You idiots that use fedex

I think they're both fuckin stupid. One of them is a pot theif the other is a bible thumper. Let's put them in a box and they can sort it out amongst yourselves.

But, thanks for the warning. I used to work at UPS so I know what you're talking about.

"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces."

I'm stupid because I have faith? You need to get out more. I'm not Bible thumping anymore get over it, the Lord will find you someday. But anyways does anyone here work at USPS? I've always wondered what it's like working at a federal job.
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces."

I'm stupid because I have faith? You need to get out more. I'm not Bible thumping anymore get over it, the Lord will find you someday. But anyways does anyone here work at USPS? I've always wondered what it's like working at a federal job.

I have always told Louis this. But anyway sorry for saying you were a rat I was stoned and didn't understand the situation to much.
Also for the people that say I don't help anyone, you DO know there are other forums ongthis site right? How can I help people in toke and talk when it's not a help section? Therefore you've never seen me help. Anyway take car
Your a snitch. Now the guys gonna get busted you rat.

your an idiot, he said his coworker told the boss. whats he gonna do, risk his job and freedom because some idiot cant package weed properly?

Man, you just called one of the most helpful members the town idiot, you're the one that started the thread in a clear whirlwind of anger, hit a blunt and chill the fuck out ultimately what happened today dosen't even affect you but probably ruined the life of someone you got a lot in common with if you are even a head.

this thread was started as a warning to help us all, i sensed no anger at all

Well he helped me in the newbi section quite a few times.

if he gave you good advise its gotta be one in a million. this is the guy who told me he loves weed so much hes gonna name his daughter "cannabis indica clown"
No way! A big no-no! With 1,200 people applying to the local Denny's it's safe to say that jobs are tough and it's not worth my job. Also out of all the couriers I'd go with FedEx state to state ONLY. Here's why, UPS are unionized, this means that the workers there take their job a little more serious. Compare this to half of my co workers who all blaze up in my Ford Expedition in the parking lot. That's not to say that people aren't "anal" in other FedEx locations however the igloo trick that I mentioned WORKS, they are very tough and have never seen one bust open. Many say that it's in a lot of peoples hands, but in all reality it's not. You have to keep in mind that our job is very fast pace we deal with 15,000 packages in a 4 hour span. And we are the smallest facility!
UPS employees do ANYTHING but take there job seriously. I used to go in there everyday high as a kite and my boss would laugh his ass off. I used to try and start shit with him. He came in there once and said something along the lines of
Man, you need to lay off them blunts. Wait a minute, you white, you don't roll nothin.

I responded with "I'll have you know I smoked 2 blunts, a joint and like 4 bong rips before I came in today. So don't tell ME I don't know how to roll."

The dude I was loading the truck with fuckin fell over laughing, and my boss just smiled and said "Ya'll white folk is crazy"

I wish I'd never quit that job. :(
and it's not really being a snitch when it means your job is on the line...

heck, you could have taken it, turns out it could have been a genuine if daft shipment from a greencard holder to himself or whatnot, it all turns out to be legal only you can't explain where the box has now gone... :D

that's probalby a flawed thought, i'm not even lookking at what i'm typing right now, but if it could mean losing yourjob and getting in big trouble, then i'd only take it if i knew 150% i was gonna get away with it.
Man, you need to lay off them blunts. Wait a minute, you white, you don't roll nothin.

I responded with "I'll have you know I smoked 2 blunts, a joint and like 4 bong rips before I came in today. So don't tell ME I don't know how to roll."

The dude I was loading the truck with fuckin fell over laughing, and my boss just smiled and said "Ya'll white folk is crazy"

I wish I'd never quit that job. :(

Word, lol That is a true story.
Man, you just called one of the most helpful members the town idiot,


Thats hilarious man, so what happens after the manager takes it? Does law enforcement always get involved? Or do they even know where it came from.
Then again I also worked with a guy that was fired for stealing a poptart. The union got him his job back.
Then there was a guy that got fired for stealing a baby shoe. Not a pair of shoes. I guess the dude had a one legged baby.
We had one kid steal a laptop, come back the next day and brag how he was on the sucker all night! Needless to say he got canned. I've always dreamed that a big box will burst open with money flying everywhere.

Thats hilarious man, so what happens after the manager takes it? Does law enforcement always get involved? Or do they even know where it came from.

They go to the back room and divvy up the pound. I asked the manager and he said it would have to be turned into the local authorities. So, I'm assuming they will try to find out who the sender is via finger prints, since FedEx workers wear gloves.
:mrgreen:UR ALL HIGH^^^ sorry just need my 25th post

But I am takin a bong hit as I hit submit reply

