Whoa Kay.... lots of ground to cover so bear with me. if i stray i apologize, im stoned...
I'd first like to say CHASE THE BASS where'd you go man? i said finally! another quantum enthusiast!
i share many of Stoney's views on life in regards to people and their own religion i.e. i dont care what religion you are, its your choice, just keep it out of work, school etc. Hey Stoney, has anyone ever told you that you're very left AND right brained?
Thats a lot of effin information to go through in one sitting..... after page 10 i started skimming to save time lol, blunt #2.5 is where im at right now after reading all that i have.... some of the posts made me laugh so hard that i nearly peed mahself! others made me feel like doing this
Anyway, my main point is that i cant believe that quantum theory/physics was only mentioned ONCE in 20 pages of posts. Have none of you seen the documentary film "What the Bleep: Down the Rabbit Hole"? (ok im not implying an "OMG i cant believe you have not seen it" attitude, its just a question

) If not, i recommend, nay, DARE you to watch it. I DARE you to open your mind to infinite possibilities, to get a perspective that is neither comforting or easy to fathom, to make an attempt at increasing the level of brain activity that you are aware of, to question the very fabric of reality and the universe as you know it. so take one of these

and sit back a sec.
This is Straight from Wikipedia under search: quantum physics
"Quantum mechanics is a set of principles underlying the most fundamental known description of all
physical systems at the submicroscopic scale (at the atomic level). Notable among these principles are simultaneous wave-like and particle-like behavior of matter and radiation ("
Waveparticle duality"), and the prediction of probabilities in situations where classical physics predicts certainties. Classical physics can be derived as a good
approximation to quantum physics, typically in circumstances with large numbers of particles. Thus quantum phenomena are particularly relevant in systems whose dimensions are close to the
atomic scale, such as
protons and other
subatomic particles. Exceptions exist for certain systems which exhibit quantum mechanical effects on
macroscopic scale;
superfluidity is one well-known example. Quantum theory provides
accurate descriptions for many previously unexplained
phenomena such as
black body radiation and stable
electron orbits. It has also given insight into the workings of many different biological systems, including smell receptors and protein structures
." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_physics
That best explains in short the very broad spectrum of studied areas in quantum mechanics. They just say it better than i do lol.
I do need to say one thing before i continue to my
SELF DISCOVERIES: I have no problem with religion as a whole, do what you want, i dont care, just dont force it on me, as i dont force anything on you.
For so long scientists and physicists alike have been looking in the wrong direction, as have many of you posting on this thread, in my opinion. Right now the focus is on the grand scale of GOD and CREATION and EVOLUTION which are all good and all have their cooky aspects, that comes with this kind of territory and im sure MOST of you will agree with me on that (hopefully). When i say wrong direction i mean just that, were looking OUT instead of in... To the molecular level. We look at Einstein and see, wow, E=mc^2 / theory of relativity and all of that. Einstein HATED quantum theory, he didnt like what was known as "spooky space" or more descriptively; the space between the orbit path of an electron, and the nucleus of an atom.
Which brings me to my next point. Atoms, which we are undoubtedly made up of, are essentially empty! Now, were talking on a molecular scale here, only observable by the most powerful of microscopes, but what physicists noticed/discovered is that atoms are essentially empty spae. Another interesting characteristic of atoms is that they NEVER TOUCH, electron fields around atom nuclei repel eachother, even if the atoms are part of the some molecular structure, they are not touching, they NEVER touch eachother, they get REAL close, REAL CLOSE, like i said this is on a molecular level, measurable only by tables and scales most humans would never use throughout their entire lives.
Ok now im rambling.... its in the documentary
Did you know that your thought affects reality?
Did you know that Electrons are aware of themselves?
Did you know that your brain is processing 400,000,000,000 bits of information a second (thats four hundred BILLION) and that we are only consciously aware of 2000? ( two thousand )
Imagine if we as an entire race began working towards ONE common goal, WE COULD MOVE MOUNTAINS LITERALLY!
Here are a couple of excerpts from "What the Bleep"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQe0oiaBssg This one is my favorite!!it has my favorite experiment in it! the double slit test!!!
"consciousness is free because there is no mathematical description of the subject, only objects can be described mathematically." love that quote
This one is the last 10 minutes of the video.. it goes into how reality is perception, and only when perception is altered can reality be altered
This is my second favorite part, the part that backs my question, why dont we all work towards a common goal. FOCUS everything, every attention, every thought, to one common thing? even more backed by THIS experiment ---->
This is one thing ive never understood about the human race: We destroy ourselves continuously, fight endlessly, try to one up eachother..... WHY? More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason on this planet, which is why i cant relate myself to christianity as a whole. Doesnt the word "christian" literally translated mean "christ like"? did Jesus kill anyone in the name of his father? NO! HE DIDNT! (or at least thats the common belief, pure, holy, virgin

, never sinned) Look im not denouncing anyones beliefs, i just find it hard to believe that he was conceived immaculately, lived 33 years (and as famous as he was for his prophetic visions) and STAYED a virgin, and NEVER sinned.... COME ON, fame changes people... good or bad. Another thing that didnt set well with me was going to church, I sit in silence while some guy on stage, that i know nothing about, preaches to me what he believes to be the correct interpretation of holy scripture (while its only HIS interp.) and how it should tie in to my life next week. wtf? how is that a path anyone would want to follow? being TOLD what to do your entire earthly life? Why not experience things for yourself? make your own conclusions, look inside yourself, instead of looking out at the rest of the world. Meditation (for me anyway) is the best form of "inner looking", not only do your discipline, muscle control, and thought processes become more controlled, but you begin to see whats really there, what reality really is. And that the power of thought is far greater than any of us know, and has the ability to change reality as we know it. LOL this is all explained in greater detail than i could ever give here in the RIU forums lol
Ok im ranting again, i apologize *deep breath*
OK back to this question: "This is one thing ive never understood about the human race: We destroy ourselves continuously, fight endlessly, try to one up eachother..... WHY?" its always been a hard set of facts for me to swallow, lemme tell ya. Even a a child i never understood why kids fought in school, or why girls had to gossip and spread rumors just to be more popular and in control of the school yard... why? To be perfectly honest, i dont know if we will ever know the answer to that question, or if we'll even come to some sort of median to settle differences, find common ground, and GROW from that. Thats how i settle quarrels in real life... No joke, i was a local rock show and stopped a fight like this. One was pissed cause the other accidently moshed into his girlfriend, and the other was mad cause the first guy used a racial slur to express his feelings about the accidental bump into his girlfriend. so i walked over to the dudes and told my GF to go check on the guy's gf, make sure she wasnt hurt or nothin. Long story short, i got both of their attentions and asked one question to both of them, "why did you guys come here tonight? both replied that they had friends in the one of the bands (different bands but still =D) i then followed with, " ok, so you guys are both here to support your friends right?" "Yes" then i said, "ok, the common ground is found, cmon guys, is it really worth fighting over? You're both here to enjoy music, and truthfully, your girl needs to back away from the "pit" if you don't want her getting hurt, shell be just 20 feet behind you at the bar, i promise." the guy smiled and said i was right, a smartass, but right. They shook hands and enjoyed the show TOGETHER. Ok, i think im done, again, i am sorry for the jumbled-ness of all this, lol i had to take in 20 pages of posts!!
Look, were all on this planet together, its time we act like it. Lets find the common ground, and grow from that, just like the babies that we all love and grow ourselves