

Hey all, first time er here. I have 7 plants going in buckets ( all around 7 gal) i planted each from seed. 2 of them started budding 4 to 5 weeks ago ( could'nt tell you why, and no one can tell me) i live in san diego so its not a lack of sun. my Q is i think 1 of them is starting to go back to veg..... can that be? and if so , what should i do? Thanks ....B

Noble Gas

Well-Known Member
Pics would help...

Do you know anything about the seeds you have? Bagseed or purchased from a seed dispensary?

I have a couple laides outside that I started two months ago and they are just blowing up. They have not started to flower yet though.

We need more info bro... good luck


Well-Known Member
In the case of early budset, you have a plant that when planted had less than its "Dark Trigger Time" therefore went into bloom right away. The others have a lower trigger time therefore stayed in veg, once the Summer Solstice was reached, June 21st, the daylight lengthened to a time where it went back into veg. If the immature buds develop cut them off and continue to feed it veg nutes until it starts to show sex again. On the positive at least ou aren't growing males all season, lol. Good Luck!! PS if you cut off those buds don't damage the leaves around them and dry/cure as normal.


Well-Known Member
yeah ff is the shit...im using theyre nutes right now...just foud a local hydro store so looks like i'll be using ffof on my next grow


also anyone worried about the eye in the sky? these girls are in my yard and yes i'm medical. should i worry?


Active Member
if your medical and aren't holding more than allowed, I can't see why you should worry unless the law where you are requires the plants to be propagated indoors.


or should i maybe drag them in the garage after 12 hours of light everyday? maybe from 6 to 6.


seems like alot of work but i dont want to lose the buds on them. i also only worrie about the eye in the sky cause i have kids.


Well-Known Member
If you're legal you're okay.

Did you start them indoors? If so, what was the light schedule?


no i started them all out door. so weird. no one can tell me what set them off. Now if i can only save them for 3 to 4 more weeks. any ideas? if they start to veg again what will happen to the flowers on it now?


Well-Known Member

Shouldn't matter when you planted if it only started flowering a couple weeks ago...if you didn't have them indoors before I'm stumped.

They look purdy as shit though. Enjoy your early bud?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Thanks for posting that video. And many thanks to Henry Hemp and Bill Britt for coming to help us in San Diego.

I was with them when they made this video, I'm the guy wearing a Padres cap and a Nug Magazine T-Shirt.
