fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Hey again wondering "because people have got me skeptical" does your "best" looking plant always turn out male?
or whats the percentage is what im asking....:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey again wondering "because people have got me skeptical" does your "best" looking plant always turn out male?
or whats the percentage is what im asking....:weed:
My best looking plant have always been female. now my fast growing 2 inch a day plants have always been male but thats not your question. as far as percentages goes i dont keep records of males to female ratio so sorry.


Well-Known Member
well the plants that seem to do the best, are the biggest, and the most lush, they really do tend to be males, so percentage wise....id say maybe a 83% chance of it being a male. but you'll never know until u flower it

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
yea i got sum bagseed planted them a month 1/4 ago growin slow i must of stunted the growth when i nursed them bakk 2 health after a horrible 4th of july accident that killed half of my plants

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
they only mid grade but im gunna try my best to get as little seeds as possibvle by watching for any signs of males
yes...dammit. EVERY time! I get one or two BIG FAT Happy plants and a whole bunch of little, dainty ones...and you can BET them bigs will turn out to be males.
Somebody explained it to me this way: It Nature's way. The males get bigger sooner so they will tower ABOVE the girls and have PLENTY of pollen sacs to shoot all over those shorter gals...sigh. Sucks, dont it?



Well-Known Member
the males have to grow above the females to ensure pollen delivery to the lower females.. nature at work here.. and a good indicator... but never fool proof...


Active Member
Dont waste your time growing a male plant. Been there and it aint worth shit. It will also pollenate your room and destroy future grows.


Active Member
I bought feminized seeds from nirvana and one of them is a MONSTER. Not tall wise just lush and bushy with a HUGE stalk. If its male Im gunna pull it and beat the piss out of it hahaha


Well-Known Member
well..if they are male, why dont u take some pollen and keep it in a pill bottle, later one, when ur plants are budding, u can select a bud to pollenate and produce seeds. so you will have more little plants to grow later on if u ever decide to quit or something happens and ur forced to quit. and im pretty sure that in doing so your seeds would be females, but im not sure about that one lol


Well-Known Member
but im gunna grow my big one even if its a male i can have it for decoration its a male its not illegal
Maybe I'm missing something, WHY would it not be illegal? Where I live a decoration like that will win you a free ride in a police car. And a warrant to search the premises.


Well-Known Member
yes...dammit. EVERY time! I get one or two BIG FAT Happy plants and a whole bunch of little, dainty ones...and you can BET them bigs will turn out to be males.
Somebody explained it to me this way: It Nature's way. The males get bigger sooner so they will tower ABOVE the girls and have PLENTY of pollen sacs to shoot all over those shorter gals...sigh. Sucks, dont it?

the males have to grow above the females to ensure pollen delivery to the lower females.. nature at work here.. and a good indicator... but never fool proof...
I'm gonna call false on this one. While being taller may help, nature doesnt usually leave pollen transfer up to gravity. There is A LOT of pollen in each male banana and very little breeze is needed to make it airborne. It also goes against other plans that nature has. As far as nature and natural selection go, it is better to be pollinated by plants further away and less related. Also, being tall means more sun. I doubt that a female plant benefits at all by having other mj plants around it blocking its sunlight. The fact that males are taller probably has more to do with the fact that its not growing buds or something along those lines.

but im gunna grow my big one even if its a male i can have it for decoration its a male its not illegal
Yeah, still illegal...