Well if I were u I would def Transplant and get your plants out of MG..... I am not kidding.. I do not feel High times have much to offer me, especially at my level of growing but I do feel Jeorge has said ONE awesome point in his last months issue, or month before-- Dont use MG, its meant for out door growing.. I look at MG in home depot, etc and I after see what that stuff does, its kinda a perk that I cannot handle-I woudn;t even use it outdoors now lol..
At lot or IF NOt ALMOST every growing in BC use Soilless mixs of 'Sunshine #4" Now I know that may not apply but its 50% peat moss and 50% perlite. Works well for every situation, economic, bioenviromental friendly, readily available, comes in large 3.0Cub feet. U can fined a similar mix I am sure in home inprovment stores..
If u are in veg, clips your leafs when u feel like it, day or night.. In Flower, clip when u get the chance to (lights need to be on).. But dont clip like a mad man!!! Leave some on if u find yourself taking alot off already and just wait a few days to remove the others..