LOL..... you just reinforced everything I had written..... lol..... wait, I gave you positive reputation recently for having a green thumb (about three weeks ago or so)...... how is that hating?
FDD, you are great at growing pot, and thats all good and everything...... whether or not your better is a matter of opinion only (personally I have never smoked anything you have grown so I couldn't say for sure), yours, mine, and every one elses individually. The pot you grow looks really good,

, and I do respect you for that.
However, growing pot is not a legal or real job. Period. And all I can say for sure is that your better at making Money at it anyways, probably because I don't even try. See I don't sell herb, I don't do consignment, I don't receive cash money donations, or anything of that nature. You do. Thats your choice. But its not a real job. Why don't you come out with me and bust your ass all day from 5 am to 2pm doing a variety of highly demanding time sensitive tasks including but not limited to labor intensive activities and highly meticulous calculations, writing and filing reports etc. etc. make 16 bucks an hour, then go home grow your herb and give it away for absolutely nothing because you have a kind heart even though you can barely afford to pay the bills and put food on the table with your salary?
You sit on a high horse. I just gave away a lb and half of herb for free, completely, and I am behind on rent. nothing comes back to me but smiles and appreciation and knowing that I am truly helping these people that would otherwise feed peoples pockets like you. You sir are nothing to be jealous of, as I can walk through gardens bigger and better than yours anytime, with more respectable growers at my side. I stand by my previous statement.
I don't go around bashing people that sell herb every chance I get. otherwise I would be all over this site doing it to people personally. I do, however, have no problem pointing out when a person takes more credit then they necessarily earn, and mistreat (insult) others that haven't been so lucky.