So I tried Shrooms the other night...


Active Member
All I gotta say I loved it. My buddy surprised me by giving me chocolate which actually had the shrooms in it haha. I was a bit worried but after smokin a bowl I was calm. I didn't see walls moving or anything crazy, but everything, and I mean everything, was everything was just fuckin hilarious. I walked in a field with about 4-5 foot tall grass for about an hour and I thought it was the coolest thing I've ever done lmfao. Another thing I noticed was that when I was smokin a cig out on my deck I was staring at the top of the trees and i could seriously focus on individual parts of the tree that my eyes wouldnt be able to focus on normally. Fuckin crazy lol..

So are you supposed to see shit moving at all? Cuz that's wat i was expecting but it wasnt like that at all.


Well-Known Member
yea the drug is called psychocillaban i didnt spell it right. ive taken mushrooms many times and sometimes i would only get the giggles or i felt like u did. other times i was tripping so hard i was hallucinating so it all depends usually if you would have taken a little bit more you probably would have seen trails and been calm and feeling excellent


Active Member
yea the drug is called psychocillaban i didnt spell it right. ive taken mushrooms many times and sometimes i would only get the giggles or i felt like u did. other times i was tripping so hard i was hallucinating so it all depends usually if you would have taken a little bit more you probably would have seen trails and been calm and feeling excellent
yeah for sure i was pretty calm and at peace with everything lmao...was pretty fun and a different high.


Well-Known Member
How much did you eat? It sounds like you had a very mild trip, maybe 1-2 grams? Try an eighth or more, you will get some crazy visuals from that. Glad to hear you had a good first shroom experience though. bongsmilie:mrgreen:


Active Member
Ate a half eight on an empty stomach. Next day was hell though; felt like I had the worst hangover ever...


Well-Known Member
Thats weird, I usually awaken the next day feeling soooo good, although the way I think is still off by a bit.


Well-Known Member
Ate a half eight on an empty stomach. Next day was hell though; felt like I had the worst hangover ever...
that wasn't from the shrooms, the worst side effect from them is obnoxious gas/loud farts.

3g for visuals, no less. eat and eighth and there's no telling what you'll see. rocks can become cartoonish, wet ground looks dry while dry ground looks wet, concrete will ripple like a shallow pond, trees blow with no breeze at all, walls breath, wood grains flow like rivers, computer animation becomes REALLY fake. lol

fruit of the gods; they show you what they want you to see. every trip is a new experience!


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just me, but I get awesome visuals off around 1g to 1.5g. If I eat an 1/8 or more, my trips get super intense, like open eyed blackouts; my spirit completely leaves my body when that shit happens, I just go somewhere else. Not that intense is bad, but sometimes a level 5 trip isn't always necessary for me. I get so much information from those trips that I end up comprehending nothing. Enjoy it all man, different levels of awareness bring new perspectives of understanding.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just me, but I get awesome visuals off around 1g to 1.5g. If I eat an 1/8 or more, my trips get super intense, like open eyed blackouts; my spirit completely leaves my body when that shit happens, I just go somewhere else. Not that intense is bad, but sometimes a level 5 trip isn't always necessary for me. I get so much information from those trips that I end up comprehending nothing. Enjoy it all man, different levels of awareness bring new perspectives of understanding.
the open eyed blackouts are the high point of a trip, imo. doesn't always happen, so when it does, it's generally very exciting and interesting. for instance, one of my waking blackouts put me smack dab in the middle of a repressed and forgotten memory. seeing from an "outside" point of view changed my feelings concerning the situation, and after years of trying to forget, i'm finally at peace.

truly the fruit of the gods.

i also had a "death trip" once. i felt my body shut down and everything faded to black. a minute later i was back in normal trip mode. after that i think i can understand how it feels to actually die.

grow space

Well-Known Member
3g for visuals, no less. eat and eighth and there's no telling what you'll see. rocks can become cartoonish, wet ground looks dry while dry ground looks wet, concrete will ripple like a shallow pond, trees blow with no breeze at all, walls breath, wood grains flow like rivers, computer animation becomes REALLY fake. lol

fruit of the gods; they show you what they want you to see. every trip is a new experience![/QUOTE]

Yeah man-thats the right way-but last time i did shrooms i ate 2 grams and expi. just those things.the grasslands were dancing to me-it was like an ocen, trees were breathing, hey i even communicated with a tree-my tripp was amazing.


Well-Known Member
low doses are fun, I find 0.7 to be sweet if i aint done it in a long time

.5-1.0 grams of shrooms for the family events and functions.

1.0-2.0 grams for on-the-spot testing, and evaluation depending on supposed quality.