i sure hope so i wanted to hear about the over all yeilds ect....i hope hes fine....sometimes people get busy he is proably side tracked
ya that much smoke would side track any one.but it is always worring when you see this happen,i remmber a guy had a whole journal of an outdoor grow that read like a book,then harvest time or some were around their no one heard from him again,it made for interesting reading but the dissapearance almost scared me from this site.
yep...also i remember the outdoor grow your talking about...he got into trouble at the end of his grow...i dont think it was for his outdoor tho..

i would deff be side tracked if i had that many babies yum :)
Don't really know but tracking is the same as tracking someone on myspace (which is possible had it happen to my little brother). All they have to do is find your IP address and that will lead them to your ADDRESS no bullshit. My brother was running from the cops a couple years back and I didn't really think anything of it let him stay at my house for TWO FREAKING NIGHTS, one of those nights he gets on myspace, next morning I get a call from my father telling me that the cops are on the way to my house to raid it and look for him. NO ONE EVEN KNEW HE WAS STAYING WITH ME, not even my roommates. Found out later they traced his/my address using myspace with my IP address. So ya they can....... Use a proxy on the internet they are free

Holy fuck bro I would be so fucking parnoided I would go crazy..... Having people snap pics and videos of you????? I'd get the hell out of there. And whats up with all this talk of people getting busted..... I mean do yall really think we should take a break from RIU for a while?????

Holy fuck bro I would be so fucking parnoided I would go crazy..... Having people snap pics and videos of you????? I'd get the hell out of there. And whats up with all this talk of people getting busted..... I mean do yall really think we should take a break from RIU for a while?????

wen nuthin ever happened , i regreted the chop,,but for security sakes it was the rite thing. iwas bro,,but i cant act like i'm hiding somethin or it'd be like telling on mysef, gotta maintain my cool in my outward actions ,but being very observative more now,. i guess i mite take a beak.. but my neighbor has kids and shit and am more leaning it was him,,,because wen i found out his mother killed my little friend , i told him it was like some one coming over here and killing one of your family members,,lol,,i used to call them bitches and hoes from my yard and jus got tired of it,,then thats wen i noticed,, i believe he called the cops and made himsef a bad actor to them and pressured them his family life is threatened , i believe,. other wise i'd been hamburger since then,lol.
lol thats what I do to my neighbors that piss me off just stand in my backyard talking shit when they are outside loud enough to were they can hear me, fucking cat lovers (sorry bro I know your neighbors killed your cat) but I mean these fuckers were leaving notes on my front door telling me that if we don't stop our dog from barking they were gonna call the cops/animal people get my dogs taken away and shit. Fucking assholes and this was like 3 days after we moved in. What a fucking way to welcome new people to your neighborhood. Ha let one of that old bitches cats get in my backyard lmfao my pit would act like it was a toy hahaha. But really I don't condone things like that it would only be funny if it were one of her cats I guess you could say. And god damn I'm high just rambaling and shit hahahaha.

yeah i know they can track threw IP i just wonder if any DEA BITCHES are out there (maybe they will show themselve is we make fun of them haha) Didn't mean to take over this journal so im out.. Keep up the good growing... hopefully some day ill be on your level
Don't really know but tracking is the same as tracking someone on myspace (which is possible had it happen to my little brother). All they have to do is find your IP address and that will lead them to your ADDRESS no bullshit. My brother was running from the cops a couple years back and I didn't really think anything of it let him stay at my house for TWO FREAKING NIGHTS, one of those nights he gets on myspace, next morning I get a call from my father telling me that the cops are on the way to my house to raid it and look for him. NO ONE EVEN KNEW HE WAS STAYING WITH ME, not even my roommates. Found out later they traced his/my address using myspace with my IP address. So ya they can....... Use a proxy on the internet they are free

the cops calld your dad and told him they were gonna raid you? how nice of them.....and if they went to his house first they were just lookin at family...and were
Ya he was a juvi and a run away. Little did I know he had like 3 warrents for his arrest just in my county. They found out where he was called my dad to tell him that they had found my brother. My dad put two and two together and realized it was my address.... Anyways I'm out of this thread its giving me the hebbie jebbies lol...

well i'm still here,lol.feel free to jump to my bluemoon- querkle grow journal if you want .. i dont think this the time and place for a discussion on ,well, you know.
Don't really know but tracking is the same as tracking someone on myspace (which is possible had it happen to my little brother). All they have to do is find your IP address and that will lead them to your ADDRESS no bullshit. My brother was running from the cops a couple years back and I didn't really think anything of it let him stay at my house for TWO FREAKING NIGHTS, one of those nights he gets on myspace, next morning I get a call from my father telling me that the cops are on the way to my house to raid it and look for him. NO ONE EVEN KNEW HE WAS STAYING WITH ME, not even my roommates. Found out later they traced his/my address using myspace with my IP address. So ya they can....... Use a proxy on the internet they are free


just so you know RIU is a network based out of the netherlands ( or some other country over in europe) and will not give out the IP address of the users, if some how the government came accross your IP by this site (by hacking) they would be violating a few constiutional treeties so dont worry about this site.:leaf::hump:

keep on growin
just so you know RIU is a network based out of the netherlands ( or some other country over in europe) and will not give out the IP address of the users, if some how the government came accross your IP by this site (by hacking) they would be violating a few constiutional treeties so dont worry about this site.:leaf::hump:

keep on growin
I would like to get a diffinitive answer as to exactly where the server is. I have heard just about everything and everywhere.
If the server is in Europe, why are we supposed to send our donations to Canada?

And Id hate to say it guys/gals, but I think Bay Area Medical may not come back :sad:. I was really enjoying watching their grow.
yeah.... damn it! where are all the other people growing purple kush??? I wanna watch those grows.......... I grow purple Kush........... some one told me its goin for 650 an oz......... damn
I just want to grow some purple kush. I mean hot damn that shit is soo damn fine. BTW unsubscribing to this journal Peace out bros

i dunno, im with whoever said that the cops dont give a fuck about this site....i personally think of all the ways to get cought up....RIU is the least likely....but better safe than sorry:peace: