Impeachment Anyone


New Member
You can get along with me just fine, Med ... just stop with the physical threats and all the foul language you use in your attempt to demean me and the other members. Just be a rational good citizen and we'll get along just fine.

"you'd be surprised to see me, really you would!"

You may be seven feet tall and built like a steamroller and talk a stream of shit, or you may look like a meek little accountant. It doesn't matter what you look like, you still suffer from "Little Man's Syndrom." You exude it in almost every post.

And by the way Med ... you'd be suprised to see me too ... you really would. *lol*



New Member
You can get along with me just fine, Med ... just stop with the physical threats and all the foul language you use in your attempt to demean me and the other members. Just be a rational good citizen and we'll get along just fine.

Is it allright for another member to call me stupid without a response, no I didn't think so! Hey I might not be the brightest bulb in the box, I've looked at some of my past mistakes and felt downright stupid, but that is not for someone else to call me, or I come out fighting. I've had to fight for every scrap I've ever got and I can't quit now! Be nice and get nice!


New Member
No, its not alright for another member to call you stupid. That's a personal attack and has no room in a political discussion. By the same token, its not alright for you to attack back. There are better ways of making a person feel stupid than calling them stupid in return. I think you're getting the idea of what I mean. *lol*



New Member
No, its not alright for another member to call you stupid. That's a personal attack and has no room in a political discussion. By the same token, its not alright for you to attack back. There are better ways of making a person feel stupid than calling them stupid in return. I think you're getting the idea of what I mean. *lol*

Do you consider yourself the great professor of wisdom and only you have the knowledge needed to enlighten the planet? I think they call those people delusional! A person that only has a one way thought process is not capable of growing intellectualy or spiritualy! Maybe you might want to listen as well as talk, just an Idea!


New Member
Hey, you asked me a question and I answered it:

"Is it allright for another member to call me stupid without a response, no I didn't think so!"

So, what's the deal with you anyway? You get offended when I don't answer your questions ... and you get offended when I DO answer your questions. Sheesh!



New Member
So, what's the deal with you anyway? You get offended when I don't answer your questions ... and you get offended when I DO answer your questions. Sheesh!

I think it's the prophet thing you exude that throws me. How can you be so sure you're right. This is one huge universe, and we are but a microscopic speck in it. To hold oneself in such high esteem seems a little arrogant, and that is the basic reason I give you so much shit! I'm sorry if you can't feel humility, it cleanses the soul! I've been to the top of the mountain and believe me, the fall back to earth is an awakening, to find you are but one of 6+ billion specs on this small planet, is very humbling!


New Member
Well, Med ... here's the problem as I see it. You and I are "talking" on the Internet. While doing so, neither you, nor I can actually see each other. So, we can't see facial expressions, hand gestures ... or really see into the personalities of each other. Most people, me included, are not that great at expressing one's self with written word only. So, I can tell you that you are grossly misreading me. I am a very compassionate person. I am not greedy. I live a very simple life ... and enjoy every moment of it. I've been hurt very badly from a physical standpoint in my life ... and its very important to me to keep my stress level down to a minimum. I have reached out many times in an effort to help the less fortunate. I am no prophet ... but I DO know what I've studied. I DO know that I have more knowledge of governments, history and politics than the average guy. I read like a freaking fiend. I am aware of where we have been, where we are now, and as a result of this knowledge, I can predict where we are headed if we don't change course. The picture isn't a pretty one, that's for sure.



New Member
Man, thats great, you finally opened up to me. I am neither a prophet or a seer but I also think we're headed for dark days ahead. I am sorry to hear of your physical impairments. I know we see things differently and agree we should agree to disagree because both of us are too stubborn to change now. The fact is you are probably more knowledgeable about politics than me, in fact maybe about a lot of things, but the passion still burns in me. I would like to see equality in all things for all people, but realize this is not attainable. Yes I have Emotions and feel as much as I think. I am not a completely rational being at all times, and can't expect it of someone else either. I will continue to bombard you with my views and try and not be crude (it is my nature), so bear with me!


New Member
Progress? Hmmm. :)
One never knows. I champion the little guy to a point. I sure as hell don't want to live in a mud hut and eat grubs so we can all be equal, and I don't think rich people should have too much money! I read some place, (I forgot where) that there is enough money in circulation (or being horded) for every person on the planet to live an average American lifestyle. A home for every family, health care for all, and food and clothing for everyone. It would just take dividing up the wealth. I don't know if this is a wise political decision, but I know a lot of people would sure be grateful, and a few would be pissed off! I also realize this will never happen as long as one greedy person exists. It's kinda like, did you share your toys as a kid, or were you selfish. The answer to that, defines the human condition!


New Member
Well Med, don't be offended by what I'm gonna say here ... about your last post.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. I'm sure you've heard that saying before. But what you've espoused above is surely the HIGHWAY to Hell. Its a lovely thought for sure ... but there is no way for it to happen short of a spiritual awakening of a magnamous sort. The only way to even attempt it would be though force. And you know where that leads, right?



New Member
Well Med, don't be offended by what I'm gonna say here ... about your last post.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. I'm sure you've heard that saying before. But what you've espoused above is surely the HIGHWAY to Hell. Its a lovely thought for sure ... but there is no way for it to happen short of a spiritual awakening of a magnamous sort. The only way to even attempt it would be though force. And you know where that leads, right?

The force would only be used on the wealthy, as I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have to use force to make someone better off. I also know that without Divine intervention this is not possible. I'd just like to see the divide getting narrower instead of wider. Like I've said quite a few times "how much is enough. Every excess dollar a rich guy has is a dollar less to feed the hungry. What good does money do for society if it's stuck in a bank, or stock account or some unused property. It just sits and accumulates more wealth for the owner when it could be feeding the poor, building housing (therby employing thousands++) and building infrastructure for backwards nations, bringing the world standards up to parity. These are a dreamers view of money. Money as a tool to heal the world, not a selfish mans treasure!


New Member
1. If you forced the wealthy to give up their wealth, who would provide the jobs? Have you ever been hired by a poor guy?

2. Wealth placed into banks, insurance companies, ect., are used for investments through loans. Take a look around you, Med ... surely you don't think that all those buildings, homes and present construction is paid for in cash. How does that benefit the average guy? ... Remember all those construction projects that kept you employed all those years? Paid for by little people and big, wealthy people all putting their money into financial institutions.



New Member
Paid for by little people and big, wealthy people all putting their money into financial institutions.

Geeze, I'm not a complete Idiot! Change will not happen without The big Divinity thing happening so quit worrying, your loot is safe. And whats with the Big and Little thing, I'm probably taller than you, and have more hair, and better lookin. LOL


New Member
Well, you can't be better looking than me, Med. The women still swoon when I walk into a room. *lol*



New Member
*lol* ... fuck you.

What, frustation? I thought you had the "moral highground". Tell you what, you bring your porsche or whatever beast you drive and we'll race for pinks! I hope it's a porsche or a ferrari or else I'll just sell it and buy a boat! I'm already spending the money.~LOL~


Well-Known Member
Holy cow!
This thread has been off the Impeachment topic for the last three pages!
I do not know why I find it entertaining?.....probably the bowl of Belladonna I'm working my way thru.....
Vi and med.....hahahha
The Bickersons of this site.......*lol*


New Member
Holy cow!
This thread has been off the Impeachment topic for the last three pages!
I do not know why I find it entertaining?.....probably the bowl of Belladonna I'm working my way thru.....
Vi and med.....hahahha
The Bickersons of this site.......*lol*
I'm so glad we could entertain, after all thats what this site is all about. Politics can be entertaining if you don't take it too seriously. I've found that no-one thinks exactly the same on the subject!