OK I need a discussion on this.


Well-Known Member
I have a plant that I have thought was female all along... it's about 40 days old or so and has been under 24/0 light. It has what looks like exactly like Calyx's at every node but they don't have any hairs protruding from them!?!?!?!?

They are still very small preflowers but they definately looked like a female next to my male... this doesn't make sense to me... I've never seen a plant show sex under 24 hours of light as i'm an outdoor grower. I'm currently on day 4 of flowering and will know the truth in a week or so... I just thought that females took longer to show and maybe its a strain thing??? I just don't wanna put all this effort into a plant if it's truly a male... even though the preflowers look different than all of my other males...

Can anyone clarify this??? I'll post pics tomorrow but they definately look like hairless calyx's, they are long and slender, with a fatter bottom and a pointy tip... Just missing the hairs...?


Well-Known Member
both male and female get calyxs. you probably have some auto flowering strain that hasnt made its mind up yet. i hope its female and not male or hermie. trust me man theres nothing worse than taking care of a few plants for a few months only to find out there all maes come the flowering stage. ill bet by the time you take pics its decided


Well-Known Member
Thanks man but its got only calyx's... They are a different shape then my other 3 males I got this year, Better be a female I only have 2 plants now.


New Member
A pic sure would be interesting, ive seen train wreck look like that, and turn out good being a female when it did make up its mind.


Well-Known Member
This is why I take the lazy route and just get clones. It sure would be nice if there could be an open market to exchange clones. :) ah paradise............


Well-Known Member
I live in Minnesota too, so clones are only available from very few dealers. I just like the thrill of growing it from a seed.

I wish I had pictures already but seriously it looks just like a female preflower without the hair. No ball shape at all.


Well-Known Member
dispensaries dont handle clone sales for people who can legally grow medical marijuana?
yes they do but clones eat up your minimums really fast so they are limited and you have to know someone to get clean good reliable genetics


Well-Known Member
yes they do but clones eat up your minimums really fast so they are limited and you have to know someone to get clean good reliable genetics
eat up your minimums? dose that mean you obtain a certain amount of marijuana products per month or year and certain products have certain amounts of points? where i live is voting on house bill 2929 about legalizing medical and small scale cultivation. its my lifes dream to do what i already do legaly


Well-Known Member
eat up your minimums? dose that mean you obtain a certain amount of marijuana products per month or year and certain products have certain amounts of points? where i live is voting on house bill 2929 about legalizing medical and small scale cultivation. its my lifes dream to do what i already do legaly
We can have 6 mature or 12 immature plants and 8 ounces of dried medicine per patient under our collectives or coops. When it comes to cuttings and concentrates it gets fuzzy as far as the law goes.


Well-Known Member
thanks, i feel like i still have 100 questions about how legal it is. im gonna do i quick search and then maybe start a new thread, cuz im jacking this one, once im done gettin baked


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, medical marijuana is far from being a well settled area of law. I live in a city that enacted a local municipal code regarding medical marijuana. Patients can possess up to 1 pound of processed marijuana. Caregivers can possess up to 2 pounds. Patients can possess up to 24 unharvested plants, while caregivers can possess up to 48 unharvested plants. I believe the local district attorney has already argued in court that this code is not enforceable because it exceeds the scope of the State statute. Interestingly, the local muni code also prohibits outdoor growing unless it's in an enclosed, locked greenhouse. I have no idea if my one plant on my balcony is legal, despite having my medical card. What if the police say I am in violation of the muni code? Does that mean my cultivation just reverts back to a felony? Or, can I rely on the district attorney's argument that the local muni code is not enforceable, including the part that prohibits outdoor growing? It's a mess. I bet most folks have no idea the muni code even exists.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, medical marijuana is far from being a well settled area of law. I live in a city that enacted a local municipal code regarding medical marijuana. Patients can possess up to 1 pound of processed marijuana. Caregivers can possess up to 2 pounds. Patients can possess up to 24 unharvested plants, while caregivers can possess up to 48 unharvested plants. I believe the local district attorney has already argued in court that this code is not enforceable because it exceeds the scope of the State statute. Interestingly, the local muni code also prohibits outdoor growing unless it's in an enclosed, locked greenhouse. I have no idea if my one plant on my balcony is legal, despite having my medical card. What if the police say I am in violation of the muni code? Does that mean my cultivation just reverts back to a felony? Or, can I rely on the district attorney's argument that the local muni code is not enforceable, including the part that prohibits outdoor growing? It's a mess. I bet most folks have no idea the muni code even exists.
Im sure it depends on what state you're in because every legal state is different. My state is very lenient when it comes to medical MJ. I really doubt having one plant on your balcony would revert to a felony. in fact, in the off chance that anyone even notices or cares the'd probably just tell you to remove it as a warning.

but also when you get your license (at least here) they tell you never to allow an officer inside your home without a warrant and if they question you you can choose to disclose you're a medical patient or not. showing proof of your license will typically get them to go away. Ive never had any problems though. never had a visit.

I had a plant I put outside that grew about 6 feet tall, but I have a yard and a pretty tall fence. so Im sure it wasnt noticeable.


Well-Known Member
Staying informed is the only answer. Check out www.safeaccessnow.org for as much up to date info as you can handle. Be a part of the change. Support ASA. They are the ones that are doing the work for us.


Well-Known Member
Staying informed is the only answer. Check out www.safeaccessnow.org for as much up to date info as you can handle. Be a part of the change. Support ASA. They are the ones that are doing the work for us.
I agree.
the best way to make sure you're safe is to stay informed on the latest. Know your state laws when it comes to medical MJ and keep pushing your local, state and federal reps to consider legalizing MJ.:peace:
Im actually having the same prob. Except its been 12 days of flowering and i have nothing. the preflowers on the main stem are actually shoots(coming out of a female bract). im beginning to think i have something that has neither sex. but yours may be diff from mine. I do however have what look like female preflowers all over the tops of the secondary growth. See what happens after a few more days of flowering