to go and iam starting molasses this week ... my blue berry is cross with a juicy fruit and it has long white hairs and doesnt smell like much yet but it got that sativa in her clorofil so more hairs and kinda starting bto smell like minty candy ... u ask me what my next grow would be and i think iam sticking to the blue berry , and try to cross it with my buddy toms sweet tooth he got this pheno that produces massive crystals and with my jungle juice it would be a killer strain we are working on getting my lady polinated on wednesday , but only the lower branches.. once againg dude rep ... enjoy the joy of not having to wait for a fucking dumb ass dealer...:hump:
oh i forgot i got sum jack the ripper on the way home... thats also going to be fun ...


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:aye sup mayn heres some more pics... as you can see theres a lot of new growth comming out on the bottom and the lower buds are getting alot more bigger........
i kno i take alot but i cant help it hahaha....
how is everythang goin wit cha grow any plans on the next go around?:mrgreen:
that stuff looks sick bro,great job. i'm jus starting og kush and the 18th pac and kushberry ..looks like wat i'm aiming for ,thanx,raider.


Well-Known Member
haha thankz everyone for tha support....
mayn i cant wait for my next grow, would anybody be able to tell me if i would be able to pull off a sog grow wit 2liter pop bottles all the way through flowering or would they get root bound?
i got 2 non fem THE PURP seeds and 2 fem HASH seeds, both are supposed to finish in bout 9 to 8 weeks of flowerin and i heard THE PURP strain is some dank.....
i still got to wait a few more weeks for this to finish, i pulled a noobish mistake of harvesting some colas a lil early, but thats koo cuz that bottom shoots are swelling up just as much as the top colas.
expect me to be showin up in ya journals ta say wus good soon,
stay safe yall


Well-Known Member
Quick update:
All fan leaves are dead most of the hairs and triches are amber cut all the bottom buds off the plant and left tha two main colas on to go throught 24-48 hrs darkness
bottom shoots are full of ripe seeds.........
And anyone that can help me out with info on a sog grow with 2liter bottles. I need to kno if itll work if i vegged for 4 weeks then switched to flower would they get root bound?
Anyone with the knowledge go ahead and spit your info would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Quick update:
All fan leaves are dead most of the hairs and triches are amber cut all the bottom buds off the plant and left tha two main colas on to go throught 24-48 hrs darkness
bottom shoots are full of ripe seeds.........
And anyone that can help me out with info on a sog grow with 2liter bottles. I need to kno if itll work if i vegged for 4 weeks then switched to flower would they get root bound?
Anyone with the knowledge go ahead and spit your info would be greatly appreciated.
lok at this pics .. i grow flowers of all kinds and all using the same method. i get the 2l botles and i cut them a lil over half trow the cap away and do the fallowing. the top of the botle is where ur soil midium goes . and the bottom serves as a resivour . the roots willgo down the mouth of the botle and eat from water acumulated in the lower chamber .i just water them with fish tank water every day and trow away exes water every two days . my plants vlove it. i dont let them go bigger than 15 inches b4 i flower. i even have one skunk and one oriental daisy plant in one botle... as long as u water every day root bound shouldnt be a problem.



Well-Known Member
Depends how fast your plant grows but in flowering roots will increase I think by almost double so you gotta put that in mind and you will have to water more frequently.I've seen lots of people do it with success,just wondering why not just use pots???Oh yeah So when you gonna germ those new beans?????


Well-Known Member
jcdws602: ahh man i gots them germin as we speak 2 the purps seeds and 2 hash thrown in a damp towel and placed in tupperware container....
my grow space is really small horizontally can on fit like 4 one gallon jugs in there.... i bought 4 1 gal. jugs from the store so that should be enough for mee to get buy on this grow ill have some pics up soon.
greenlanter: thats some crazy shit rite there i might need to experiment with that idea. i have done some hydro in the past, and mixing a oil medium to hold the plant while the roots hang down into the water is a brilliant idea, that way the roots dont have to struggle to get to the water and nutes. ever thought of throwing air stones in the bottom for more air?


Active Member
wow i saw some great bud porn and some great ideas on this journal. so glad i took the time out to read it. and glad i didnt miss the last 2 colas harvest time! let me know how those turn out looks like you should be smoking them in about a week.

and jcd do you have a link yo your grow journal id like to check that out as well. lookin good the hybrid was gorgeous and blueberry is one of my fav strains so im plannin on gettin that soon. whiteberry sounds like the best of both worlds a classic for bombness and blueberry all in one. ill look into it for my next grow where i actually spend money on shit!

keep it up


Well-Known Member
wow i saw some great bud porn and some great ideas on this journal. so glad i took the time out to read it. and glad i didnt miss the last 2 colas harvest time! let me know how those turn out looks like you should be smoking them in about a week.

and jcd do you have a link yo your grow journal id like to check that out as well. lookin good the hybrid was gorgeous and blueberry is one of my fav strains so im plannin on gettin that soon. whiteberry sounds like the best of both worlds a classic for bombness and blueberry all in one. ill look into it for my next grow where i actually spend money on shit!

keep it up

thanks bro im glad i could shed some insparation and give u some ideas. this blueberry is gonna be some dank when it dries. i got bout an 0z off tha 2 main colas and bout an qtr to an 8th off the smaller ones......hit me up when u get a journal started so i can see wuss good


Hey man just stoppin by and did a quick read through your grow. I seen you mentioned you had some un recognizable seeds on your plant in the numbers of 100!? That seems like a bit much and I was wondering why... I noticed in the beggining you said you were keeping that male you found in the garden in your window?.. How long did you keep that? Im just asking because if you kept that thing anywhere in the house you may have pollenated your BB with some garden shizz! It would pollenate the plant pretty easily even if it was in a completely separate room.

Well just wanted to stop by and say props to the harvest! Also just leave my 2 cents on why you may be getting those seeds =P


Well-Known Member
Hey man just stoppin by and did a quick read through your grow. I seen you mentioned you had some un recognizable seeds on your plant in the numbers of 100!? That seems like a bit much and I was wondering why... I noticed in the beggining you said you were keeping that male you found in the garden in your window?.. How long did you keep that? Im just asking because if you kept that thing anywhere in the house you may have pollenated your BB with some garden shizz! It would pollenate the plant pretty easily even if it was in a completely separate room.

Well just wanted to stop by and say props to the harvest! Also just leave my 2 cents on why you may be getting those seeds =P

aye wus good, hmm the only thing i can think of why they had so many seeds maybe is from when i went on vacation for 4 days and i just left the window open and juss used the sun, and maybe that put them back to veg state? the male i kept alive is all the ways down stairs on the window. and it died like in a week of me puttin it there. but its wierd because it only affected the bottom of the plant the tops were straight hard nuggs with no seeds and the bottom was nothing but seeds......
still got sum really good bud tho..and seeds for next op after my sog so hopefully there good seeds:shock:


aye wus good, hmm the only thing i can think of why they had so many seeds maybe is from when i went on vacation for 4 days and i just left the window open and juss used the sun, and maybe that put them back to veg state? the male i kept alive is all the ways down stairs on the window. and it died like in a week of me puttin it there. but its wierd because it only affected the bottom of the plant the tops were straight hard nuggs with no seeds and the bottom was nothing but seeds......
still got sum really good bud tho..and seeds for next op after my sog so hopefully there good seeds:shock:
Haha well damn then idk that was my only idea =P It would be kind of nice to be able to do that everytime though haha! Just germinate a few colas so you can always get some sexy seeds but without ruining the whole plant! So whats your next grow going to look like? Same setup n all? Same strain?


Well-Known Member
hmm well i got 2 the purps seeds and hash seeds germin rite now but i seems they have stopped, i put seeds in i moist paper towel and in a container and left it in my closet for 3 days, the seeds have cracked and the root is barely stickin out, but they havent moved in like 2 days wich got me worried.......i hope there still good cuz i wann try a sog with a purp strain and a hash strain... any advice?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you left them too long,that used to happen a lot when I used to use the paper towel method.You gotta put them in your medium right away when they crack.I just throw them in a cup of water now but the same will occur if you don't get them in the medium right after they crack.Once that happens there's really nothing you can do :cry:.Hope I'm wrong but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you left them too long,that used to happen a lot when I used to use the paper towel method.You gotta put them in your medium right away when they crack.I just throw them in a cup of water now but the same will occur if you don't get them in the medium right after they crack.Once that happens there's really nothing you can do :cry:.Hope I'm wrong but I doubt it.
damit them where my only purp and hash seeds fuckin a.........
hmm cuz i did that with my og bb but it only took one night for them to crack and get the root like 1 inch, thats why i didnt plant the purp and hash seeds right away cuz i used to wait till the roots were like 1 inch then i planted them and it used to work......
damn i m hella mad at my self now arrrghhh.......
how many days should i wait for them until i start a new batch?
if i dont get the purp and hash going then i guess its back to blue sog for me.....
thanks for tha info tho i would have been like wtf and waited for like 2 weeks for them haha


Well-Known Member
Did your seeds crack ,swell up and turn dark,with no tap root???If yes then they are gonners,If so I would get those other ones going asap.


Well-Known Member
Did your seeds crack ,swell up and turn dark,with no tap root???If yes then they are gonners,If so I would get those other ones going asap.
hmmm... naw the seeds cracked and the tap root was stickin out a lil but for like 3 days they havent moved.....
i started germin like 6 bb seeds juss in case ill put up sum pics of my sorta new setup soon once i get control over this seed situation.
yea i kno i need to get goin on this cuz my bb that i harvested is almost gone haha i gave too much away...... its funny cuz yesterday i smoked sum of my bb and the after taste was juss like blueberries.. i think the curing helped in the taste alot. cuz first it was juss tasted really sweet probably from all the molasses i used, but now i can taste the blueberry and its really strong.
hows everything goin with you and yours? hope everythang is good, see ya pimpin.


Well-Known Member
Yeah those seeds are done for sure,thats what I was talking bout but I forgot to mention about the tap root,you can see the end poking out a lil right??Just put it off as a lesson learned.I got my gurls in flowering already.11 in total 5 of the hybrid 3 of the new strain 3 of another.Show you some pics in in a day or 2.


Well-Known Member
thats sounds good man, cant wait ta see them, that hybrid looked like sound good dank....
man i need to hurry up and get this goin, hopefully i can get these new batch of bb seeds goin soon.