What ratio soil to perlite?


Active Member
Im gonna be growing using either foxfarm or black gold

in 5 gallon home depot buckets, wondering what ration/percentage of perlite to mix in with the soil

also is there a better container than the 5 gals?

reason I ask is I am limited to about 6.25 feet in height for my 4x4 grow room(6 plants max; legal cali medical grow)


Well-Known Member
30% perlite. Are you talking about the orange buckets? You can't use those without drainage, your roots will drown and rot.


Well-Known Member
I use around 50/50 by volume(not quite 50% perlite, but close) for smaller containers. Then once I transplant to 5 gal it's more like 1/3rd perlite.