I had a heart attack...


Well-Known Member
Hey there guys, just thought maybe some of yous could insight me on this as the doctors down the hospital didn't really do much....

At around... Febuary of this year i was rushed into hospital after having some bad chest pains (im 18, 17 at the time). I couldn't breath much, my chest hurt like no man, and i had severe pains down my right arm.

Has anyone else ever encountered this? I asked the doctors what it was after being in there for 14 hours, needles in my arms, on the drip constantly having ecb scans (or wotever they are called).

I've been perfectly healthy before i started smoking the herb but i dont think its related at all, and i just wanna prove to people that it isn't related. If anyone has any experience in this field or has experienced this then let me know ? :)

I wasn't stoned or smoking whilst this happened, it was early in the morning. I may well of smoked the night before but not during that day. (until around 30 minutes after getting out of hospital and blimey did that spliff taste nice!)

Anyone else experienced anything like this? or any other interesting stories to tell? Be nice to get a thread going about the bad things that have happened... i spose...


Well-Known Member
They said if i was the age at which yu cud have heart attacks, for instance say i was 30, they would of put me straight down as a heart attack, but because of my age back then (being a minor) they put down some other technical name for it.

Yu experienced anything liek this bro?
I get some weird shit now, when i smoke sometimes i feel like my heart is hurting, but i recon its just me conjuring the actual pain. I will never accuse mary jane of doin any damage to my body, hense why im still here smoking it, i just wanted to learn a bit more about it and hopefully become a bit more involved in this community :)

The exact diagnosis was that the tissue around my heart had become swollen giving my heart less room to work in, so it was basically squeezing my heart making it harder to do everything.


Well-Known Member
i gotta just re-assure yu i aint going for sympathy and i dont go down well with it, im just wanting to learn a bit more about it sorta thing :) or if anyone else has had a similar problem and knows why it wud of been caused :)

Happy smokin


Well-Known Member
could you be suffering from COPD? what about a heart murmur. both of those could lead to extreme chestpains. dont quite explain the arm hurting. but based on what you say. if you do have a physical condition related to the heart and/or lungs and certified examiner is going to tell you not to smoke. do you smoke cigarettes? i would blame those before the mj


Well-Known Member
i dont think i did back then, but a lot of mj. and im from the UK so we roll joints with backy in. I'm hopeing its not gonna be anything serious but around 8/10 these days my heart is getting fucked up when i smoke... i think whats happening is im getting paranoid and conjuring the pains in my chest... it definatly does beat differently tho but i've always had a really powerful heart beat, as in it moves my chest and sometimes my whole stomach aswell.

Those 2 things you mentioned aren't serious are they? I dont really wanna go through any operation or anything like that, i hate needles! :P


Well-Known Member
I did however notice its doing it less and less recently which is a real relief cus its a proper party pooper when your raveing it up and then suddenly yu feel shit if yu get me? I used to be addicted to high cafine content drinks (relentless) still drink them every now and then but i cut down a lot. Cant imagine that helped at all...

Slik: Whats that? :)


Well-Known Member
i would be checked for a heart murmur. caffeine smoke and workin or exercise can affect your heart. i would go and get a second opinion. it sounds a lot like a heart murmur


Well-Known Member
& wot is a heart murmur is it gonna happen often? I mean its been quite a few months since i had it now and im feeling fine. I excercise a LOT, my bmi is 19.5, im in a perfectly fit state, so i dunno why it'd suddenly start happening to me, i've only been smoking (ciggys) for around half a year if that and bud for around a year or maybe 3/4 of a year.


Well-Known Member
were you goin through high levels off stress at the time? maybe you didnt have a heart attact but a panic attact and and was experienceing some some very high levels of xzaninty! i go through that shit!! ( i know i caint spell worth a fuck )! peace


Well-Known Member
They said if i was the age at which yu cud have heart attacks, for instance say i was 30, they would of put me straight down as a heart attack, but because of my age back then (being a minor) they put down some other technical name for it.

Yu experienced anything liek this bro?
I get some weird shit now, when i smoke sometimes i feel like my heart is hurting, but i recon its just me conjuring the actual pain. I will never accuse mary jane of doin any damage to my body, hense why im still here smoking it, i just wanted to learn a bit more about it and hopefully become a bit more involved in this community :)

The exact diagnosis was that the tissue around my heart had become swollen giving my heart less room to work in, so it was basically squeezing my heart making it harder to do everything.
The scary thing is, you CAN have heart attacks that young. A 17 year old in my area died while playing hockey this year from a heart attack.

Hoping your alright.


Well-Known Member
Mate, i cant spell for shit either, i wudn't get worried over it... haha :P (like what i did there?)
i dont think i was stressed, i've never had any sort of problems with stress before, i've got quite an easy life... I was single at the time so it is possible but i really doubt it.

I remember going to the doctor a few hours before and he worked on my back because i have some problems with it, slipped it or something once and the muscles in my back grew back wrong so i tend to tense my shoulders from time to time without knowing.

But anyway, i went to him around 9am in the morning and he gave me some medication and said 'i shud be able to slip it back in a bit' and he started giving me a massage on my back to try and push it around or something, anyways, it FUCKING hurt and he was pushing pretty hard, im suprised it didn't snap! :P

Do you think he cud of caused the swelling around the heart? (it was definatly swelling i just dont know why)

cheers for the replies guys, yu may be saving a life... :P


Well-Known Member
goten could be right too. but a heart murmur is a hole in your heart. and if you have one you most likely had it since birth


Well-Known Member
The scary thing is, you CAN have heart attacks that young. A 17 year old in my area died while playing hockey this year from a heart attack.

Hoping your alright.
dont tell me that bro! :P
im hopeing the pains will sort of just fade away cus i aint had any other heart problems before hand. I'll be sure to post if anything does change with it but i might go get it checked out for peace of mind sake.


Well-Known Member
the thing is what everyone say could be right. without a diagnosis you dont know. if you disagree with the doctor who diagnosed you go to another doctor and get a follow up. if the doctor said thats whats wrong with you, you should have had a followup appointment scheduled. i hope you get better but no one knows your body like you do and if you second guess the doctor get a second opinion. if i were you that what i would do.


Well-Known Member
dont tell me that bro! :P
im hopeing the pains will sort of just fade away cus i aint had any other heart problems before hand. I'll be sure to post if anything does change with it but i might go get it checked out for peace of mind sake.
Man its your heart, if you dont feel 100% about it. Then go to a another doctor and see what he says. You still got alot of life ahead of you, and you need a heart to make it anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Yeh your both right, i'll go down the gp and get it checked out, do a few scans or something. It'd probaly leave me releaved at the end of it.

Only thing is, it cud also tell me about something i dont want to hear, then i'd have to live with knowing i had something and who knows if it cud be bad or very bad and think of the additional stress. Its the like the question if yu had terminal cancer, would you want to know you had it? or would you prefer to just not find out and live your life normal until one day you die?

Quite a big question, wot you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Yeh your both right, i'll go down the gp and get it checked out, do a few scans or something. It'd probaly leave me releaved at the end of it.

Only thing is, it cud also tell me about something i dont want to hear, then i'd have to live with knowing i had something and who knows if it cud be bad or very bad and think of the additional stress. Its the like the question if yu had terminal cancer, would you want to know you had it? or would you prefer to just not find out and live your life normal until one day you die?

Quite a big question, wot you guys think?
Id want to know how long I have left, So I can quit my job and spend my remaining live doing whatever I love to do.