Lighting 16/8 or 24/0


Well-Known Member
I have read all about lighting and light cycles that the plants need and which ones cause which change in the plant. I am attempting my first grow and am wondering which is most recommended for beginners, 16/8 or 24/0 thanks


Active Member

Some people say that a plant can only absorb 18 hours of light per 24 hours,
My first grow which is at 5 weeks was put under 24/7 lighting for 1 month and she grew great so i would recommend that.


Well-Known Member
Thanks I will go with that one then, I would think more light = more results, don't see how the plant wouldn't use the other 6 hours so yeah 24/0 it is thanks everyone.


Active Member
You may not see how but i also think it is true although i use 24/7 lighting.
Alot of people have tried both 18/6 and 24/0 and cannot see any differance.

Good luck on your grow


Well-Known Member
You may not see how but i also think it is true although i use 24/7 lighting.
Alot of people have tried both 18/6 and 24/0 and cannot see any differance.

Good luck on your grow
i saw a difference and there is a difference.with 24 hours your gonna have small internodes a bushy plant.sometimes its good but sometimes bad if light canot penetrate.i prefer 20/4 cos its somekinda balanced.more night time=more height.


Well-Known Member
If you dont want to risk too much then try this. 24/0 for the first 2 weeks. The back it off to 18/6. I know the 24 on for the first feww weeks really help things get started. But after that 18/6 has always served me well. And if I am growing a touchy strain then I will gradually reduce to 12/12 2 hrs a week. 18/6-16/8-14/14-12/12. Good luck in your gro dude.


Well-Known Member
couple things..

first you want 18 or more hours of light for sure... whether you choose 18/6, 19/5, 20/4, 21/3, 22/2, 23/1, or 24/0 you need to have AT LEAST 18 hours of light to veg.... you can use less but the results will be more than likely less than satisfying...

second what you choose doesnt matter... there are some questions you can answer to help you decide what works best...

1) are temps going to be an issue?? if you know its going to get too warm in the middle of the day to make you feel comfortable you may choose to have a dark cycle in the middle of the day... in which case a 24/0 cycle wouldnt be as good for you as an 18/6 or 20/4...

2) the obvious question of electrical consumption.. we can all stand to save some money on electrcity.. but are the hours of darkness worth the money you save??

3) how available are your nutes to your plant?? i say this because, for instance, in a hydro environment where the plant is constantly feed nutrient rich water. all the nutes it needs to maintain steady prolific growth is available.. but in soil, where nutes have to be broken down to become available to the plant, it is possible that the nutes arent available to the plant as quick or in the amounts the plant needs.. so have a dark cycle, where the plant functions are slowed and nutes are used less, it can give the nutes in the soil time to break down to keep heavy growth for your plants during the light cycle... so a dark cycle in this case would benefit in a round about way.... make sense??

4) how much co2 is available to your plants?? is it going to have a fresh air intake or are you using co2 supplement?? reason this is thrown in is plants use co2 in large quantities... if you know that you wont be able to supply enough co2 to your plant to keep it growing at a steady rate, you might want to consider a dark cycle to allow your co2 levels to rise in and around the grow room so that when the lights are back on and growth starts again , there will be a fresh supply of co2 for them...

i think there are a lot of factors such as those people dont consider when deciding what cycle to run... plants need to have even levels of everything to maintain constant growth... plenty of co2 or fresh air, light, nutes, and water... or at least the amount of any one area will depend on how much of the other areas are available... if you cant keep everything in balance all the time during a 24/0 cycle it can be worth a dark cycle.. the dark cycle would work as a buffer zone to allow everything to even out.. or at least give you a chance as a grower to use time to get things back in balance... i really hope this makes sense.. or that i explained it well...


Active Member
Everyone to there own, but my last grow grew to 18" in 1month so i do recon it grew better than using 18 or 20 hrs light


Well-Known Member
i saw a difference and there is a difference.with 24 hours your gonna have small internodes a bushy plant.sometimes its good but sometimes bad if light canot penetrate.i prefer 20/4 cos its somekinda balanced.more night time=more height.
He is right about internode spacing. That is why 24 on for the first two weeks. Maybe three. But after that I am not sure there many other advantages.


Well-Known Member
i do want to add real quick there is a slight difference in plants tho.. the longer the dark cycle the more the plant can stretch... 18/6 plants will have further node spacing and be less bushy than a 24/0 plant... there is not the "dark" cycle stretch with 18/6..

using 18/6 can help if you dont have lights that penetrate well.. but remember... the taller the plant grows, the further from the bottom foliage you get, the less light is reaching the bottom of the plant...


Active Member
He is right about internode spacing. That is why 24 on for the first two weeks. Maybe three. But after that I am not sure there many other advantages.

I know the pic is not the best but her nodes dont look to close together and she is 18" tall,
lets see some pics of other cycles and compare.



Well-Known Member
I know the pic is not the best but her nodes dont look to close together and she is 18" tall,
lets see some pics of other cycles and compare.
Same plant. 24/0 first 10 days then 18/6 all the way till flowering. Pic 1 is about a week before it went into 12/12. Pic 2 is harvest. As you can see, nice tight plant. Much much strecthing to speak of.



Well-Known Member
Same plant. 24/0 first 10 days then 18/6 all the way till flowering. Pic 1 is about a week before it went into 12/12. Pic 2 is harvest. As you can see, nice tight plant. Much much strecthing to speak of.
Not as bushy as sampsons, nice tite plant dude! But still decent. Usually less than 80 days germ to finish for most indicas. For me it is the right size plant. Easy to care for and nice yield. Everybody finds thier own groove. So in the end I bet you will also. First grow, I can remember mine. Seemed to go so slow. Just be patient and you will do fine.