tramadol hcl dose?


Well-Known Member
ive done some research and im a little confused.

experience reports on erowid peoples doses were only like 100mg or max 200mg.

then i done some snooping on here and people say they eat like 8 all the way up to 20 50mg pills.

some say its worth it some say it dont do shit.

i figure id give it a shot cuz if it dont work then im not losing anything. but if it does...

so anyway i was just wondering what you guys think i should take as a dose.

im 150lbs about 5'9"
and i might do them with my girlfriend. i havent told her about em but if she does them too how much should she take. shes like 100lbs MAX and 5'3"



Well-Known Member
dont do it. tramadol is non narcotic and only take prescribed dosage. it will not get you high. the only reason those people thought they were high taking 20 perscription pills is cuz they were probably about to die


Well-Known Member
when you take loratabs or percs or something u usally only have to take a small amount (like one or two pills) to get high. they are narcotics. there are other things in the pills though becides hydrocodone or whatever. plz dont take the tramadol. you wont be able to feel if you overdosed unlike narcotics you can feel the pill working or if you took to much you would know


Well-Known Member
shepj was one who took it and he is very smart with his shit usually... i dunno if youre familiar with him.

see some people say yeah it gets you high others say it dont do anything.

seems like people either love em or hate em

tea tree

Well-Known Member
i take tramadol as well as every other opiate. The tramadol will get you pumped! Everyone knows that. Wired, nicely too. It is like super cofee. Take three. Tell your girlfreind to take 2. Sounds small, but you will get a nice buzz. Take more and you will get better. Try 5. Dont take over 500 mg. Over a 1000 you will have seizures.


Active Member
I work at a vet clinic and we deal these things out a lt. I love them personally. usually when i get into drugs there is something eventually that i find that deters me from them but i take a couple or three trammies around every other day. Its true for me anyways that you get pumped up. I can concentrate on a completely different level. It works expecially well fo long 12 hour shifts. My girlfiend started taking them too she at first never felt anything and then i started slipping them to her and she got pretty good feeling and so i told her what she was on and she has been hooked since. My usual dose is 2 and another one cracked in half(the broken one seems to hit my system before the others, kinda a quick start and the other two are long term). sorry for the log post hope this helps thouhg.


Active Member
Another quick piece of info is that my boss was taken about 16 a day-he is about 65 btw- and recently had a grand maul seizure the ended up tearing his rotator cuff to shreds. Me and a couple co-workers are convinced that the trammies are the main cause of it. They are fun but like anything, dont over do it.


Well-Known Member
yeah thanks marti. that was helpful. ive only done these thing once before but they were a year expired and i drank a bottle of scotch and smoked a couple blunts. im pretty sure i stopped breathing that night. i think that was the night.

but i thought id give it another try. that was a couple years ago.

i just didnt wanna over do it cuz i had hydrocodone from a friend once and just popped a few not thinking of dose and it messed up my stomach and i just wasnt feeling good at all...

thats what i wanted to avoid.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
yeah, a broken one helps give a kick. over 500 is the iffy level and over a 1000 is bad. Mg wise. I have taken a lot over 500 and around 600 I start to feel weird I think. The focus on your job is awesome. Makes it all clear energy. Hard to explain. Super coffee. Just eat em. Swallow em or chew. No need to go farther. You dont want to. Also over 300 you get a bad feeling in your stomach, but it will go away as soon as the trammie wears off. Lots of stuff online. :)


Well-Known Member
trip report:

dose- me:3 pills or 150mg
girlfriend:2 pills or 100 mg

well at first i wasnt sure if they kicked in. that happens alot though when im taking a drug for the first time. overall though i think the effects were ok. it first started in my legs and feet. they just felt real relaxed. but after a little while i began to feel nauseas. and cigs made it worse. but the feeling was fleeting and the bursts it came in were quick but regular. my girlfriend on the other hand ended up throwing up. she said she didnt really feel anything like i did. i dont think she liked it. so after she threw up we watched a movie and smoked a few bowls. i dunno if it was the amount of weed or the pills but i woke up in a daze and im still in a daze right now. might be the weed though cuz usually we smoke a bowl and are high and at a point where we feel pretty high. so its good weed. and last night we smoked i think 4 bowls.

thanks everyone for your advise.

i dunno if ill do it again. maybe if i have nothing else to do. cuz i still have a couple pills left.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
dude, you have to do it at work. Not just sitting around doing nothng. I am doing that and smoking with some tramies among others and I notice that this is more for emergency pain and all, but as a good drug it is a trip at work. If I was not accustmed to them I might feel sick for some reason stoned too and just sitting. That energy needs an outlet :)I work in sales and with the trammy I am on a kick and a half, I am all over. My reveiw, was full of good words about my "energy". I am also on a lot of opiates. lol. try at work. enthusiasm like you wont beleive.

I have let girls have them for cramps at work and wow did they rave about the energy too. "zippy" :) laughed one girl who tokes after taking one!


Well-Known Member
haha i dunno i cut lawns all day and if i feel sick... eh. i dont feel like doing manual labor feeling like shit haha. but i didnt notice too much energy. i noticed a little "zippiness" but i just attributed that to the fact i was excited to be going to my buddies house for fireworks and stuff. ill maybe do it again. maybe today. i got nothing to do and ill see if i feel it


Active Member
My only drawback to the zippiness is that im done too quick with my work and am waiting on everyone else to get their shit together lol. I also tend to sweat a little more than usual but in my line of work its pretty understandable(wrestling dogs down and moving them around after they're out. plus thinking alot lol)


Well-Known Member
haha you work at petsmart?! washing dogs?! i did.

but to update. i took em again two days ago and i did feel that "zippiness" BUT. I REPEAT BUUUUUUUT. the come down comes with that nausea. i did throw up. loud noises. moving alot. and shaking my head made me feel like puking. i did take four this time though. last time i took three and didnt puke but felt like it. i took four this most recent time and DID puke. the high is cool. but the comedown sucks.