my seeds arrived now what do i do?


what do i do with them??

and i never ordered feminized seeds

only regular but they sent me feminized ones


Well-Known Member
what do i do with them??

and i never ordered feminized seeds

only regular but they sent me feminized ones
well if your grow room is set up to grow germ your seeds then plant them. you got a bonis if you got fem seeds. gl on yopur grow. may you be cursed with many buds


Well-Known Member
ya what do YOU want to do with them? grow em indoors probably, its getting a little late to grow outdoors. have you though about lights? do you have some cfls laying around or money to spend? you need to get some soil too my friend.

i mean these are the basics, surely youve thought about this much?

what you want to do, if you already have somewhere to grow em, is germinate those seeds with the paper towel method or just stick them in some soil


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forums, i suggest doing alot of reading before planting your seeds
I can't find anyone to sell me an International Money Order to buy them, so why don't you send them to me and I'll plant them for you and send you the harvest


Well-Known Member
hahahah that's fucking hilarious!! "my seeds arrived now what do i do?" WOW
I thought i'd seen it all...LOL
Like stated before you need to do alot of reading, and i mean ALOT! The FAQ section at the top of the page is very useful...happy growing...:leaf:


SmoKe We3D

New Member
yes u are a noob what you need to do now is GERMINATE THEM! FOR 24 HRS... THENNN plant them :]

germinate them by placing as many as you want to grow in a shotglass with water place it in the dark come back in 24 hrs and see if they sprouted then if they did plant them


yes u are a noob what you need to do now is GERMINATE THEM! FOR 24 HRS... THENNN plant them :]

germinate them by placing as many as you want to grow in a shotglass with water place it in the dark come back in 24 hrs and see if they sprouted then if they did plant them

what do people have against just planting a seed??.. Just put it in the dirt, add water..... VIOLA!!:wall:


Active Member
Why do people spend the money on seeds when they haven't practiced basics with bag seed first. Could end up to be a shame.


Why do people spend the money on seeds when they haven't practiced basics with bag seed first. Could end up to be a shame.

i think it can be helpful in ways..... some people learn very well when they just jump into something head first... and also, when you grow known genetics, you can easily find other grows of the same strain to compare yours to... which can make you realize that you need to change some aspect of your growing...


Active Member
Yes I suppose, but it's just alot of money to spend when you don't even know how to start. I hope it works out, just not would i would do.


Well-Known Member
PLant your seeds but figure out how many you can handle first. Be glad you got fem seeds.


lol holy i was just kidding.
i know how to grow, lol but the other thing, i only ordered 10 regular
seeds from nirvana.. but i got two 10 packs of bubbalicious/ master kush
all feminized seeds. hahaha those dumb asses ripped themselves off! and
i only paid 25 dollarsssssss.


Well-Known Member
lol holy i was just kidding.
i know how to grow, lol but the other thing, i only ordered 10 regular
seeds from nirvana.. but i got two 10 packs of bubbalicious/ master kush
all feminized seeds. hahaha those dumb asses ripped themselves off! and
i only paid 25 dollarsssssss.
holy shit, thats a deal and a fuckin half. you should mail me a few seeds and share the good fortune. id love some bubbakush over this bagseed plant any day


holy shit, thats a deal and a fuckin half. you should mail me a few seeds and share the good fortune. id love some bubbakush over this bagseed plant any day

no he should NOT.... not allowed; let this be your last mention of this.


Well-Known Member
well gez i didnt mean it like i actually expect him to give them to me, more like share the luck.

dose the seed companys mess up often? im sure if it were any other kind of mess up then people would complain but not in this case