miracle grow ?????????


Well-Known Member
What is the N-P-K ratio? Personally I wouldn't use that crap but if you want to go ahead. Remember you will only get back what you put in. If you cheap out on the nutes your plant will cheap out on the buds


New Member
you dont need that crap bro. just use poting soil n water. thats it. my plants look sexy and i never use fertalizer.

Fallen Buckshot

i personaly like to mix my own medium as follows:
3-4 parts spagnum peat moss
1 part vermiculite
1-2 parts pearlite

you can add to that or take away as you like for example i added some Espoma Bio-tone to each pot was an afterthought but 1/4-1/2 of a cup should do well in the mix


Well-Known Member
you dont need that crap bro. just use poting soil n water. thats it. my plants look sexy and i never use fertalizer.
Terrible advice, plants need nutrients. Your buds are going to be very small if you do not get proper nutrients. Do you think you would have grown at all when you were a baby if you parents didn't feed you?


New Member
Terrible advice, plants need nutrients. Your buds are going to be very small if you do not get proper nutrients. Do you think you would have grown at all when you were a baby if you parents didn't feed you?
well i feed my plant pond water. i dont use this crap people buy at the store. chemicals whats that gonna do. the water you feed your plant should have all the nutes your plant needs. also new born baby is getting natural milk. you grow alot better from your moms milk than walmarts milk.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I said to get proper nutes which by the way wal-mart doesn't sell. Do you have pics of your plant? It would look sooooo much better if you had real nutes. Water is water there isn't much nutes in it. Go to a hydro store and get some good shit


Well-Known Member
See how the leaves look not so green? They are nitrogen deficient. Your buds are going to suffer dude. Still a nice plant though... just could be a lot better

Fallen Buckshot

looks pretty healthy to me but it could use a dose of some nutes


New Member
I just dont believe in nutes bought from the store..lol
she is lacking in green due to lack of water. i was out of town for a week and left her to a friend to take care of. bastard only watered her twice. she looked like a christmas tree when i left


Well-Known Member
I just dont believe in nutes bought from the store..lol
she is lacking in green due to lack of water. i was out of town for a week and left her to a friend to take care of. bastard only watered her twice. she looked like a christmas tree when i left
You are wrong my friend you are making things up. That plant is yellow due to lack of nitrogen not lack of water.

Here is an excerpt from that thread, fdd said "they grow themselves. just water them with food. that's it. the nute industry has gotten us. boosters and bloomers and carb load and sugars. it's all bullshit. this is a simple plant. it has been genetically bred to produce the finest product. why will no one believe in the genes. let the plant do it's own thing. i'm not adding sugars or enhancers. why? it prime weed already. so much goes into breeding yet they lead you to believe you need all these products to produce. it's bullshit."


New Member
yea i have seen that thread. would be awesome to get something like that.
idk what you think im making up. would nutes make my plant look like that?? if so i think im gonna be a broke man.. lol


Well-Known Member
You are making up that the plant is yellow because of lack of water. You pulled that right out of thin air. I don't know if your plant will look as good as fdd's but I can tell you that your plant would probably be 25% bigger if you were properly feeding it


New Member
ok i was assuming it was lack of water only because my friend watered it twice in 8 days. now i do believe that thats why its yellow. just my opinion didnt make a damn thing up.

you guys are the professionals this is my first grw. what nutes do you think i should go and buy?


Well-Known Member
Your opinion is wrong dude, I know for a fact that that is a nitrogen deficiency. The nutes are up to you man there are a lot to choose from so I can't really suggest one. You need to read the growFAQ there is a lot of information in there. Here is a link: https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq


New Member
so are you saying it really dosnt matter which one i get?
alright thank you. ima read that through.
thanks for your help bro. im glad i posted a stupid answer now..lol you just saved me.. haha