MYGIRLS --greenhouse for 2009~~GETTEN READY


Well-Known Member
pain is temporary... memories last a lifetime.... go big or go home!! even if you are going home with one hell of a limp and a few broken limbs.. LOL

ive been lucky to never have a really bad accident and break a lot of shit at once.. i just seem to break the most inconvienent bone at the time of the breaking... hope you have a quick recovery... stay plenty well medicated.. dr sampsons orders... LOL


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
pain is temporary... memories last a lifetime.... go big or go home!! even if you are going home with one hell of a limp and a few broken limbs.. LOL

ive been lucky to never have a really bad accident and break a lot of shit at once.. i just seem to break the most inconvienent bone at the time of the breaking... hope you have a quick recovery... stay plenty well medicated.. dr sampsons orders... LOL
dr. mygirls said to myself, go home and soak it insideher......HAHAHA LOL:hump:


Well-Known Member
Ouch, get well soon mygirls. At least you've got the best meds available, right? LOL. Take it easy there big guy, lots of sweet young girls are depending on ya.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well just bought my bloom nutes 2day, pro blen, and my bud blood...... just getting ready. its comeing up quick.. just bought my 1st moisture meter. I LIKE. can't belive how dry i have been letting the soil get.. well it sure hasn't hurt them any thats for sure...


Well-Known Member
Yo you post any new pics of your grow yet...i wish i did the green house i had fucking rabbits eat like 12 plants this fucking year and i just started off like 4 more 1 did germ....but i hope yours is going well


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Yo you post any new pics of your grow yet...i wish i did the green house i had fucking rabbits eat like 12 plants this fucking year and i just started off like 4 more 1 did germ....but i hope yours is going well
page 45 post 450. update pics taken 2day bro... enjoy:hump:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ok heres my last update video during veg. nxt time they will be in full bud. its still uploading give it a few minutes..



Well-Known Member
hey bro.. nothing happens when i click to watch.. and i really wanted to take care of the morning chub i had... guess ill just get blue balls while im waiting... bongsmilie