Welcome New Members!

Hello and welcome all the other newbies as well. I'm here to learn how to grow marijuana since I'm planning to grow at my friends house. We're growing 1-2 plants at a time and only have about $150 between us. I hope we can do it.
Garden Knowm wrote a book about doing that very thing. Marijuana Buds for Less. It's available at Barnes and Nobles, 16.95 + tax. In this book, using his other name, SeeMoreBuds, he details everything he did to grow 8 oz of bud from 3 known female plants for less then $100.00 so you are in luck, you will still have at least $30.00 left for improvements.
Welcome to all of the new members that have checked in here in the last few weeks. Rollitup is still growing strong and we do try not to ignore anyone, sometimes we just get too busy.

I have been in this forum for a while now, I can tell you the best way to meet folks is to go view some journals, pick a couple that sound like the kind of space you have, tell them how great their set up looks and ask your questions in their journal. They will like you and they will respond.
Start a journal of your own, share your thoughts, share your plan, details are important and pictures are almost a requirement, if you want intelligent answers to your questions. You can find directions for starting our journals all over the place in this thread, I know there is one way posted on page 130 because I reposted it several times, I'm getting to old to go back that far now, you will have to find that yourself, be sure you Subscribe to your thread.
We now have over 100,000 views for our New Member Thread and almost 400 pages. All of the information you would need to grow is somewhere in this thread, and we had a few laughs along the way. Again welcome to all of the New Members. I have fulfilled my personal obligation to it. VV:clap:
Hey guys I'm new to growing marry and i want to start with afghani in soil with 4 cfls, is this a good idea? And please reccomend me the good and secure site to buy seeds from.
I wanted to buy from www.seedboutique.com
Peace, Rolx
Hello there, my name is Tee! (: I'm interested in growing but only a couple of pots any advice starter guide? thanks for the help if given. much appreciated! will stay active upon this forum for quite a well so please go easy on me if I'm so beginnerish.
If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.

hi im completley new to this and i was wondering how do i germinate dieselryder seeds as i cant seem to get a straight answer on how to do it, ive been told so many different things my head is spinning, i have put the seed on some wet tissue in a dark cupboard, but so far nothing has happened, please help i just wanna grow... thanks:-P
hi im completley new to this and i was wondering how do i germinate dieselryder seeds as i cant seem to get a straight answer on how to do it, ive been told so many different things my head is spinning, i have put the seed on some wet tissue in a dark cupboard, but so far nothing has happened, please help i just wanna grow... thanks:-P

Be patient Grasshopper, what you did this like 2 hours ago? What you have done will work if the seeds are viable, sometimes it takes a week for the all to germinate. VV
Hey hows it going. I recently got interested in growing marijuana. Ive done my fare share of smoking in the past but here recently ive become very interested in growing. I dont know why never really thought of it before, just one day my friend found a seed and said hey if you want to grow some weed here you go. Ever since then it has been stuck in my head.
ok im new to this site and idk if this is where i ask a question but here goes,my plants are about a month old, i made some mistakes starting out with lighting i was jus moving them around the house as the day went along and they started streching out.i eventually made a ghetto grow room and there doin ok now,the only thing ison the stems between the leaves(idk the corecct terminology)theres these clusters of small leaves where the "nodes"(?) are.ive seen lots of pictures online and havent seen anything similar is this normal
i have white widdow growin for bout almost 2 months indoors in 20-4 light cycle and be4 i even put in on 12 and 12 there are hairs showing. is this normal?
hello guys,

yet another mewbie here :P

anyways, I started my first grow this season. Originally I had 5 AK seeds which I germinated and babied from the start. About week 3 some guy doing work on the road next to our house obviously noticed the pots sitting outside ( we live pretty isolated so I didn't worry, it seems people still come by) so my dad had the great idea to move them to another location ( yeh he's not too innocent) and a week later I come to find out he had moved them to a bathroom that got no light and all 5 of my babies didn't make it 2 days after I found out about this. :(

Luckily I had planted 2 unknown seeds from some mid range bud I had just for the hell' uv it a few days after I planted my main crop. So I took them up and transplanted them in 5" pots and hid them in a near-by field.

I've been giving them about 2 cups of water each every 2 days and mixing miracle grow in every other watering.

Until lately they've been fine, it seem I didn't water one enough as it's getting yellow on the lower (older leaves).

Not anything I'm seriously concerned about.

here's a couple pics (please ignore quality these are from an iphone ). I thought that they were close enough to a vegetative state for me too give a try at sexing them.


This seems to be the female.

and the male. is this from under watering or a nitrate deficiency? I guess I'll find out soon enough.

I know the leaves have some pieces missing, the grasshoppers just can't seem to help themselves to a treat, haha. I would put them somewhere else but this is the safest place for them until I have their soil ready at their permanent location.

Anyways I don't mind input.

Note: the pics where taken immediately after I watered them
hi every1.. i am a new grower also, so thought i would let me name be known on here.. i really enjoy this forum.. i have learned most of what i know from here.. im a woman that is growin all by herself.. i find this new hobby awesome.. its so nice to take care of something that is gonna be beneficial at the end n a great learning experience.. i do have a problem with two of my plants.. they are 25 days old n under a 150w hps with 4 23w cfls for side lighting n soil.. i have begun nutes already n i think that could be the culprit but not sure. could i get alittle help from my fellow stoners, that would be so fuckin' kewl..

ok the issue is the bottom leaf tips are turning yellow just slightly on one n yellow with brown crispy area from the tip to bout half of the leaf.. dont know what is causing it.. i think i did overwater it last night, the leaves are drooping.. i knew better but i went n did it anyway.. shame on me, right?!? i have a pic but its shitty cuz my cam has a damn bright ass flash, dont know how to take it offf..

so if n e 1 knows what the deal is could you help a sista out..lol.. much appreciated..

well i guess i cant post the pic i have, how do you do it? plz lemme know.. thank ya'll in advance for any n all advice u can give me, ok.. Peace Out!!!
First off, welcome to the forums! I wouldn't even have a surviving plant right now if it weren't for all the help that's available here.

well i guess i cant post the pic i have, how do you do it? plz lemme know.. ...

Upload your photo to http://imageshack.us/ and take note of the "direct link" to the image.

There is a little button that looks like a mountain in the tool bar when you reply to or post a new thread. Click that and put your "direct link" in there. Your image should show up in your post now!
First off, welcome to the forums! I wouldn't even have a surviving plant right now if it weren't for all the help that's available here.

Upload your photo to http://imageshack.us/ and take note of the "direct link" to the image.

There is a little button that looks like a mountain in the tool bar when you reply to or post a new thread. Click that and put your "direct link" in there. Your image should show up in your post now!
thank you..glad to b here.. so much info for this stoner brain to absorb..lol.. im luvin it..:clap:
I have been smoking 15yrs and growing outdoors for 8 years . I am from nc and joined RIU to converse with like minded people. I will post pic and start threads in near future. look forward to talking to all .
im a new grower my plant is 2.5or3 months old,it stands about 3.5/4ft tall, it is showing hairs in 2or3 different places on plant,will it bud soon?any ideas or helpful growing tips for a new grower would be much appreciated
im a new grower my plant is about 2.5/3 months old,it stands about 3/4 ft tall,hairs have started to appear in 2or3 different areas,will it bud soon?what stage is my plant in?any helpful tips fro a new grower would be much appreciated,thanks