15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

i never said my name and besides i dont care man really im not to worried they have much bigger problems in my town than to try and bust me growin in drinking cups cor personal use there is a crack and meth epidimic goin on man ive got it covered and this is my 5 grow if i get noid ill move it simple as that
hey man new to the site im enjoying ur post and learning alot i have pitbulls to i have boyles redboy jocko dogs
i just smoke some iso hash i made yesterday off my S.Cough, easy way to get blowed without bags and all that ice.

u use ya leaf for anything
anyone know a good link to an explanation of topping. what it is? when to do it? etc. also does anyone have any advice for sexing those plants from my previous post? should I just change the light to 12/12 and then back when I know or should I just clone em?
I've got another light just like the one I have but I'm waitin on dude to get it to me he had it with a mother plant of mine and his landlord found it he says
anyone know a good link to an explanation of topping. what it is? when to do it? etc. also does anyone have any advice for sexing those plants from my previous post? should I just change the light to 12/12 and then back when I know or should I just clone em?
dident have time to awnser this eariler but i would just clone them and then sex em that way not as much stress on the plant, as for topping you do it to get two coals instead of just one i do it at the first node if your light schedule is 24/7 18/6 wait till the third node and take a pair of clean scissors and cut out the new growth to the next set of fan leaves and there ya go its topped fimming is basicially the same only tou take off half of the groth instead of all of it hope this awnsered your question
alright i looked just a minuit ago and no tap roots yet but hopefully tomorrow lights come on in an hour and i cant wait more work to do to the box hope i dont break anythin lol
well everything looks fine this mornin in the box ive still got downturned tips of leaves but im gonna treat it with a epsom salt watering and see if that helps the problem at all besides that they r showin hairs more and more cuz of the reflective material shoulda done it long ago instead of hurry ive learned my lesson patience friends wins in the long run
here is a pic of the neweste addition to my kennell this is kona her real name starts with my last name wich im not gonna give out haha she has some work to be done on her she is very timid and lashes out at strangers she has gotten better in just two days but she has a ways to go but no doubt the little girl will get there cant wait to see what she will produce in the future gotta see how she works first tho and the training begins lol.


  • Photo_071909_003.jpg
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nice pup. you dont like to clip the ears?

I dont know about pits opinon on this but I never ever eveerrr clip my dogs ears. I think they look much better with them long. This is my female rednoise Ki Ki..


  • Jan-Mar09_33.jpg
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she's pretty.. me, im against ear clipping.. not that its unethical it just takes alot of personality out of a dogs face.. and its harder for me to read signs with no ears.
she's pretty.. me, im against ear clipping.. not that its unethical it just takes alot of personality out of a dogs face.. and its harder for me to read signs with no ears.
excatly that is the reason i dont do it well said and besides if god would had wanted them to have cut ears they would come out that way the only cropping i approve of is show crop where the dog still has most of his ears. i got some more nutes its npk is 9-59-8 im gonna slowley introudce it to these girls and see if i can get em to pack it on and ive got about 4 seeds that have a tap root now