when to flower


New Member
If using a 1 gallon container, from seed I advise you give a 6 week veg' period. In this time your plants will show tiny preflowers, where you'll be able (with a good eye) to sex them before you place them into flower. They'll also fill that 1 gallon nicely, and if in soil/perlite you're looking at around 0.5 oz to 1oz per plant. :mrgreen:


New Member
ok cool im thinking about 45 days in veg and 60 in flowering 14 down 76 more to go! =]
What many 1st time growers do not have is patience. This often ruins what should have been an ecstatic smoke, turning all your efforts into farce.

What strain are you growing?


Well-Known Member
ok cool im thinking about 45 days in veg and 60 in flowering 14 down 76 more to go! =]

Try to not use a set flowering schedule, you can't rush mother nature. I did this my first grow and ended up disappointed. By set schedule I mean don't commit to a 60 flowering period then end it, may take more than 60 days.


Active Member
Yea, I'm on my third grow, and I agree that there really shouldn't be a set amount of veg time. I keep track but just to see how long it too to start my flowering. Anyone know though, if you start to see preflowers, can you still veg a while, or should you start your 12x12?


New Member
Yea, I'm on my third grow, and I agree that there really shouldn't be a set amount of veg time. I keep track but just to see how long it too to start my flowering. Anyone know though, if you start to see preflowers, can you still veg a while, or should you start your 12x12?
You can keep them in vegetation for as long as you like.


New Member
im kinda pushing speed on this grow
This is why I asked you what strain you're growing. If you get an afghani, packed full of resin, dense buds and a good yield, these guys flower in 45-55 days. Perfect strain for indoors because they're short in height and short in flower time.


Well-Known Member
im kinda pushing speed on this grow
Have some patience my friend, patience is key. If you don't have the time to commit to a grow, then you shouldn't waste any time starting one.

As someone else said above, you can't rush mother nature.

I grow in soil and personally, I choose to veg for 6-8 weeks so the plant is properly mature with good roots when it goes into flower.


Well-Known Member
Now i have a 400watt dual spectrum hps i dont veg at all,seed to harvest in 16 weeks max.
Here is one pic of one of the first attempts at no veg at all,this plant is 3 weeks old and already showing 2 or 3 female hairs,i have also removed several large leaves as i am not topping them at all due to no veg time and i just want maximum light to the nodes down the stem.

I have several plants on the go that have had no veg time at all,obviously i will get a lower yield from these and the plants will be smaller but because i make my own seeds as soon as one plant is harvested i soak another seed etc. and the cycle never changes so i never run out,also its cheaper on electric:leaf:

Heres a pic of the first plant i started on a no veg cycle,it is about 12" tall and doing fine and i hope to get about a 24" stick of bud off of it.:weed:



New Member
Wow, very interesting post.

Would you tell me what strain you do this with, please? I have flowered with no veg' before, but only with clones and with very mixed results.

The only thing that bothers me about what you're doing is that a plant must reach a certain age before it begins to flower, reach a certain maturity. Although the chemical processes to begin flowering are there from the start the plant still needs to reach a certain level of maturity before it can start budding. What would be wrong (aside from the electric bill) of vegging for a couple of weeks first? Unless you're growing a sativa, your total grow period should be around the same, although you'll get more yield.

Is this an experiment?


Well-Known Member
Wow, very interesting post.

Would you tell me what strain you do this with, please? I have flowered with no veg' before, but only with clones and with very mixed results.

The only thing that bothers me about what you're doing is that a plant must reach a certain age before it begins to flower, reach a certain maturity. Although the chemical processes to begin flowering are there from the start the plant still needs to reach a certain level of maturity before it can start budding. What would be wrong (aside from the electric bill) of vegging for a couple of weeks first? Unless you're growing a sativa, your total grow period should be around the same, although you'll get more yield.

Is this an experiment?
These are strains of my own creation over the years and because you dont live in america i would be happy to send you 10 seeds for free of course,if you get a po box no. and just pm the address i will send them to you,bearing in mind of course that the most stable set of seeds will not be ready until after this grow in about 8 weeks or so.

I have been crossbreeding various strains over the past 8 years,i have used many different kinds over the years including ww,ppp,shaman,blueberry(male pollinated resultant females),matanuska tundra,bigbud,bubblegum,and others that i cant even remember over the years as i never took it seriously at all for at least 5 years.

Seeds are always severely tiger striped and i get a 9 out of 10 sprouting ratio normally,most seedlings that i have lost have been from fungus gnats larvae.

Clones really easily very resitant to mould and mites etc.,i have even done many clones whilst the plant has been almost done and ive picked of the buddy bits,smoked them and then cloned the stalk and regrown it lol.

As to the experiment why im doing it really is the fact that i only have one room available to me so i just never have to change my rooms cycle and plants in the cupboard are in all stages from seedlings to budding,i use empty pots to raise the newlings closer to the light without having to move the lamp closer to my bigger plants,i just pot and go.

I would have never attempted this without a dual spectrum lamp.
Nothing would be wrong with vegging for a couple of weeks and your right this would improve the yield,bur for me i only want small plants for my own personal use and i get a constant supply this way and i get to keep making myself new seeds on a regular basis.

I will be adding hashberry to the next grow and then fertilizing the hashberry females with my own strains pollen and vice versa so those should be good alough will take years to stabilize them,i will clone the best traits that i like and keep inbreeding them,and this way i can stabilize a strain in just over a year as each cycle only lasts 16 weeks so i can get to f6 in about a year and a half.

I dunno about the maturity thing but they are definitely going into flower already,im pretty sure that there are many strains that would not appreciate this growing method which is why i am offering you some free seeds which i can guarantee you will like,very strong euphoric weed,my stuff also makes my girlfriend extremely horny which is also a bonus:leaf:


New Member
These are strains of my own creation over the years and because you dont live in america i would be happy to send you 10 seeds for free of course,if you get a po box no. and just pm the address i will send them to you,bearing in mind of course that the most stable set of seeds will not be ready until after this grow in about 8 weeks or so.

I have been crossbreeding various strains over the past 8 years,i have used many different kinds over the years including ww,ppp,shaman,blueberry(male pollinated resultant females),matanuska tundra,bigbud,bubblegum,and others that i cant even remember over the years as i never took it seriously at all for at least 5 years.

Seeds are always severely tiger striped and i get a 9 out of 10 sprouting ratio normally,most seedlings that i have lost have been from fungus gnats larvae.

Clones really easily very resitant to mould and mites etc.,i have even done many clones whilst the plant has been almost done and ive picked of the buddy bits,smoked them and then cloned the stalk and regrown it lol.

As to the experiment why im doing it really is the fact that i only have one room available to me so i just never have to change my rooms cycle and plants in the cupboard are in all stages from seedlings to budding,i use empty pots to raise the newlings closer to the light without having to move the lamp closer to my bigger plants,i just pot and go.

I would have never attempted this without a dual spectrum lamp.
Nothing would be wrong with vegging for a couple of weeks and your right this would improve the yield,bur for me i only want small plants for my own personal use and i get a constant supply this way and i get to keep making myself new seeds on a regular basis.

I will be adding hashberry to the next grow and then fertilizing the hashberry females with my own strains pollen and vice versa so those should be good alough will take years to stabilize them,i will clone the best traits that i like and keep inbreeding them,and this way i can stabilize a strain in just over a year as each cycle only lasts 16 weeks so i can get to f6 in about a year and a half.

I dunno about the maturity thing but they are definitely going into flower already,im pretty sure that there are many strains that would not appreciate this growing method which is why i am offering you some free seeds which i can guarantee you will like,very strong euphoric weed,my stuff also makes my girlfriend extremely horny which is also a bonus:leaf:
Thankyou. I'll get back to you on that.

The reason this experiment interests me so much is because I am doing one that could be considered the complete opposite. SOG with long veg', I suppose would be a simple way of putting it. Tiny pots, long veg'. I want to see what happens, I'm hoping for improved yield, in fact i'm hoping for double.

I love your choice in genetics, all excellent strains. fdd' is the MAN on this site in regards to breeding (plants), I believe you two could have some interesting conversations.


Well-Known Member
All of my plants are also in small pots i have found that using small pots helps to make them short and fat and slows down the stretch,which is all perfect for me and my small setup.

Big plants do not like to be root bound but i have found that smaller plants dont seem to get to worried about it and this actually seems to help to produce tighter nuggs as the plants emulate their root systems.
My seedlings are in coffee cup size pots and then i move them to 4 litre pots and thats as big a pot as they ever get.

Breeding and growing as a science fact is all still very new to me and i only know the basics and mostly use the luck and flaw system(lol)but it seems to work for me:weed:


New Member
My moms are in 3litre pots, have been for over 6 weeks. I rotate them fairly often though.

Veg' time=yield. I want to see how far I can push it until container size becomes an issue.


Well-Known Member
Ok heres an updated pic on the biggest of the no veg seedlings,they are already showing pistils here and there and are very big for their age i think considering they had no veg time at all,i also had to de-leaf them a bit as they were shading each other and i want maximum light to the middle.

The pot is very small about twice the size of a plastic coffee cup you get from a vending machine i will be trying to get away with leaving it that same pot till its finished,if it starts to show signs that it is unhappy i will move it to a slightly bigger pot.

I will put a pic of that exact plant here every week until its finished so you can see what happened ok,peace and :leaf:
