No fresh air - stealth - help


ive started a stealth closet grow round my friends house, he doesnt want to leave window open wen he is at work during day because the window opens like a door, so im not getting any fresh air in to my grow box
The box is close to window but my friend doesnt want ducting goin to the window
has any 1 had this problem before and got around it some how?
ive read that fresh air is vital for healthy plants


New Member
It is, but you could route the ductin to a cool room in the house - then it'll be getting fresh [ish] air and it'll be chilled - and i'd exhaust the hot air into another room in the house. Unless your sucking in air from outside - that's ALL you can do really, init?


Well-Known Member
Fresh air is vital, so is air movement, otherwise ur plants have no access to CO2, and stale air can lead to mould and other health problems and disease in ur grow room.. Wat type of floors is it? Ru able to perhaps lift a floor board, or if it is in the cupboard or something with a lino floor, you could consider cutting the floor and putting a fake vent in.. If its in the cupboard, u cud say its 2 keep fresh air in the cupboard 2 eliminate moths etc..

Good Luck, Hope This Helps :joint:
- XxNinjaxX


New Member
you shouldn't need to have the window open to get fresh air, fans should be enough wit the air that is in the room. really... you don't need to have the window open and having ducting running out of a window looks trashy, he is right. its not your pad man, its his, and its not even that big of a hindrance so don't dog him for it. you'll want to be exchanging the air inside of the cabinet for air outside of the cabinet but you don't have to have air from outside by any means, as long as its not some dank nasty air room which is just BRS anyways.


my grow is in a closet in a bedroom, i have a row of computer fans at the bottom of my grow space blowing onto the plants and a carbon filter at the top extracting air out the top of my box (in to the bedroom)
ive just came across a diy c02 maker, where you use a plastic bottle, water, sugar and yeast, if i was to do this method to produce c02 into my box and kep replacing the bottles every week would this help a lot ?


Well-Known Member
CO2 helps alot, but is best to use during flowering, tho it has pros in veg too..
PC fans are good, so u wont have ne issues wit stale air, but do u have air coming in2 the grow room? The carbon filter @ the top will restrict flow of air, so ru sure there is air exiting?


CO2 helps alot, but is best to use during flowering, tho it has pros in veg too..
PC fans are good, so u wont have ne issues wit stale air, but do u have air coming in2 the grow room? The carbon filter @ the top will restrict flow of air, so ru sure there is air exiting?
i have 3 computer fans next to each other sucking air from the bedroom into the bottom of grow room, i believe there is air exiting out of an inline fan linked up to the carbon filter, it sounds like its exiting as its noisy lol

if you meant do i have fresh air entering the bedroom then the answer would be only from 5pm till 11pm ish, (this is the time some1 will be in the house)


Well-Known Member
Well, that should b fine then, without knowing the size of ur grow room, or the size of the bedroom, then im guessing that the bedroom has enough air in it to accomodate the plants, without the need to outsource it..
I hope this puts any doubts u have at rest, but it sounds like u hav urself a decent enuf setup and a fair clue, so keep reading and learning, and hope i was of some help to you.
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Well, that should b fine then, without knowing the size of ur grow room, or the size of the bedroom, then im guessing that the bedroom has enough air in it to accomodate the plants, without the need to outsource it..
I hope this puts any doubts u have at rest, but it sounds like u hav urself a decent enuf setup and a fair clue, so keep reading and learning, and hope i was of some help to you.
you've been a great help thanks
not sure on dimensions of the room as im not at my friends house, it fits a double bed with room to move around aswell, hopefully that will giv u an idea for dimensions for the room, and my grow area is a single door closet measuring 60x50x210cm
do you think i should do the homemade c02 to help the plants along, its cheap enough to make so thought i might aswell
thanks again +rep


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the +Rep, yeah man, go nuts with the Co2. I tried a few different methods. I used the 2L milk bottle 1 that ur suggesting, only thing is that wen u pierce ur lid to let the Co2 out, make sure u hav a lid that fits the bottle with no holes in it, as u will need to shake it wen the contents settle.
I have also used the method on here by burtonblunt86 where-by u can make Co2 @ the same time as making Wine.. Works Ok, but wine isnt my thing.
The main downsides with these methods is its rather hard to regulate the amount of Co2 released (normally its alot over a short amount of time).
The method im trying next is Vinegar and Bi-carb soda. Remember the science projects u did back @ skool with the volcano that erupts - same thing, but its useful for ur Weed :-)
Just set-up a bottle of Vinegar hung upside down with a small hose coming out of the lid, then place a small valve on the hose so u can control the amount of vinegar that comes out (you only want a drip every now n then). Then sit a tray underneath and cover it in baking soda (just make sure it has a lip or sides on it).. As the vinegar drips down on2 the bi-carb u shud c a small fizzle and that is the Co2 being released.
A 2L bottle of vinegar should set u back bout $1, and Bi-Carb is dirt-cheap aswell.

grow space

Well-Known Member
good info guys.props 4 XxNinjaxX.but when i have a small shed and in there is my grow cabinet, with 2 ww plants.theres no fresh air coming into the shed, but theres already some of air in the shed-will my plants do fine with that.i open the sheds door once a day 4 just a little while, so new air can come in-does that help????


New Member
if you're doing the ghetto-co2 method use a 5-gallon bucket with lots of water, sugar, and yeast, and put a lid on it so it seals and run a tube for off-gassing through the lid put the open end of the tube above the plants (co2 is heavy so it falls).


Well-Known Member
When I leave my plants outside during the day just before the day is over i take them inside. they look so green and fat compared to when their inside 24/7 but thats Just my .02 cents on the matter not scientific fact.


Well-Known Member
good info guys.props 4 XxNinjaxX.but when i have a small shed and in there is my grow cabinet, with 2 ww plants.theres no fresh air coming into the shed, but theres already some of air in the shed-will my plants do fine with that.i open the sheds door once a day 4 just a little while, so new air can come in-does that help????

Should b ok man, just read ur plants - if they seem unhealthy then they need more air, but if they r nice n green then all shud b sweet. Just b aware of mould wen ur budding, get some sort of fan in there, just to circulate air.


Well-Known Member
4 co2 i use the gas pellet guns on timer 2 shoot 2o tyms a min ... a little of suumfin is better dan nuttin ,..