yellowing leaves


my plant is about 21 inches I transplanted it about a month ago and now I have the yellow leaves again I am using scotts potting soil and I use just regular tap water and sun light. I just use miracle grow drops for the first time. I hope some one can help give some advice. this is my first baby.



I am about to spray some neem oil on it to kill any bugs that may be hiding in the leaves. I am also going to put down sticky bug traps on top of the dirt. If anyone can help I am all ears


Active Member
First and foremost, before you do anything I would go and buy a decent PH meter and see what the PH reading of your tap water comes out to. Bear in mind PH is a HUGE factor, and may be the basis of your issue. Please post back once you have this info. Secondly, IMO I wouldn't be treating for bugs unless you are sure you have an issue. A magnifying glass is super helpful here. I've also never used MG nutes on my plants as quite a few of the experienced growers on this forum advise against them. What are the nute levels of the MG you are using (Nitrogen, phosp., etc.)? Let us know what you find?


Well-Known Member
Don't try to use Miracle Grow as your nutrients. Do some reading about nutrients and what MJ needs. There are plenty of decent options available at the hardware store (although not the best, they can definitely work).

This plant doesn't look like it's been grown under the sun either, why is it so stretched out? Are you growing it in a window sill? How many hours/day is it getting of DIRECT sunlight?

Getting a PH meter and testing your water is very important. Most importantly checking the ph of the runoff water coming from the bottom of the pots.

How often are you watering? How are you determining when it's time to water again? They look slightly overwatered.


Well-Known Member
dude to me it looks like the start of heat stress how hot is it wherever this thing lives
wait did you say you used drops of mg nutes it usally has to be mixed rite? howed you mix them


I used 15 drops for 1 quart of water, The temp in the room is about 75 degrees. It sits on a table top by the window so it gets about 4-5 hours direct sunlight and the rest of the day it gets regular light. ( daylight hours) about the neem oil thing, I have found tiny tiny little white bugs like the size of a pin head on the leaves. and today I found white kinda looking fly. I will get a ph tester at walmart tomorrow. I water it about every 3 days or as it needs it.


the bottle of miracle grow says
miracle gro liquid houseplant food 8-7-6
total nitrogen 8%
1.2%ammoniacal nitrogen
1.2%nitrate nitrogen
5.6%urea nitrogen

Available phosphate7%
solable potash 6%

I also put down a pest strip on top of the dirt.

What do you recommend to feed it that is simple for me to do?


Well-Known Member
k those are called white flies kill them, temps good , and way to much nutes it shoud be 14 drops per gallon if im not mistaken but always start a plant on 1/4 doses... k to fix this youll need to flush the plant .... but first what soil did you use?


Well-Known Member
ur main problem is ur using inferior soil to grow in.

go to a nursery and pick up a good organic soil with all the micro organizms, then add 1/3 wormcasting, and 1/3 perlite.

this should eliminate ur yellowing. also piss in a gallon of water and feed her now



Active Member
you mean actual piss? what does that do?
Contains Nitrogen. You must dillute though. I wouldn't be putting piss on my plants though (just my opinion)...not with all those wonderful nutes you can get from grow shops. Especially since you are growing inside. Even dilluted, that piss is gonna smell.


Active Member
what should I buy as a fertilizer that wont cost an arm and a leg?
I like to use "General Hydroponics" which is a three part liquid nute. I like the fact that you can adjust the levels of what you give out of each bottle to match the growing stage of your plant. Of course you may want to get something for micro nutes as well. Remember, a little goes a long way...I know you might look at a bottle of nutes and think "holy shit, this is pricey", BUT you really don't use that much, so they will last through quite a few grows (especially noting that you aren't growning a "field" of plants)


Well-Known Member
read this

it explains NPK ratings (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium)

youll see numbers on the back of any fert or nute package like this
15-8-9, 14-3-11, 5-8-8

N-Nitrogen content is the first number
P-Phosphorus content is the second
K-Potassium content being the third

there are also micronutrients these are im portant but not so much as the main three

k now that you can read the labels we can move on to which ones

ex. 15-8-8 high in N. Good for vegging

ex. 5-12-9 high in phosporus Good for flowering

ex. 3-6-9 high in potassium Good for flowering

now to organics like fish emultion fert ( i like)
theres many organic ferts that are alot less harsh on the plants
and MG can be a good fert BUT only when it is used properly in moderation its real picky

(this came from
These nutrients play many different roles in plants. Here are some of their dominant functions:
o Nitrogen (N)–promotes development of new leaves
o Phosphorus (P)–aids in root growth and blooming
o Potassium (K)–important for disease resistance and aids growth in extreme temperatures
o Sulfur (S)–contributes to healthy, dark green color in leaves
o Calcium (Ca)–promotes new root and shoot growth
o Magnesium (Mg)–chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their green color and absorbs sunlight to make food, contains a Mg ion


Well-Known Member
None of that is going to matter. 4-5 hours of direct sunlight isn't enough. Are you planning to flower this plant from a window sill also? It's one thing to get a little sprout going, but you are just going to end up with an ugly stretched out monster that won't produce any bud.

Are you planning to eventually actually PUT this plant outside?

Don't piss in your plants, get some plant food from the Home Depot, try to find something with a decent NPK rating and you should be just fine. I've seen it done with Shultz and others.


Well-Known Member
None of that is going to matter. 4-5 hours of direct sunlight isn't enough. Are you planning to flower this plant from a window sill also? It's one thing to get a little sprout going, but you are just going to end up with an ugly stretched out monster that won't produce any bud.

Are you planning to eventually actually PUT this plant outside?

Don't piss in your plants, get some plant food from the Home Depot, try to find something with a decent NPK rating and you should be just fine. I've seen it done with Shultz and others.

he is right either get some lights or get it outside before worrying about the nutes


Well-Known Member
you mean actual piss? what does that do?
urine contains amonia witch is coverted to nitrogen when it comes in contact with the carbon in the soil.:hump:

these were grown on piss

no yellowing here.
your own piss is very economic way to give ur girls what they need during veg. u can also use rabbit poop, bird poop for flowing.... there plwnty of good low cost options.

try your local nursery they have organic ferts in a box from e.b stone or witney farms ther good stuff. for under 10 bucks
