A Pro Palin thread


Well-Known Member
J She would make a damn fine leader, does make a damn fine leader. That is my personal belief, and that's why McCain garnered my vote. ..:blsmoke:
Yeah great Leader lol Quits on her people and her state.......thats a good leadership quality to have. When times get tough quit on your country..........................Man ChChoda your great judge of character.lol...........We should listen to you more often:clap:


Well-Known Member
Yeah great Leader lol Quits on her people and her state.......thats a good leadership quality to have. When times get tough quit on your country..........................Man ChChoda your great judge of character.lol...........We should listen to you more often:clap:
Who's "We"?:clap:


New Member
She's not quitting.... she is simply not going to run again, as is everyone's choice. They can't make her run! :lol:

She's after bigger game....


Well-Known Member
She's not quitting.... she is simply not going to run again, as is everyone's choice. They can't make her run! :lol:

She's after bigger game....

um, ......................

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said on Friday she will resign this month and will not run for re-election as governor."

you only seem to see what you want to see. :shock:


Well-Known Member
She's not quitting.... she is simply not going to run again, as is everyone's choice. They can't make her run! :lol:

She's after bigger game....
She's resigning at the end of the month. Better I let you know before the Obamites attack you for not knowing everything that happened in the world 17 minutes ago...;-)


Well-Known Member
She's resigning at the end of the month. Better I let you know before the Obamites attack you for not knowing everything that happened in the world 17 minutes ago...;-)
kinda hard to miss when it's on your YAHOO homepage. this IS the internet. :hump::clap:


Well-Known Member

what... huh?

Active Member
So... you quit on your electorate... tearful, and saying the media is mean... 3 1/2 years before a bigger election, to go gear up for it? 2012 aspirations eh?

Come on now. I thought I was debating conservatives.


Well-Known Member
Come on now. I thought I was debating conservatives.

"She said outside her home in Wasilla that "to embrace the conventional 'lame-duck' status in this particular climate would just be another dose of 'politics as usual,' something I campaigned against and will always oppose. ... I'm not going to put Alaskans through that.""

No, just bashing a good woman. A debate includes facts, not just feelings.