A Pro Palin thread

I find faith hucksters to be an afflicting thorn in my side, but McCain didn't kick his Pastor to the curb when he hit a bump in the road.... a man of principles.

I don't agree with some of what McCain stands for, but I will always choose a person of principle over one who merely changes spots when the going gets rough.

I thought McCain was a man of principle and like him when he was butting heads with the neo-con republicans. However, as he got more popular and held more sway, he certainly abandoned his principles. Even throughout his career, he abandoned his core beliefs.

As an early example, he felt that MLK should NOT have a public holiday and openly spoke out against it. So he is on camera denying that MLK was an important enough public figure to deserve a holiday. Then, when the media pressured him for his perceived racist sentiment, he backed off and then supported the holiday.

As a later example, he really did a 180 with the first two bailout bills, which he fully supported. I thought of all people, McCain would certainly put a fight on the bailouts, but he signed off on the first two TARP bailouts. Bush designed the bailout and McCain pushed for it. Even Joe the Plumber called McCain out for that departure.

So ultimately, for me, it was a case of a principled man (and one who I admired) turning into a no-good politician. Now, I am not against politicians changing their minds - I think it's healthy to change your mind after much reflection and thought, but only if you change your stance for the right reasons. For example, Ronald Reagan was anti-stem cells his whole life (and political career). Then, when he becomes afflicted with Alzheimer's, he's suddenly a proponent of stem cell research because he realized that it may help him and his disease. So, he changed his mind because of an egocentric and ultimately, selfish reason. For this, he's viewed as a hypocrite. But if he changed his mind for other reasons, he may have been viewed as thoughtful and altruistic instead of selfish. This dilemma (aptly named "the Reagan dilemma) is in the newest edition of Pojman's Introduction to Philosophy textbook, in the chapter on fallacies of reason. It's an interesting example.

What...huh?, if you had videos of your pre-wife banging all her past boyfriends, would you two have still gotten married? She'd be the same person you married, right? "Disgusting" video clips and all? Nobodies perfect, but some are better than others. I can't wait to move to Alaska...one day.
I find it funny that the liberals continue to miss the point that Palin was running for the office of vice president and not the presidency. So, in all fairness, we have to compare Palin's qualifications with those of Joe Biden. No contest. :lol:

yes but there has been talk of her running for the presidency thats very very scary. the good thing is most republicans wont support her possible nomination. there is hope the republicans to some degree realize they need to overhaul and reinvent there party if there going to be taken seriously.
I find it funny that the liberals continue to miss the point that Palin was running for the office of vice president and not the presidency. So, in all fairness, we have to compare Palin's qualifications with those of Joe Biden. No contest. :lol:

The sad part is these crumb crunchers are completely reliant on the edited clips posted on you-tube and the boob tube. What ever happened to critical thinking? You know, realizing that clips don't make the person. It, the brainwashing, got Obama elected, and, obviously worked at vilifying the opposition. Maybe a huge electricity tax is exactly what we need. If they can't afford to be brainwashed, we all benefit. Although I'm sure the libraries and public schools will open their TV's to the public. Sad. :eyesmoke:
if you mean by being willing to even dignify a thread supporting the merits of palins abilities then yes im in the boat its entertaining.
This just in over the wire....

Alaska governor Sarah Palin and ex V.P Dick Cheney have invited Ted Stevens for a moose hunt in an undisclosed location with no medical facilities nearby.
I thought what he said was..."I'm going to tax you as if there were 57 states." :lol:

Ever notice that the Presidential family is only Barack, wife and kids? Like the rest of his family doesn't exist. Except when he misquotes one.
Ever notice that the Presidential family is only Barack, wife and kids? Like the rest of his family doesn't exist. Except when he misquotes one.
Maybe we should dig his dead parents up and his dead grandmother make sure they get on the Presidential Family Christmas card.......would that make you happy?
the cheney hunting remark made me laugh hilarious i must say. we all disagree but its all to be expected it would be awful boring if everyone had the same opinion. of course that said im right about absolutely everything that much is certain lol.
yes but there has been talk of her running for the presidency thats very very scary. the good thing is most republicans wont support her possible nomination. there is hope the republicans to some degree realize they need to overhaul and reinvent there party if there going to be taken seriously.

Sarah Palin would never make it past the debates, even against the dim bulbs that she'd be running against in the primaries. She'd be exposed. I think her highest level of competence would be a department manager at WALMART.
Okay maybe assistant Store Manager if it wasn't a super Walmart.
Governors carry the widest experience in dealing with national politics than any other office. Unlike junior senators....
Sarah Palin would never make it past the debates, even against the dim bulbs that she'd be running against in the primaries. She'd be exposed. I think her highest level of competence would be a department manager at WALMART.
Okay maybe assistant Store Manager if it wasn't a super Walmart.

So not only did you miss the Palin-Biden debate, you failed to realize Palins current position in Gubment trumps your husbands dream position at Wal-Mart? You must be a school teacher, a public school teacher, in a blue state...:lol: