Wait one minute guys I think this site is a front for the cops?! I have a feeling everyone who comes here is being tricked. Now I remember how when I first got here all the oldest most helpful members had all just been mass banned?? I also remember reading posts talking about how people where getting busted with info from this site? (how could they get personal info if it was not shared?) The info the cops got could not have come from any posts or forums thay must be from pms and the only way the cops could have gotten is with the help of the staff!? Any one who has shared ANY personal info in posts or PMs are in GREAT DANGER!!!!!! You are in even greater danger if you shared info with any mods here ffd2blk in particular!!!!!!!! People save your selfs before its tooo late!!!!!! 
Good bye and Bless up!
what a way to try to scare people... granted i was nervous for a minute myself on here.. but lets review some facts...
first... the bannings have all come from site violations.. whether it was sharing PMs in public forums, trying to sell hash or other shit, or any other one of the rules the site has set up that was broken...
secondly RIU doesnt give out information on any of us... if any convos or posts from RIU were used to prosecute someone, the only place they would come up in would be during the trial, submitted as evidence.. this would be after the feds or dea have completely ripped apart your computer and home looking for any evidence they can get thier hands on to add to their case... they will not show up with RIU convos at your house with warrant in hand.. if they have a warrant to search your place they dont need to give you reason why... and im sure if anyone did/does get busted its because of a narc they know, not because of this site...
RIU makes money from us.. they in no way shape or form would benefit from being snitches... how can they have a site with memebers if they get all their memebers busted.. and believe me, if the site was being used to help bust people there would be plenty of legitimate claims out there and no new people would join...
the claims of people on here being busted with the help or RIU, or that RIU itself is helping to bust people on here is complete and udder BULLSHIT.. just because they are cracking down on us doesnt mean anything... most of the older memebers that did get banned, im sure, thought they could get away with more because they were loved by the community... but when all is said and done, its not up the community... the rules are enforced by the mods... if you break the rules you get banned... simple as that... if you arent legal to grow then you post at your own risk.. like i said, the stuff you post on here can be used against you in court, but not to secure a warrant or bust you...
as far as everyone giving FDD shit, i think its a bunch of bullshit... in fact i want to go on record as saying FDD deserves respect... he has to be the bad guy sometimes... thats part of the job he does... GET OVER IT AND GROW UP.. if you have issues with how he handles shit then email his boss and file a complaint... im not kissing his ass.. i dont talk to him personally.. i have never asked for his advice.. he's never posted in my journals or threads... all i know of him or the other mods are the few posts i have read by them... and all the flaming posts like this against him... IF YOU DONT LIKE RIU GET THE FUCK OFF OF THE SITE AND GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.. IF YOU FEEL YOUR IN SOME SORT OF DANGER ON HERE THEN DONT POST... its that simple...
can we please stop trying to cause mass hysteria and paranoia... this is one of the very few places i do feel safe talking about my hobby... and im tired of the bullshit threads trying to make this place out to be some sort of dea/fed conspiracy site, when it is apparent that is not...