Should I toke up in my car?


Well I need to toke up and my family is in town. I'm thinking of toking up in my car but will the smell remain in there for a long time? I don't want my car door to be open and just wreaking of pot. Can someone help me out here?


Well-Known Member
haha yea man just smoke outdoors, and if you do smoke in the car if you drive around w/the windows down for a bit the smell will leave fairly quickly


let the breeze blow it away smoke outdoors,wats the prob,lol
I would but im paranoid. I could smoke in the back yard but they'd probably see me.I doubt I can find a place with no one around at 3pm so I can toke up real quick so thats why I was thinking my car. I'm running out of ideas


haha yea man just smoke outdoors, and if you do smoke in the car if you drive around w/the windows down for a bit the smell will leave fairly quickly
thanks I'll probably have to try this. I really hope it doesn't wreak of pot because I'll probably be driving them places


Well-Known Member
Are you a med patient? How many cops are in your area? Are they dickheads? I personally wouldn't risk it, but then again cops are trained to buttfuck you of your rights and they are a dime a dozen here.


Well-Known Member
walk and skank take in the scenic route i always get those yearning eyes when i skank at the bus stop or on the way to the fruit trees around i area..walk and skank


Active Member
smoke in the car, if you smoke close to your house it will linger to open house windows but once you exit your car, it will look like the spicoli van in fast times.
Just renuzit it!!


Well-Known Member
Smoke and then drive with the windows down.

Get some McDonalds or other smelly fast food and eat it in the car with the windows up. They will smell the McD's the next time the get in the car. Drop a fry under the seat if you want to be safe.


Well-Known Member
you'll be fine ....just roll the windows up..make sure no one is around though were you know you wont get caught...enjoy your blunt or bowl....right before your getting ready to go back inside rememeber to put on some lotion or use some hand sanitizer...right before you go back inside air out your car and open both your doors for a few seconds to let it air out..leave one or both of your windows cracked...also spray some type of freshner...oh yeah some visine helps telling you you'll be alright...i did a couple of times in my dads car when i was up north


in my opinion you shouldnt because of the po po's. yes you can cover it up and all but the day you forget and you get pulled over by the law i hope to god you dont have anything on you. i usually go to a tobacco store and buy those already made tubs and a tube filler thingy . i take the filter out and replace it with a roach. i smoke that on my smoke breaks at work. :bigjoint: lol
im not saying dont do it. im just advising you not to .

- zdunich


Well-Known Member
Sto being paranoid, when I'm at my folks place. I just go outside take as many puffs as I want, than i come back inside.

Sometimes I burn in the driveway and its in the

Nobody knows I could be smoking a cig for anyone knows.

shit it takes less than a minute to go outside take some puffs and come back in


Well-Known Member
you'll be fine ....just roll the windows up..make sure no one is around though were you know you wont get caught...enjoy your blunt or bowl....right before your getting ready to go back inside rememeber to put on some lotion or use some hand sanitizer...right before you go back inside air out your car and open both your doors for a few seconds to let it air out..leave one or both of your windows cracked...also spray some type of freshner...oh yeah some visine helps telling you you'll be alright...i did a couple of times in my dads car when i was up north
lmfao the bud in your sig is WAY too early hahahaha.