Help! 1st grow and seedlings are in trouble already!


Hey guys and gals. 1st time grower here so no haters please.

Germed ten feminised AMS seeds in Root Riot cubes in a propagator.
I am growing in a closet at the minute approximate size 3 x 2 x 5.5 with a 200w CFL overhead. Only been watering (no nutes).

Everything seemed to be going well apart from a slightly retarded plant being unable to shed the seed case. Then accidently forgot to replace the propagator lid this morning and have just returned to find some looking rather unwell. some of them are wilting quite bad and one has purplish colouring on the stem.

Ventilation is a problem in my closet and have just been opening the door to circulate. I am thinking that this is my problem but would like confirmation or any alternative suggestions.

This is my 1st post too so go easy. Any more info needed ask away.

Thanks in advance.