First Time Grow!!! Sexes?

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
I have no clue if they are male or female but the 3 big ones have been growing since May 1st and the rest I am not quite sure but yea they all look really healthly but when will the begin to flower is my question they need 12/12 to begin flowering. I bought a maginifer to see if i could tell but I still dont know. Plus what kind of nutes do u guys think i should be feeding these monsters?


grow space

Well-Known Member
Sorry my camera sucks dick!!! Thats all I can do man. Ne help on what nutes i should be feeding them??
if you keep hem in vegg then nutes with high N, but as you are starting to introduce them into 12-12 then switch to bloom nutes-high P and high K, N is no important to us anymore.

p.s-whos going to change the avatars, you or me lol :):peace:

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
if you keep hem in vegg then nutes with high N, but as you are starting to introduce them into 12-12 then switch to bloom nutes-high P and high K, N is no important to us anymore.

p.s-whos going to change the avatars, you or me lol :):peace:
Well thanks for the help wit the nutes and telling me that the pics suck but hey atleast the plants look good to bad cant tell what gender yet. Hopefully u change urs bc I love this avatar it fits me perfect!!!:joint:

grow space

Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the help wit the nutes and telling me that the pics suck but hey atleast the plants look good to bad cant tell what gender yet. Hopefully u change urs bc I love this avatar it fits me perfect!!!:joint:
ah you bastard man-aint going to change mine, but they are still little diffrent-yours is brighter:)


Well-Known Member
Rather tricky at this point sir, no sex for your youngin's yet, another 2/3 weeks at least if not a month to be positive about sex on those, I just chopped 2 7 ft males (90% sure) that had no hairs while 3 others did, there's another enormous ( believe male ) to be taken down soon as I don't want it sprewing in my ladies, I'm using the stalk as a walking/yard stick, real came in handy going through the thickets, the stalk is as hard normal wood like bamboo, wait a month, early august you'll know those plants must have been planted in mid/late May.


blazed again they look alright man keep it up...its my first time and iv grown outdoors in pots and used rainwater and a biofeed and its all seemed pretty easy, their are better ways i spose but its down to the person, mine are budding but dont know when to flush them and how really......check out my pics and comment if anyone can help

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
Rather tricky at this point sir, no sex for your youngin's yet, another 2/3 weeks at least if not a month to be positive about sex on those, I just chopped 2 7 ft males (90% sure) that had no hairs while 3 others did, there's another enormous ( believe male ) to be taken down soon as I don't want it sprewing in my ladies, I'm using the stalk as a walking/yard stick, real came in handy going through the thickets, the stalk is as hard normal wood like bamboo, wait a month, early august you'll know those plants must have been planted in mid/late May.
Nah man I plated these from seeds to ground on May 1st I thought for sure I would be able to tell by now!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah...I figured they woulda showed by now. Mine showed about 2 weeks ago and she was planted around May 18th. Just be patient. You know what you're supposed to be looking for, right?

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
Yeah...I figured they woulda showed by now. Mine showed about 2 weeks ago and she was planted around May 18th. Just be patient. You know what you're supposed to be looking for, right?
yea I no what to look for but I dont see shit rite now u lucky basturd mine were planted before yours n i am still waitin

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
damn ill trade u plants if ya want smokestar bc I have no clue on the sexes but yea to flush u just dont wanna give ur plants nutes to late into bloom bc they will keep the nutes inside which makes smoke harsh. So juss water the fuck out of them when u get to the last week or so.

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
jonboy did u bring ur plants on 12/12 lightin or they juss showed outside bc the light n dark hours over here arent that close it stays light out til like 830-9


Well-Known Member
jonboy did u bring ur plants on 12/12 lightin or they juss showed outside bc the light n dark hours over here arent that close it stays light out til like 830-9
nope...just let her do her thing. I started her in a 1 gallon pot. Then when she was 4 weeks old, I transplanted her into the ground with nice virgin soil, and composted humus. Got the seeds from a reputable seed bank...high quality genetics I'm gonna assume. I attached pics of my Swiss Cheese when I first put her into the ground on 6-24-09 and as of this morning. I also have another crop of 4 Automatic Little Angels from Ministry of Cannabis. All females.

When th white hairs on your bud sites starts to change color-wait untill 50-60 % on the pistills change 4 white to red, brown clodish:):peace:
Get yourself a 420 scope from Radioshack. when the trichomes are 50%cloudy 50%amber you know its time to harvest. Start flushing when all the trichs are clear.



Well-Known Member
Looks bussy which is nice most time males stay slim looking abd the malls are going to smell way before your females will once they start growing pollen balls....but they look good nice grow keep it up just dont rush it