having lights on 24 hours


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of people sayin they put there lights on for 24 hours a day. In which part of the plants life cycle would you do this? It makes since from when they are seed till when though? Could somone briefly explain the theory of puttin the lights on for that long please?


Well-Known Member
You leave the lights on 24/0 for the vegetative state. I use 18/6 as well as most other others here. I would suggest using 18/6 because it gives the plants some time to rest and it will help you out on the electric bill. There isn't a noticeable difference in growth either


Active Member
I leave my lights on 24/7 untill im ready to flower. Everyone does different things though. Some put them on 18/6 because they say the roots need time to grow. But its more of a personal opinion in my eyes.


Well-Known Member
Would you wanna stay awake all the time? I don't think so, give the plants a rest and give them 6 hours of darkness. They will thank you


Well-Known Member
Would you wanna stay awake all the time? I don't think so, give the plants a rest and give them 6 hours of darkness. They will thank you
Thanks, so basiccaly use 18/6 from seed all the way through vegation? Unless i really felt like using 24 hours, but i think it'd kill my elercity bill worse then its going to be.


Well-Known Member
You can go 24/0 for new seedlings for a couple days just to get them started if you want. But after a few days you should go 18/6


Well-Known Member
I have no problems going all the way through veg on 18/6 lighting so I would just suggest doing that. Some people do the 24 hour light but I am not one of them


Well-Known Member
i use 24/0 for the first week or two and i might give them an hour of darkness evry few days. then when the first leafs are getting big and the next set are growing i give her 22/2 for a week. then 20/4 and then 18/6 untill the end of the veg period (i keep em small so its only another weekor two) before i start flowering.


Well-Known Member
This time around I am on 24/0 so far in veg but am going to change to 12/12 to flower very soon...... My last grow I did 18/6 for veg, so far not noticing any difference.


Well-Known Member
Yes you are noticing a difference.... in your electricity bill. If you aren't noticing a difference why waste your money on those unnecessary six extra hours?


Well-Known Member
I would rather not take other peoples word on the differences between some things that I can find out myself,, the amount of money isnt anything to cry about as I am not growing on that big of a scale, If I was growing in that big of scale I am sure I wouldnt be doing 24/0, or I would be on solar........


Well-Known Member
Well didn't you just say that you haven't noticed a difference? Isn't that finding out for yourself? I don't know man I don't like throwing money away for no reason... to each his own I guess


Active Member
i agree with tom 420, the only difference is the electric bill.. i started mine off with 24/0 the first week then switched to 18/6, they are three weeks today n doing wonderful.. they love their undisturbed sleep just as i do..lol..
in my personal opinion it isnt worth the extra 6 hours for the amount of difference it makes.... i havent seen much difference in the two so i rather just save on that electricity...also you are supposed to pick either 18-6 or 24-0 for the first approx. month then when u want to switch to flowering (growing buds) you much change the light cycle to 12-12


Well-Known Member
have t-5's running for 7 days strait then switch it to 18/6?

It's been my experience that with any HID lighting, no matter the wattage(400,600)18/6 lighting is best. Having the 6 hour of darkness to rest is good. With floros/CFL's, they work best for me on 24 hours a day. I'm just saying....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I would leave flouros on 18/6 too. It doesn't matter what light you are using the plants still like to rest. Give them a dark period they will thank you