A Pro Palin thread


New Member
It's easy to have stellar numbers when you have oil revenue pouring into the state. With all that money to run your state, anyone would look good.

Unlike Michigan which crashed and burned under Liberal economic politics.

All that auto money, and the state is in a shambles.


Well-Known Member
It's easy to have stellar numbers when you have oil revenue pouring into the state. With all that money to run your state, anyone would look good.
You must have the intelligence to know you need to drill for it first. Right professor?

what... huh?

Active Member
What elected positions did she hold? What executive experience does she have? We'll start by exposing you to these two "facts".

You should understand that from my perspective, we have a limited amount of time before my theory will be proven correct or incorrect, and we can debate the rest of Palin later.

I am asking you to faith your position on her, as I have.

If you do not have this faith, then I submit that you are a heretic, driven by ideology or the presumption thereof, and not making logical decisions.

There is more at stake than just a signature. The signature is of importance with regards to character, however, which is what I more care about than ideology.

Believe in her, or do not.

If you refuse to accept my challenge, then you accept my reason.

There is only one way for me to lose. That would require you to take an ethical stand however.


Well-Known Member
I don't blame anyone. I warned of the train wreck that would be Obama, but no one listened.

This woman will take down any opponent she is faced with.
What train wreck? The train was already derailed when he got it. Bush's rampant spending and imperialist intentions drained us.

And Palin's done. The repubs won't nominate someone in 2012 who can't even finish her term. Steele in 2012.


New Member
You have not been paying attention if you think Obama is not doing much to harm the overall health of the country.... :roll:

One demerit for staring at the ceiling.

what... huh?

Active Member
The fact of the matter is, if Willow ended up pregnant, I don't know that anyone would be shocked.

If Palin had an affair, I don't think anyone would be shocked.

If Palin was dropping to gain a year and a half of campaign time... I would be shocked. I would also wear my custom signature for an entire year.


So from here on out, as it has been mentioned in more than three posts... I will take each post hereafter as having acknowledged, and a rejection of, the possibility that she is resigning due to scandal. Not only is each post an affirmation of that rejection, but of a basic moral cowardice to faith such before the news absolves or condemns her of having a lack of executive reason. That is the ambiguous term I choose to use... now.


Active Member
Hypocrites all...did Obama finish his term as Senator? Was that a problem? I wish he had told the truth when he said he had no intention of running for Prez, way back then.



A YouTube just for you WhatHuh?!
This is closer to what we are tdiscussing. Check palin out, she is having a hard time catching her breath. Something is up. Where is Todd?



Well-Known Member
You should understand that from my perspective, we have a limited amount of time before my theory will be proven correct or incorrect, and we can debate the rest of Palin later.

I am asking you to faith your position on her, as I have.

If you do not have this faith, then I submit that you are a heretic, driven by ideology or the presumption of, and not making logical decisions.

There is more at stake than just a signature. The signature is of importance with regards to character, however, which is what I more care about than ideology.

Believe in her, or do not.

If you refuse to accept my challenge, then you accept my reason.

There is only one way for me to lose. That would require you to take an ethical stand however.
Dude, I don't need to take the "test". This isn't the inquisition, calificadores.


Well-Known Member
You must have the intelligence to know you need to drill for it first. Right professor?
Let me guess, she made the oil too, right? Hilarious.

Palin allowed for the drilling, but she didn't find the oil, she didn't drill the oil, she didn't sell the oil. She merely spent the money from the revenue. Or do you really think she drilled it herself? Seriously, I'm asking.

And referring to me as professor is not insulting - I am a professor. I don't know everything - no professor does.


Well-Known Member
The fact of the matter is, if Willow ended up pregnant, I don't know that anyone would be shocked.

If Palin had an affair, I don't think anyone would be shocked.

If Palin was dropping to gain a year and a half of campaign time... I would be shocked. I would also wear my custom signature for an entire year.
This says much about you, and the reality you embrace. It must suck to think Obama is the pinnacle of humanity.



Well-Known Member
Let me guess, she made the oil too, right? Hilarious.

Palin allowed for the drilling, but she didn't find the oil, she didn't drill the oil, she didn't sell the oil. She merely spent the money from the revenue. Or do you really think she drilled it herself? Seriously, I'm asking.

And referring to me as professor is not insulting - I am a professor. I don't know everything - no professor does.
I know you play one on the internet.

Why doesn't oil rich California drill then? Could it be for the politicians?


New Member
Take four economies in complete breakdown mode:

California - Democrat
New York - Democrat
Michigan - Democrat
Puerto Rico - Democrat

Put these horrific economies out front because that is exactly where Obama is taking ALL OF US.

what... huh?

Active Member
One need not be the pinnacle of humanity to be better than the staff at the white trash bed and breakfast.

You keep bringing up ur custom sig line. I'm now guessing that the nuance of what he said has escaped you.....
While I truly appreciate the concern for my credibility, I am resigned to my position... because of history. I don't know govn Palin. I don't have anything inherently against her as a citizen.

I believe quite firmly, though, that she is corrupt, uneducated, and unfit to lead.

You do not believe the opposite, as shown by your unwillingness to faith her decision. Frankly, accepting my challenge would dismiss you as a heretic, should you follow through. You have nothing really to lose... if you believe what you post.

Otherwise you have only to say "I don't know, but I would like to believe better".

If you say neither, you say only that you are a coward, willing to be a hypocrite, for whatever rationalization you require. It is pretty straight forward.

Go ahead... give it a try. Posit a question about Obama, and I will tell you what I believe. Or Bush. Or Kennedy. Or Reagan.

I believe in truth.