How is Over Population Being Control?


Calyx LED
I also think it's funny how drug companies can put a product on the world markets BEFORE the FDA or anyone gets a hold of it! WTF is up with that!? So Bayer can put plutonium in their aspirin and sell a few hundred million bottles before you start to see those legal commercials on TV for it, or the FDA doing anything.


Well-Known Member
I think over population is being control by some evil motherfuckers. For instant the H1N1 virus was engineered to wipe out the human race, why else would they be so focused on how many people it's killing than focusing on making a vaccine or even a cure. And did anyone ever ask the question why it started in Mexico? Well i did and i think it started in Mexico considering their very populated and since 'White People' are suppose to be the minority race on 2020 why not kill the people that's gonna be responsible for this new change? Another point why don't wealthier nations help other nations that's cursed with famine? The people in control look at this as way to control world population... What a fucked up world we live in.

Your Thoughts?

Every day I see you post some paragraph about your thoughts on world issues......the problem with this is you are GROSSLY over simplifying problems that do not have a simple fix........Just because the news was focused on how many people were dieing from the flu doesn't mean RESEARCHERS were not working day and night trying to fine a vaccine.........I guess my point is these problems you seem to know so much about are not as simple as you make them out to be.....


Active Member
Every day I see you post some paragraph about your thoughts on world issues......the problem with this is you are GROSSLY over simplifying problems that do not have a simple fix........Just because the news was focused on how many people were dieing from the flu doesn't mean RESEARCHERS were not working day and night trying to fine a vaccine.........I guess my point is these problems you seem to know so much about are not as simple as you make them out to be.....
I understand these problems can't be fixed overnight. It takes time, i know we can't expect drastic change tomorrow. But it helps to make everyone aware, you can't expect change if you don't know whats wrong.