You've got me bang to rights there MC

As promised here's some updates to show development over the last week.
First up is the cutting. Remember she has had no rooting hormones, so she can be forgiven for being a slow starter. She'll pick up.
Next is the failed Hempy experiment. She's come on plenty over the last week. She would look more photogenic but I've tied down the whole of the top cola. You can see it under the red band in the middle.
Next 3 shots are of Tera. I've started to rein her in a bit now as I need to reclaim a bit of room for the cutting. If you remember that 9 fingered leaf, it's right at the bottom and shows just how much growing she's done since that leaf came out exactly 28 days ago. There's a picture of the top canopy and one of the side colas too. She's around 2 weeks into flowering so those colas have some filling out to do but I'm pleased with her so far.
Last 2 are of Veronica, the next girl to be harvested and finally a shot of Pandora doing very nicely outside.