Hello and welcome all the other newbies as well. I'm here to learn how to grow marijuana since I'm planning to grow at my friends house. We're growing 1-2 plants at a time and only have about $150 between us. I hope we can do it.
Garden Knowm wrote a book about doing that very thing. Marijuana Buds for Less. It's available at Barnes and Nobles, 16.95 + tax. In this book, using his other name, SeeMoreBuds, he details everything he did to grow 8 oz of bud from 3 known female plants for less then $100.00 so you are in luck, you will still have at least $30.00 left for improvements.
Welcome to all of the new members that have checked in here in the last few weeks. Rollitup is still growing strong and we do try not to ignore anyone, sometimes we just get too busy.
I have been in this forum for a while now, I can tell you the best way to meet folks is to go view some journals, pick a couple that sound like the kind of space you have, tell them how great their set up looks and ask your questions in their journal. They will like you and they will respond.
Start a journal of your own, share your thoughts, share your plan, details are important and pictures are almost a requirement, if you want intelligent answers to your questions. You can find directions for starting our journals all over the place in this thread, I know there is one way posted on page 130 because I reposted it several times, I'm getting to old to go back that far now, you will have to find that yourself, be sure you Subscribe to your thread.
We now have over 100,000 views for our New Member Thread and almost 400 pages. All of the information you would need to grow is somewhere in this thread, and we had a few laughs along the way. Again welcome to all of the New Members. I have fulfilled my personal obligation to it. VV