• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Pro Alex Jones Thread.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
then present the evidence. to get angry when people don't just take your word for it is not very reasonable. i mean, do you want to convince someone like me or do you just want to surround yourself with people who believe the exact same thing and say "you're right dude" "preach on brother" ad nauseam? i would hope your goal would be the former or whats the point?
do you believe that there are to many peopl in the world and the new world order has plans to decrese global population by 80%???? or is this just a lie crazy ppl like alex jones and me would think up?


Active Member
do you believe that there are to many peopl in the world and the new world order has plans to decrese global population by 80%???? or is this just a lie crazy ppl like alex jones and me would think up?
no. i don't believe it. so...convince me. repeating blanket statements and linking me to infowars and affiliate sites just wont do, though.

do i believe that you and alex jones are crazy? no. i believe that some people start with a well-placed mistrust in their government but then just go off on a ridiculous tangent. why? because they form a type of information-cult and wall themselves off from any other form of media/info. when this happens, any idea seems plausible when your peers are so quick to eagerly say "you're right!". it's a hostile and absolutist approach which accomplishes nothing. (you either believe alex jones or you're a sheep)

Dolce Vita

Active Member
no. i don't believe it. so...convince me. repeating blanket statements and linking me to infowars and affiliate sites just wont do, though.

do i believe that you and alex jones are crazy? no. i believe that some people start with a well-placed mistrust in their government but then just go off on a ridiculous tangent. why? because they form a type of information-cult and wall themselves off from any other form of media/info. when this happens, any idea seems plausible when your peers are so quick to eagerly say "you're right!". it's a hostile and absolutist approach which accomplishes nothing. (you either believe alex jones or you're a sheep)
ok i did not get this from alex jones or info wars, found this on my won and it supports his genral theory.

[SIZE=+1]Scientists Create GM Corn Which Prevents Human Conception
[SIZE=-1] Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn. Waiving fields of maize may one day save the world from overpopulation. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte, where researchers have discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]By isolating the genes that regulate the manufacture of these antibodies, and by putting them in corn plants, the company has created tiny horticultural factories that make contraceptives. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]"We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies," said Epicyte president Mitch Hein. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]"We have also created corn plants that make antibodies against the herpes virus, so we should be able to make a plant-based jelly that not only prevents pregnancy but also blocks the spread of sexual disease." [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Contraceptive corn is based on research on the rare condition, immune infertility, in which a woman makes antibodies that attack sperm. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]"Essentially, the antibodies are attracted to surface receptors on the sperm," said Hein. "They latch on and make each sperm so heavy it cannot move forward. It just shakes about as if it was doing the lambada." [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Normally, biologists use bacteria to grow human proteins. However, Epicyte decided to use corn because plants have cellular structures that are much more like those of humans, making them easier to manipulate. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]The company, which says it will not grow the maize near other crops, says it plans to launch clinical trials of the corn in a few months.


Active Member
ok so there is a strain of corn created which can be used as a contraceptive and also to prevent the spread of herpes.
so how did we make the leap from that to government mandated population control?

Dolce Vita

Active Member
corn is what we eat!!! how is that not government involved with the population problem.
monsantos GM fields are close to regular non GM fields, and alls it takes as bugs to cross pollinate the two fields and next year, your taking a risk eating corn. idk maybe i wont have kids after all. im not saying a population decrese of 80% is a bad thing, actually i want that. but its on the agenda of the new world order and this is where it starts. i report you decide

Dolce Vita

Active Member
Yall need to know about monsantos terminator seeds as well! the global elite need to make a global food shortage and monsantos terminator technology is gonna do it.

terminator seeds are seeds, say cor, you buy from Monsanto and plant, they grow 1 time and the seeds on that cob will not grow! that gives Monsanto an enormous amount of control. if a domestic terrorist wanted to cripple our food supply all they would have to do is destroy the fields that grow the terminator seeds.

this is not a conspiracy its in yall's face and you ignore it like it has no important what so ever. this is bad ppl this is how we will be starved in the future

Monsanto is in the process of acquiring and patenting their newest technology, known as "Terminator Technology." This technology is currently the greatest threat to humanity. If it is used by Monsanto on a large-scale basis, it will inevitably lead to famine and starvation on a worldwide basis.

Billions of people on the planet are supported by farmers who save seeds from the crops and replant these seeds the following year. Seeds are planted. The crop is harvested. And the seeds from the harvest are replanted the following year. Most farmers cannot afford to buy new seeds every year, so collecting and replanting seeds is a crucial part of the agricultural cycle. This is the way food has been grown successfully for thousands of years.

With Monsanto's terminator technology, they will sell seeds to farmers to plant crops. But these seeds have been genetically-engineered so that when the crops are harvested, all new seeds from these crops are sterile (e.g., dead, unusable). This forces farmers to pay Monsanto every year for new seeds if they want to grow their crops.

In less rich countries, hundreds of millions of people rely heavily on small farms which produce foods for the region. If these farms begin to use Monsanto's terminator technology, and cannot afford to buy new genetically engineered seeds from Monsanto the following year, many of the people in the region may starve. Under normal circumstances, food could be brought in from other regions. However, many of those other regions will likely have the same problems with famine due to Monsanto's terminator technology.

  • "It's terribly dangerous," says Hope Shand, "half the world's farmers are poor and can't afford to buy seed every growing season, yet poor farmers grow 15 to 20% of the world's food and they directly feed at least 1.4 billion people - 100 million in Latin America, 300 million in Africa, and 1 billion in Asia. These farmers depend upon saved seed and their own breeding skills in adapting other varieties for use on their (often marginal) lands."
What is even more frightening is that traits from genetically-engineered crops can get passed on to other crops. Once the terminator seeds are released into a region, the trait of seed sterility could be passed to other non-genetically-engineered crops making most or all of the seeds in the region sterile.

  • Camila Montecinos, an agronomist with the Chilean organization, CET, has another concern, "We've talked to a number of crop geneticists who have studied the patent," she says. "They're telling us that it's likely that pollen from crops carrying the Terminator trait will infect the fields of farmers who either reject or can't afford the technology. Their crop won't be affected that season but when farmers reach into their bins to sow seed the following season they could discover - too late - that some of their seed is sterile. This could lead to very high yield losses. If the technology is transmitted through recessive genes, we could see several years of irregular harvests and a general - even dramatic - decline in food security for the poorest farm communities."
Because of the worldwide condemnation of terminator seeds, Monsanto appears to be verbally distancing itself from its own technology that it is in the process of acquiring. Even without the threat of this technology Monsanto is contributing significant to the destruction of health and environment around the world. But if this technology is released by Monsanto, it could spell disaster for hundreds of millions of people around the world. How anyone could invest in such a company is difficult to imagine!


Well-Known Member
Autonomy will be incorporated where it increases overal effectiveness of UAS. Today primarily automation will be implemented to decrease operator workload. This will initially include auto takeoff and land and transit operations. It differs from full autonomy in that the system will follow preprogrammed decision logic. It wil however be more dynamic than simple preprogrammed flight in that the aircraft will alter its course automatically based on internal sensors and inputs from external sources to include traffic and weather avoidance. This will mature to conduct benign mission operations in the near future. The DOTMLPF-P actions needed to achieve full autonomy are outlined later in this annex. This autonomy will also apply to ground operations, maintenance and repair. Aircraft wil integrate with other vehicles and personnel on the ground during launch and recovery to include auto taxi. Touch labor will also begin with auto ground refueling and stores loading.

In the future increasing levels of touch maintenance and repair will be performed by autonomous ground systems. The near-term concept of swarming consists of a group of partially autonomous UAS operating in support of both manned and unmanned units in a battlefield while being monitored by a single operator. Swarm technology will al ow the commander to use a virtual world to monitor the UAS both individually and as a group. A wireless ad-hoc network wil connect the UAS to each other and the swarm commander. The UAS within the swarm will fly autonomously to an area of interest (e.g. coordinates, targets etc.) while also avoiding col isions with other UAS in the swarm. These UAS will automatically process imagery requests from low level users and will “detect” threats and targets through the use of artificial intelligence (AI), sensory information and image processing. Swarming will enable the UAS network to deconflict and assign the best UAS to each request.

Much like a chess master can outperform proficient chess players, UAS will be able to react at these speeds and therefore this loop moves toward becoming a “perceive and act” vector. Increasingly humans will no longer be “in the loop” but rather “on the loop” – monitoring the execution of certain decisions. Simultaneously, advances in AI will enable systems to make combat decisions and act within legal and policy constraints without necessarily requiring human input.

Figure 10: Long Term – Full Autonomy
The final portfolio step leverages a fully autonomous capability, swarming, and Hypersonic technology to put the enemy off balance by being able to almost instantaneously create effects throughout the battlespace. Technologies to perform auto air refueling, automated maintenance, automatic target engagement, hypersonic flight, and swarming would drive changes across the DOTMLPF-P spectrum. The end result would be a revolution in the roles of humans in air warfare.

Natrone, you should learn how to read you ignorant faggot.


Active Member
corn is what we eat!!! how is that not government involved with the population problem.
monsantos GM fields are close to regular non GM fields, and alls it takes as bugs to cross pollinate the two fields and next year, your taking a risk eating corn. idk maybe i wont have kids after all. im not saying a population decrese of 80% is a bad thing, actually i want that. but its on the agenda of the new world order and this is where it starts. i report you decide
the article you posted states that they are being grown in a hothouse and not a field. also its never suggested that the effects of this contraceptive are permanent.
with that said though i do think genetic tampering of staple agriculture like corn is beyond stupid.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
so this means that technology will be come autonomous? and to do what purpose exactly. i see more potential for evil than i do for good here, scary stuff. where did you get this info dude?

Dolce Vita

Active Member
isnt a hothouse like those huge thing like in x files? well i win there i guess but the whole idea of putting it in out food is kind of scary. and it is unspecified whether or not its perminant, if it is then that's bad! i want kids some day god damnit. another thin that torkes me is i bet only 1-2% of the population even knows about this ans i bet if they were all told the would not care. this technology has potential to decrease the population signifigantlly. (im for that 80% population reduction BTW)

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Look, some of what Alex Jones says can't be proved even if you check it out...like, he didnt definitely prove Obama was at the Bilderberg meeting...but uhhh big fucking coincidence if you ask me... he wasnt on the plane with his administration after they said he would be on the plane and Gibbs was like "uhh some people had requested to uhh meet with President Obama in uhhh private way"...
But you can check on all the bills Obama is in favor for, you can read them, and you gotta read them carefully, some of the things in those bills are frightening, and all have to do with the gov gaining more control.


Well-Known Member
so this means that technology will be come autonomous? and to do what purpose exactly. i see more potential for evil than i do for good here, scary stuff. where did you get this info dude?
It's all here http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=118525.0

Anti_Illuminati extracted a .pdf of the Air Force's plans for the near and late future.

Yeah, they want aircraft to be completely automated. They will do missions, help each other, refuel, etc by themselves. The only thing humans will do is monitor the activity.

They also are working on technology that will allow them to find anyone, anywhere, at anytime. With instant transmission of that data to the drones or soldiers.

This technology is not finalized yet, they plan to have it all here by 2047. That's a lot of time for us to be certain that our government doesn't turn against us. IF they wanted to, it would be impossible for anyone to fight back. We would be completely screwed and would have to bend over to their every whim. It's cool that our military will be strong and all... but this is near invincibility... godlike. If they decide we need to depopulate because there are too many people, there is nothing we can do.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
u read the bills? wow u should be in congress, they don't even read them lol
Yeah all the ones that Alex Jones talked about in the Obama deception, I looked up, and like I said, its scary lol and the fema camps everywhere and loads of plastic coffins....no one has explained why we have those in the US...so those are just some things that truly did bother me and made me wonder...but still I dont know what to believe...Alex Jones is still too radical for me...

Dolce Vita

Active Member
Yeah all the ones that Alex Jones talked about in the Obama deception, I looked up, and like I said, its scary lol and the fema camps everywhere and loads of plastic coffins....no one has explained why we have those in the US...so those are just some things that truly did bother me and made me wonder...but still I dont know what to believe...Alex Jones is still too radical for me...
i think theres a general bad feeling that comes to everyones mind when someone says alex jones, cos we have been brainwashes that conspericies are BS and dont believe anything they say. well why not? everything that i have looked up about alex jones is true. it makes me feel like a sheep for not believing in ppl like him b4 now, but to eaches own...


Active Member
isnt a hothouse like those huge thing like in x files? well i win there i guess but the whole idea of putting it in out food is kind of scary. and it is unspecified whether or not its perminant, if it is then that's bad! i want kids some day god damnit. another thin that torkes me is i bet only 1-2% of the population even knows about this ans i bet if they were all told the would not care. this technology has potential to decrease the population signifigantlly. (im for that 80% population reduction BTW)
dude its in the text you posted. im not going to say "maybe you should quit smoking", but maybe you should take the day off and clear your head a bit :p


Active Member
Scientists Create GM Corn Which Prevents Human Conception
Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn. Waiving fields of maize may one day save the world from overpopulation.
The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte, where researchers have discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.
By isolating the genes that regulate the manufacture of these antibodies, and by putting them in corn plants, the company has created tiny horticultural factories that make contraceptives.
"We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies," said Epicyte president Mitch Hein.
"We have also created corn plants that make antibodies against the herpes virus, so we should be able to make a plant-based jelly that not only prevents pregnancy but also blocks the spread of sexual disease."
Contraceptive corn is based on research on the rare condition, immune infertility, in which a woman makes antibodies that attack sperm.
"Essentially, the antibodies are attracted to surface receptors on the sperm," said Hein. "They latch on and make each sperm so heavy it cannot move forward. It just shakes about as if it was doing the lambada."
Normally, biologists use bacteria to grow human proteins. However, Epicyte decided to use corn because plants have cellular structures that are much more like those of humans, making them easier to manipulate.
The company, which says it will not grow the maize near other crops, says it plans to launch clinical trials of the corn in a few months.
1-hothouses were mentioned
2-the article suggests that it doesnt work just by eating the corn, but rather would be processed into a jelly. i would assume then that its topical and not ingested.