

New Member
ok, i just found out i have 3 male plants what to do with em???

they all have ball sacks n that sux.. but oh well i have 3 girls... HOPEFULLY..

might be a dumb question but i dont know it..

what do you all do with males???

thank you...:peace:


Well-Known Member
personally I would move the male plants to a different room and then i would collect all the pollen off of them so i can knock up a female later down the road... or you can make hash or oil out of it.. some say to just throw them away but i think they should be used for my benefit.


Well-Known Member
if you bought the seeds then i would suggest cutting off several polen sacks before you kill them.. then polenate just one bud off of a female so you can have some really good seeds for your next grow


New Member
if you bought the seeds then i would suggest cutting off several polen sacks before you kill them.. then polenate just one bud off of a female so you can have some really good seeds for your next grow
they are just plain ol bagseed that i had.. so im not too worried but still sux..:peace:


Active Member
If you're killing your males and planning on making canna butter with them I hope you vegged those dicks out for like 2 months like 3, 10 inch plants made into canna butter isn't going to get you more than a buzz.