Florida Growers Thread

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Well-Known Member
Home from work today due to the rain. Took a little nap and dreamed someone chopped all my buds off my plants when I had a party, woke up to find it was all a dream.

Anyway from lake county, today is day thirty of my flowering. Two thc bombs, one caramelicious and three bagseed beans from some really good bagseed. Tied my girls down to shower curtain rods two weeks ago, haven't had to move my light since then due to the fact they are basically now growing horizontally. Some of the buds are getting close to my light so I expect I will have to adjust it within the next week.

On to the pics.



Well-Known Member
Cool thanks for the picture. I'd be majorly paranoid about helicopters spotting any sort of greenhouse (even a plant-sized one out in the middle of nowhere)... maybe if put in heavy foliage but there's not much of that around here during the winter. =/
I agree that it is not stealthy at all.. but it would help with the cold...;-)


Well-Known Member
nice plants HeadsUp...my lady's folks live in bushnell, right by you, i like it up there, nice and woodsy....and as far as meeting folks from on here, i'm yet to do it, but i feel if you get to know them enough, see pics of their grows, you can begin to understand them...a buddy from another forum had a great idea, he meet a dude that lives in his town, and mind you, they'd been online buddies for a while, but they set a meetup for 5pm at so and so beach and also agreed to bring one joint each of their herb...everything went great, they chilled, blazed the joints, and during that time you can see what kind of person you're dealing with...i'm a good judge of character so this is a pretty good idea, it's not like you're takin them into your grow room the first time you meet...but there is alot of great people here that i'd like to become friends with! just be safe and happy growing....:bigjoint:bongsmilie



Well-Known Member

I'm not going to re-post a thread, but I was wondering if any Florida growers could please go look at this and tell me if you know what my
problem is? I talked to the hydro guy about my tomatoes and he said from the description he couldn't tell. He did state that Florida has a lot of 'odd' diseases that they don't encounter in other parts of the country so I want Florida guys to look at this too. Thanks in advance for any help!



Well-Known Member
it aint evan worth it best to me safe

after all mj is illegal
I met a kid from here and we shared some pretty damned good herb. He was 19 and he gave me his phone number so I googled his number and found an ad on Craigslist selling a phone. We met and hung out, nice kid but a bit young for me to hang with.

There are a few people here I would be willing to meet, but not many. Mostly because of varying personality differences, but some because of stupidly low post counts and 'iffy' conversations in the forums. I'd be willing to meet some Florida people, but they have to have one hell of an online presence and long history on RIU. Something googalable is also nice. It sucks but it's the environment we live in.



Well-Known Member
I met a kid from here and we shared some pretty damned good herb. He was 19 and he gave me his phone number so I googled his number and found an ad on Craigslist selling a phone. We met and hung out, nice kid but a bit young for me to hang with.

There are a few people here I would be willing to meet, but not many. Mostly because of varying personality differences, but some because of stupidly low post counts and 'iffy' conversations in the forums. I'd be willing to meet some Florida people, but they have to have one hell of an online presence and long history on RIU. Something googalable is also nice. It sucks but it's the environment we live in.


I think meeting up with a person over the net can be sketch. Then again.... mabye thats my perspective. Unless you actully talk to them on a day to day basis then perhapse it might be worth a giv. You jus nvr know but the safe bet is to be smart.



Well-Known Member
Well Im kinda like a hermit. I chill at my place and if I know ya you come chill with me and I really am uncomfortable with meeting possible snitches no disrespect.

The Silver Fox

Active Member
i think it would be cool to meet people on here and chill or smoke some herb, personally i would love to meet some growers near me its not like we would have to share grow rooms but having someone knowledgeable to talk to would be nice


Hey guys, pretty new to rollitup, but not new to our great gunshine state :D

I use to be in west palm, but just recently moved to jacksonville. Anyone from this area?

Also, im going to start a journal, i have 5 plants started, 2 seedlings already sprouted, 3 others are on their way :D
im there too. duval unite haha im doing a ww grow

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Well-Known Member
has anybody on rui met somebody else on here in person, i dont see why people would be so afraid of that, we all live near each other?

Silver fox, kind of fits my description as well. I'm a senior citizen, I wouldn't have a problem with meeting people from on here. I have an almost complete disdain for the law concerning weed. What's the worst they can do? They want to bust me for weed, go ahead. I'm under the state laws numbers for an automatic jail sentence. For those that don't know, Florida, grow under twenty plants and the judge has the choice of letting you walk out of the court room, over twenty, you're going to jail do not pass go, do not collect two hundred bucks. I started growing last year because I felt it was safer than going out onto the streets to buy my weed from kids that overcharge for lousy smoke. I've been smoking weed for over forty years, I can't believe it's still illegal, especially when alcohol is legal. Screw em'.


Well-Known Member
Nice post!!!:clap::clap::clap: +rep for sure...

A quick question... if you don't mind...:eyemoske:

Is there any kind of weight attached to that 20 plant "limit"? (for lack of a better word ;-))


and Be Well! :clap:

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Well-Known Member
nice plants HeadsUp...my lady's folks live in bushnell, right by you, i like it up there, nice and woodsy....and as far as meeting folks from on here, i'm yet to do it, but i feel if you get to know them enough, see pics of their grows, you can begin to understand them...a buddy from another forum had a great idea, he meet a dude that lives in his town, and mind you, they'd been online buddies for a while, but they set a meetup for 5pm at so and so beach and also agreed to bring one joint each of their herb...everything went great, they chilled, blazed the joints, and during that time you can see what kind of person you're dealing with...i'm a good judge of character so this is a pretty good idea, it's not like you're takin them into your grow room the first time you meet...but there is alot of great people here that i'd like to become friends with! just be safe and happy growing....:bigjoint:bongsmilie

Thanks GKN. I haven't been to bushnell in years but it is verging on being in the boonies last time I checked. My partner in growing and golf does quite a bit of work in bushnell, he's a plumber. He used to get his weed from some of the locals there that grow in the woods. We were just talking about it on saturday, so I asked him why not get in touch with them? He said it's been years since he's talked with them and their weed was rather expensive, but good. My current crop of six should be ready to smoke in six more weeks, drying and curing included.

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Well-Known Member
I googled florida pot laws. As for the sentence, I don't remember you would have to look it up but as I said, it is automatic jail time, the judge has no discretion if you have more than twenty plants.