moving across country with cats?!?!? I need help


Well-Known Member
I am about to move from grimy ole PA where I was born and raised to the beautiful state of Colorado where I can grow my medicine in peace. My fiance and I have minimal items to move, mostly should fit in a uhaul, however driving 30+ hours is hard to imagine with our two cats. Has anyone ever attempted such a task and if so could you give me some help on how the hell Im gonna transport 2 cats safely and as stress free as possible across these here united states.

grow space

Well-Known Member
easy-rent or buy some carry cages ment for cats, then but a blanket on to it so the cat wouldnt see whats happening(optional)-eases the stress


Well-Known Member
you can get tranquilizers from your vet. depending on the animal you may or may not need them. i would have a hard time with this one. our vet is 20 mins away and that scares the hell outta me. poor kitties freak out as soon as they see the cat carrier. it would be hard to dope them up as well though.


Active Member
you can get tranquilizers from your vet. depending on the animal you may or may not need them. i would have a hard time with this one. our vet is 20 mins away and that scares the hell outta me. poor kitties freak out as soon as they see the cat carrier. it would be hard to dope them up as well though.
Tranquilizers you say?:twisted:


Well-Known Member
No, It just so happens that I may do so legally there. lol just a fringe benefit. Im a chef and Im moving out there to work at the broadmoore


Well-Known Member
When I moved about 11 hrs away, We put them in cat carriers up front with us. They were really scetched out at first and pissed and shit all over after a few hundred miles they got better. It's tough at first for them, just have you girl try and calm them down. We also had 2 Cats. When you get there just make sure you give them baths lol,


Well-Known Member
When I moved to florida from maryland my parents put the cat in the cab of the Uhaul. He was fine and that was like, 14 hours.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about using that petairways, has anyone used them or have any experience with anything like that