Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
tahoe just a quick question do you count the days that you flower and if so do you start counting from the first day of 12/12 or from first sign of pistils.

mr west

Well-Known Member
good question willy, I used to count wen i saw pistils, but now i veg till i see preflowers and now i count from the date it goes in lol.


Well-Known Member
hey mRwEsTiE thanks for that. I too have wondered that. and then never bothered to ask the question. I go from the first day of 12-12. My vegeing starts when I put the seed (germinated first) into the soil. The top44 veged for 26 days. I veged longer the last time (can't remember exactly) and I ended up with height issues in my BBox upob finishing. And so 26 days vege and then now 41 days flower (as of today). Not sure but I believe she still has time to go and pack of some buddage kilos. Sweet girl she is.


Well-Known Member
This question bothered me for a long time. I started a thread and everyone fought about which is right.

Two of the seed websites say that their whole 'flowering time' thing where it says 8-9 weeks is in reference to when the pistils show, not the start of 12/12. Not that you should harvet exacty at 8 weeks from pistils or anyting, we are better than that. Also not trying to be contradictory, just what my poking around found.


Well-Known Member
my lights are on 12/12, i am in my "flowering" cycle.

my lights are on 12/12, but my plants took 14 days to start "flowering".

which one is correct?



Well-Known Member
if you are on 12/12 and your plants aren't showing pistils are you still vegging?
Last grow I switched to 12/12 the girls kept growing taller, just like they did in 18/6 for at least a week, still grew at a slower rate for a few more days. Then little flowers started showing up and the vertical growth stopped... so for about 10 days I was in 12/12 and the plant was exhibiting what I would describe as vegetative growth... starting what I would call flowering growth at day 11 of 12/12.

That's what I think... its not truth.


Well-Known Member
tahoe just a quick question do you count the days that you flower and if so do you start counting from the first day of 12/12 or from first sign of pistils.
the reason i asked this is because alot of seed companys say an average of 8 weeks flower, while failing to mention that they are not counting the first 2 weeks because pistils are not yet showing. so what do they class those first two weeks as if not flowering or vegging.....fuckin weed limbo or someshit.
make,s me wonder how many people take this for truth and are not feeling the full potential of there bud.
as a rule of thumb i like to give most strains 10 weeks of 12/12 before i even start thinking if she is done or not.
sorry if i jacked your thread tahoe. <i do that sometimes


Well-Known Member
if you are on 12/12 and your plants aren't showing pistils are you still vegging?

was thinking the same yesterday guys.... weird maybe it was some kind of thing that happens to evryone once a while.. like on lsd, evry1 seems to be on the same wave lengths its just great.

anyways, i dont know... but i would say as soon as you 12/12 the lights your putting them in to flowering.... takes them 3 days to realize whats going on after that production starts on either female or male .... hairs grow or balls come out.

so yeah 12/12 from day 1 is flowering. Evryone does it like that, even in the grow vids you can see them say we have put them 1 week on 12/12 - 1 weeek flowering..

so yeah, i would go by that. :joint::mrgreen::blsmoke:

mr west

Well-Known Member
best way to know ya plants are ready is by the trichs. Dont matter wot it says on the tin if the trichs are clear at 8 weeks its not ready lol. I start counting the day it goes into 12/12 and check the trichs wen its near the time the breeeders say but its down to the enviroment as to if it finishes on time a bit.


Well-Known Member
what if you have a big room with multiple plants, multiple strains, that start showing pistils at different times? hehehehehe

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
then you need to start making a daily log in your diary :)

.........or if you don't have a diary, make some room in your little black book

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
best way to know ya plants are ready is by the trichs. Dont matter wot it says on the tin if the trichs are clear at 8 weeks its not ready lol. I start counting the day it goes into 12/12 and check the trichs wen its near the time the breeeders say but its down to the enviroment as to if it finishes on time a bit.
That's what I do also. I get a feel for when they are ready by time in 12/12 but it's up to the tric's as to when I harvest.....


Well-Known Member
wow ... this took off into quite a discussion. For me, and really that's just me, this is all a matter of metrics with respect to the plants. measuring time or yield or maturity, or colour, size, stem, root, preflowers, pistils, etc etc. For me, it is so dependent upon the circumstances surrounding any particular effort ..... time and space restrictions, patience restrictions, law enforcement restrictions, the weather, the lights, the water, the soil, the nutes, the air, the the the the the the .... the list is endless. The only thing that matters is what do the plants look like today ..... like fdd said, what about a room with multi-strains, and lights and wattev else variable you want to include? In the end you manage the plant to the circumstances that you have .... expected and sometimes, unexpectedly. grow it. wait till its done. dry it. cure it. smoke it. enjoy it. bake it bake yourself. enjoy yourself.:blsmoke:

And now for some bud porn .....


