It's All Bullsh*t


Well-Known Member
holy fuck i never saw that on uncle eds farm! taht is some wicked shit! ineed to get me a place out in the boonies so i can try to achive that sort of grow,you just gave me my knewest biggest goal in life,i could help five or six people with each plant if i can achieve that. dealing is for greed weed should be free! youll here my true name one day i swear it!


Well-Known Member
wow, great thread, I do agree with letting nature do it's own thing. It has a lil bit of experience imho ;).

anyway, a penny for your thoughts.

I will be starting my new grow soon, and due to the rotation of earth, it will have be indoors, I've been really wanting to go organic. I've been thinking about it, and yes, people know alot about plants and nutrients, and we've learned alot in the last 20 years. However, we should not be arrogant and think we've learned everything there is to know about how nature works. We've thought we knew it all so many time in the past and been proven wrong that it's ludacris to make that assumption. (AND BEFORE THE RIOT STARTS, I'm not saying that anybody on this site feels that way, or makes statements to that effect, although some nutrient company spokesman probably do). My point is, yes N and P and enzymes and dif. boosters and minerals and all that do affect the plants. It could, however, be dangerous to assume it's that simple, for all we know there could be all types of proccesses going on that humans haven't found yet.

okay, sorry about the rant but i've been thinking about it for a while.

well, what I was wondering your opinion about is with my indoor grow i'm planning to do a setup, in soil, but with a feeding system that uses pvc pipes to transfer water to the plants, but the water would be filtered through active compost, therefore releasing all the nutrients in the compost. And also because the compost is continually compsting, it is creating nutrients throughout the entire grow. I may and probably use some N and P (I have espoma if anyone has any thoughts about the brand, says it's organic) but only to supplement whats in the compost already.

The system could be modified (and possibly work better) in a larger outdoor system.

I will start a journal when it gets under way, just wanted to know your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
you must be a strong mother fucker, how much do you guess that plant itself wieghs? i kinda figured the roots would be fatter earlier you were saying that some broke the soil got pix id love to see huge roots above the ground? do you know if you can extract gensing form pot roots or if they are healthy to eat. the plants so useful hell id give it a shot!

i'm an ox.:-P


Well-Known Member
wow, great thread, I do agree with letting nature do it's own thing. It has a lil bit of experience imho ;).

anyway, a penny for your thoughts.

I will be starting my new grow soon, and due to the rotation of earth, it will have be indoors, I've been really wanting to go organic. I've been thinking about it, and yes, people know alot about plants and nutrients, and we've learned alot in the last 20 years. However, we should not be arrogant and think we've learned everything there is to know about how nature works. We've thought we knew it all so many time in the past and been proven wrong that it's ludacris to make that assumption. (AND BEFORE THE RIOT STARTS, I'm not saying that anybody on this site feels that way, or makes statements to that effect, although some nutrient company spokesman probably do). My point is, yes N and P and enzymes and dif. boosters and minerals and all that do affect the plants. It could, however, be dangerous to assume it's that simple, for all we know there could be all types of proccesses going on that humans haven't found yet.

okay, sorry about the rant but i've been thinking about it for a while.

well, what I was wondering your opinion about is with my indoor grow i'm planning to do a setup, in soil, but with a feeding system that uses pvc pipes to transfer water to the plants, but the water would be filtered through active compost, therefore releasing all the nutrients in the compost. And also because the compost is continually compsting, it is creating nutrients throughout the entire grow. I may and probably use some N and P (I have espoma if anyone has any thoughts about the brand, says it's organic) but only to supplement whats in the compost already.

The system could be modified (and possibly work better) in a larger outdoor system.

I will start a journal when it gets under way, just wanted to know your thoughts.

like a trickle organic tea feeder. i like how that sounds. as long as you could regulate the dosage. :leaf::clap:


Well-Known Member
yeah, esp. outdoors you could water with that and then when you see how plants react alternate straight h2o and compost water. Hoping just the C-Water will be fine because I don't have a lot of room to put in too much suff. Trying to grow 4 plants in a 18"x25" space. Which reminds me, you've given me some inspiration tonight with the whole lrager pots not completely neccesary for huge plants thing. Can't argue with results.

P.S. only thing I think could be a real help would be boosted CO2 levels, considering the size and voracity of plants couple million years ago when CO2 levels were like 3X today's.


Well-Known Member
i have the tightest nuggets i have ever grown. right from the start. usually my plants start out thin and loose and fill-in and tighten up. not this year. everything is starting out fat and hard. walnuts on top of walnuts. i am truly amazed. i would not have believed it unless i did it myself.


everything else is bullsh*t.


New Member
i have the tightest nuggets i have ever grown. right from the start. usually my plants start out thin and loose and fill-in and tighten up. not this year. everything is starting out fat and hard. walnuts on top of walnuts. i am truly amazed. i would not have believed it unless i did it myself.


everything else is bullsh*t.
So the extraordinarily hot weather (even for there) hasn't got anything to do with it?

Love the tree, btw. Thick roots creeping through the ground. Do you think she could perpetual harvest, like a tree. I have a small apple tree in my garden, it makes me think that if cannabis can grow such an extensive and health root system, thick branch etc, what all this is for if it is just going to die within a year?

Cannabis throughout the centuries has been farmed. Killed early, never (I don't believe) been given its chance to achieve full potential.

I myself have witnessed a plant grow back to life after a harvest. I was lazy and left one of the plants in its pot after a harvest. After a couple of weeks (I said I was lazy) the plant had had no water, was in a dark room, and had lots of little, very light green, new branches growing.

Maybe... cannabis is an annual tree, but only in as much as any other tree annually bears its fruits.:weed:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Love the tree, btw. Thick roots creeping through the ground. Do you think she could perpetual harvest, like a tree.
yeah.... this is something that FDD and I chatted about.... I think itis very possible in his climate region.. maybe with a little help from a WINTER CFL :)


Well-Known Member
i have the tightest nuggets i have ever grown. right from the start. usually my plants start out thin and loose and fill-in and tighten up. not this year. everything is starting out fat and hard. walnuts on top of walnuts. i am truly amazed. i would not have believed it unless i did it myself.


everything else is bullsh*t.
It looks like you're root bound. You might want to consider transplanting to a bigger back yard. I have several acres available.


New Member
with a little bit of help and guidance you too can grow cfl style. don't wait, order now. operators are standing by.
lol. sustaining the life of fdd's outside plants with cfls...

i know just the place to get them. 200 per case.....should only take about 4 cases..............

just kidding.


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight you would harvest, leaving as much tree as possible? then keep enough light(cfl) on it outside to re-veg and then grow until next what oct? That would be like a what, Giant Greenwood?

You should build something with a retractable roof so when it gets dark you can close the roof and turn on the lights. without lighting up the block. If I lived on a farm I would place my garage door on top so I could grow all year and use it to force flower in the middle of summer.:hump: