deficiency of ????


can you guys help me identify this problem?

my temp varies between 78 and 86 degrees, i water when my meter reads almost dry, and my ph is around 7, they get fresh outside air everyday for about 4 hours and i have a fan on 18 hours per day, they are on a 18/6 light cycle.

thx in advance



Well-Known Member
can you guys help me identify this problem?

my temp varies between 78 and 86 degrees, i water when my meter reads almost dry, and my ph is around 7, they get fresh outside air everyday for about 4 hours and i have a fan on 18 hours per day, they are on a 18/6 light cycle.

thx in advance
What are you using for soil?

It looks like you polished your pots for the pics, never seen such shiny pots before. You make me feel like a slacker.


type of lights? how close? nutes? looks like to me heat rash. maybe a bit of nute burn or a combo.
the lights are 4 fluorscent tubes, 2 normal ones and 2 growlux, they are far enough from the plant not to burn it, i used some liquid fertilizer in the beginning but i stopped as soon as they started yellowing, and have not fed again, i also flushed them like 10 days ago and havent watered since.