upsetting mutation... breakthrough in cultivation

been a while since my last thread... back when i was just starting and alot has changed...

im rather high right now so be warned...:spew:

anyways so to start off, my father has a degree in plant biology and is also a genetic engineer

he grows tomatoes the size of watermelons... watermelons the size of apples... ya know all that kinds of crap...

as this works to every teens dream my dad also is a pothead... and he has been teaching me everything there is about changing our ladies' genetic structure and we recently planted our third attempt with growth enhanced seeds from a previously (failed) tested father...

theres no easy way to say this but... the plants grew over 10 feet tall in a matter of 2 months...:weed:

the sad part is when flowering was induced... no flowers:shock:

we will continue to test these subjects as im very certain we will make a breakthrough in the cultivation of marijuana very soon...:hump:

stay posted buddies


Well-Known Member
Cool, can I make a request? Make some pot plants that look nothing like pot plants, different shaped leaves entirely and even better if they don't smell.

You and your children and your childrens children could retire on the money people would pay for this.


Well-Known Member
Cool, can I make a request? Make some pot plants that look nothing like pot plants, different shaped leaves entirely and even better if they don't smell.

You and your children and your childrens children could retire on the money people would pay for this.
Ever see Duck's Foot??


Active Member
That sounds great. I'm a 2nd year Biochemist in training so I would love to see some of your data, if you wouldn't mind sharing.


Well-Known Member
how bout glow in the dark mj.... or a mj plant that grows tomatoes so u can burn and munch out... like that plant that grows tomatoes on top and potatoes on bottom.... lol


Active Member
mad respect!
hoping to hear from you duo in the front cover of the Times or winning a novel prize for being humanitarian, breakthrough in science, and whatever else lol


Well-Known Member
how bout glow in the dark mj.... or a mj plant that grows tomatoes so u can burn and munch out... like that plant that grows tomatoes on top and potatoes on bottom.... lol
Really, they pulled that off?? I know its been a horticultural dream for quite a few decades, and many grafting attempts etc were made with quite a few species, but like clockwork the plants always opted to take the path of least resistance.. For instance rather than turnips with cabbage tops, they got cabbage roots and turnip tops..
@the OP, can you elaborate on these growth enhanced seeds? Has all the tinkering been done on a single generation of parent flower and/or pollen, or have the genes been sexually reproduced??