Hey Guys, I'm on the PC at the Employment Ofiice, looking for a Gardening Job. Any way, for Pot Laws, see NORML Texas, Ark, etc, it has the latest. With Me, no baggies, intent to sell, (4 lbs +), and there is no Cultivation laws. I'm looking at 2 to 10 charge. I'll pass, the food really sucks. Talked to some County Clerk yesterday, the Bust in Nov., the Grand Jury didn't indite,(spelling?), nor did the fucks drop it, just ignored the case. So, hell, by the time the shit gets to Court, Some of the Texas RIU Guys & myself will be living in a Commune, growing shit, or something. Dumped 200 gals of water this morning on the Pea Patch. Fuck, I don't have any peas planted, but kicking butt with the maze, corn, sunflower seeds, birdhouse gords, morning glory's, etc. I grow my own cammo, and I want it to look nice for another bust.... or not. Step Off Master of Gen, fuck a pic. He's done a whole lot for Us, and the Dude is a Youngster. Spider Mites is bad this year, from what the Gardeners are saying. Spray 2 tbs of seaweed with 1 tbs of molasses, every 7 to 10 days. Child molester Barney Franks, Congress, is trying to pass a medical bill for POT. Everybody help out. See mari-project etc. later Dudes.