Global Warming... Oops, I'm Sorry It's Now Called CLIMATE CHANGE :lol:

I've just shown you a chart which CLEARLY shows no LINKAGE between CO2 and global temps. CO2 is not a pollutant!!! If we had more CO2 the earth would produce more and larger trees and plants.....HORRORS!!!!

yes, pollution = more co2 = more trees = greener earth

pollution = green huh imagine that :hump:
WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????make more C02 and trees will be bigger-yes co2 has always been in the oson but we are producing it so so much that the climate is changing and getting warmer-if we do not change ourselves and our lifestyle in about 50 years the damage which we done is not re-versable!!!!
so if anyone says more co2 and we have more trees and more life-You must smoke less dude and watch some docme. about pollution!!!
yeah i watch tv and read some books-its not propaganda-this is happening!!!!it real and we have to face the problems-when i have someday my own kids i dont want to tell them, why there isnt any tigers left or something like that!
yeah, dude before you watch al gores movie (that he got rich off) look at both sizes of the debate. its overwhelming that "global warming" is the catalyst to get the government to pass cap and trade, the largest tax increase in history. Washington doesn't care about the environment!

read the last epa report that the government ignored cos it showed (with proof) that global warming was fake and we are headed for a 30 year cool
Let's discuss how China and India are finishing a new coal plant every 7-10 days.... thank goodness their environment doesn't mix with ours... whew!

A scam is being committed..... that's where I come in, my name is Joe Friday. Dumm da dum Dummm. It was 11:00 when we got the call to get over to the steak N shake where a perp named Al Gore was wrestling a 5th grader over some chili fries....
so china or india can build a powerplant every 7-10 days but we cant build a fucking fence to keep out senior esquobar with his 28 children?
yeah i watch tv and read some books-its not propaganda-this is happening!!!!it real and we have to face the problems-when i have someday my own kids i dont want to tell them, why there isnt any tigers left or something like that!

They are just using this "climate change" to control every aspect of your life. They don't care about the earth... they care about your enslavement :hump:

They are just using this "climate change" to control every aspect of your life. They don't care about the earth... they care about your enslavement :hump:

dude-enslavment-i think you have no tv or radio and your head is wrapped into tin foil-am i right????the coverment doesent give a fuck about the environment cas its really simple-they have all limited time in there and they only want to make profits,soon new members will take their places and all happens again!!!!:hump::hump:
dude-enslavment-i think you have no tv or radio and your head is wrapped into tin foil-am i right????the coverment doesent give a fuck about the environment cas its really simple-they have all limited time in there and they only want to make profits,soon new members will take their places and all happens again!!!!:hump::hump:

:hump: of course... never leave the house without it :mrgreen:
I remember back in the 70's TV was always spewing how we were headed into an ice age because the temps had been much cooler for years. well guess that didn't happen now did it? Its not any different today, never waste a crisis, whether the crisis is real or only perceived that way. People are easy to convince with only anecdotal evidence. plenty of stoners out there are critical thinkers, probably because the effects of marijuana make you think with a much more open mind. If a politician tells you the sky is falling, for sure it isn't. If they tell you the economy will get better, it won't. If they tell you they never had sex with that woman, they did. If your told we went to war in Vietnam because they attacked our ships in the Gulf of Tonkin, you were duped. Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq? None found. See the common denominator here? They lie to you all the time. What makes you think this time is different? Because Obama is pres? He has already renegged on every campaign promise he made. Politicians lie, don't believe the hype, they do it for money and power, they don't give a rats ass about the "Common Man". Neither party cares about you.
thats right!!!!politician only want to make money and why should they give a fuckk about the environment, soon they will be replaced by other idiots!!!!
if they really cared they actually do something about it. charging you isn't fixing it. riding a bicycle would be a possible solution.

or start wars in the attempt to decrease the population. or maybe release some swine flu. or spray some chemtrails. or fluorinate the water. or ad some of that cool stuff to our gasoline. what was that stuff again?

fuck the environment, you're paying to. :)