starting first PC grow got some questions

I've tried at least 1/2 dozen times to get something to grow in PC Planter from sunlightsheds. So far no luck - all males except one hermaphrodite (using seed bank seeds). underpowered light (50Wt) and no room to grow with a crappy bubbleponic system. But as I am not an expert grower, take this with a grain of salt if you like. But i am working on a box of my own design. Wish i had the money i spent on the PC Planter to use on the new set-up!
WOW well sorry i havent been on guys i know you guys were bumbed lol but heres the excuse i have which was not my fault but i live in a duplex guy next door to me is a crackhead and decided to let his kids cook dinner a couple days back well long story short his kitchen caught on fire and he didnt notice until my side caught on fire also so i had to move out and wait for remodeling to be done which will be soon and done also since that incident im going to have to change from a pc case into this 4ft tall 2ft wide and 2ft deep box that im using because the latex white paint would not stick on to the metal of the pc case and cause i dont want to risk a fire when im not home so i didnt want to mod anything yet but im working on my box as we speak its stealthy has 2 drawers on it to make it look a lil bit not so simple also its right under my desk which is about the same specs of the box just a lil bit more wide ill have some pics sometime this weekend if possible so please stay posted i will also have some updates on some other projects as well :mrgreen:
im sorry but paint isnt 95% reflective, more like 70%. can u seriously see paint being only 3% less reflective than mylar that you can perfectly see your reflection in???
Yea I Was looking forward to see how you did with that computer grow... But that was only because I wanted to see if you could do it...
So this is definetly better. the more space the merrier!
PC Planter

good site check them out

Hey RocRhythm - have you had any luck with the PC Planter? I've had one for nearly a year and so far no harvest. All males and one hermaphrodite (using seed bank seeds). I've tried following their (Sunlightsheds) directions to the letter and I've tried following the advice on these boards and a little in-between with nothing to show for the effort. Sure it's fun - but frustrating and so far - fruitless. I am in the process of building something much better but would still like to know what i'm doing wrong so I don't repeat it. Any advice?
Firstly I'd say start using bag seed... Why spend money if ther not coming out right?
Alot of growers on this site say bagseed ewwwwww nobody likes bagseed... but the truth is Its just fine... seedbank seeds are better... But bagseed is still kick ass... and the seeds come with herb hehe...
Even if its the worst weed ever and you grow it lovingly it will be good... I have proven this...
And secondly... If you get all males again I would light poison them so I got hermies at least... and than you can cut their balls off... and you should be pretty good.
Took me about 3 years untill I got a successful grow
Firstly I'd say start using bag seed... Why spend money if ther not coming out right?
Alot of growers on this site say bagseed ewwwwww nobody likes bagseed... but the truth is Its just fine... seedbank seeds are better... But bagseed is still kick ass... and the seeds come with herb hehe...
Even if its the worst weed ever and you grow it lovingly it will be good... I have proven this...
And secondly... If you get all males again I would light poison them so I got hermies at least... and than you can cut their balls off... and you should be pretty good.
Took me about 3 years untill I got a successful grow
I am going to follow this excellent advice. Thanks tckfui! I also am working on a better box so we'll see what happens. It is a bit frustrating but mostly fun!
hey im not sure how the pc planter works, i went ahead and bought the mini cool cab and im having great results with my first grow
no problem...
what are the dimentions of the grow cab? how much did you pay?
how great of results?
Dimensions: 42" tall x 31" wide x 20" deep

im at day 50 and they have been flowering for almost 3 weeks

i think im doing alright, but seeing how this is my first grow i kno theres room for improvement

looks nice very progressive with the grow cab i've seen the pc planter before i would suggest just making your own it will be a little bit less expensive with the pc grow i started all the materials together came out to about 95 dollars and i wasnt planning anything big i mean i just wanted to grow something in there to see if i can i have a friend who yield about 5 ounces doing a pc grow (scrog) very nice set up he spent about 200 dollars but its worth it im still going to go ahead and continue with the PC grow just cause i got all you guys/girls all excited about it hehe so i promise as soon as i can which will probably be sometime today ill start taking pictures of both projects that i am working on now as of right now i have some MTF seeds and about 50 bagseeds so not sure yet what im going to start growing first i might start germinating about 7 of them in about a couple days so ill let you see how that is going and TCKFUI i have to agree with your advice very nice indeed but also very truthful it took me a while to get a good grow and my set up the first time i did it was very ghetto you would laugh if you saw some pixs hehe but anyways ill def have some pixs later on today....
Well for some reason im not able to upload pics going to try and figure out the problem and post them as soon as i can....and no offense major toke i kno i would find it hard to believe also but it is true umm i dont know if he has any pics but ill ask and then post ill also have some pics of his set sorry guys taking so long but i have a very busy schedule barely anytime to get online anyways ill do what i can thanks
I've read books with increadibly long run on sentences... like 8 pages long... I think it was Dusteyovsky?
that would be nuts getting 5 ounces out of a computer!!!!!!!!
Gardenknowm has that grown 10 pounds in your PC as his signature... And I always ask him if its for real but never get an anser...
what if you surround the inside of the computer with emergency blanket? wouldnt that be reflective enough and decrease the risk of fire?