• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Creation vs Evolution vs Whatever Else

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
so you think the grand canyon was not formed by water and wind erosion and dinasaurs walked with people really? there is no real logical response to that as thats not logical to begin with by that standard one could convince themselves of anything.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sigh.If you'll believe that, Who am I to try and convince you otherwise.All it takes is a 30 second search of google.I really don't feel like debating with anyone right now, sorry if you wanted to.But it just seems like the same argument over and over.Get one to stop, and another comes in and posts the exact same stuff and wants to argue about it all over again.:peace:
never seen the documentation as fakes? I did see where they went and peeled up layers of rock in the dried river be and the tracks kept gong along with dino prints? Tough forgery?


Well-Known Member
Its not that I want a debate...I just wanted to post another point of view....And if actually looked at it....it dosen't matter...It was water that dug the canyon...just not millions and bilions of years of water....Early storys of dragon slayers and dragons....most likley left over dinosaurs.....and the bohemoth of the bible...also most likely an dino.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If that were the case, we would see visible massive changes in our lifetimes to topography everywhere. The behemoth story is probably another of the bible's "borrowed" stories(most likely Leviathan,or Minotaur,probably more likely),see the similarities between mark and the story of Jason and the argonauts.You can believe what you want.But I just don't appreciate anyone trying to force their beliefs into my children's education.
Its not that I want a debate...I just wanted to post another point of view....And if actually looked at it....it dosen't matter...It was water that dug the canyon...just not millions and bilions of years of water....Early storys of dragon slayers and dragons....most likley left over dinosaurs.....and the bohemoth of the bible...also most likely an dino.


Well-Known Member
If that were the case, we would see visible massive changes in our lifetimes to topography everywhere. The behemoth story is probably another of the bible's "borrowed" stories(most likely Leviathan,or Minotaur,probably more likely),see the similarities between mark and the story of Jason and the argonauts.You can believe what you want.But I just don't appreciate anyone trying to force their beliefs into my children's education.
I don't want garbage crammed down my kids throat either...I also don't want them to be completely caught up in the corporate and finacial brainwashing going on in the world. There's two sides to every story...i wish you many happy years with your family, you seam smart and possible able to grasp the facts...to each there own...good luck


Active Member
Sorry I was gone for a couple weeks, I had my summer 2 week drill.

This is going back a few pages so bear with me here.

Stoney McFried said:
But it is hurting us if a religion insists upon interfering with the education of out children.Promoting ignorance is doing harm.The catholic church covering up the rape of children is doing harm. The church burning people in medieval times for proclaiming the world was not flat was doing harm.It has held science back,women back,minorities back, for years.Who is to say where we would be if we didn't bear the yoke of superstition?And how so YOU KNOW god gave you free will? Or anything?Where is your proof outside of the Bible?Has he spoken to you directly?
My religion is not forcing its beliefs onto anyone. With any group you will have your radicals, and you happen to be dealing with a few who are in a spot of authority. The Catholic church covering up molestations is shitty, but that was not a belief of the religion that was an act of corrupt individuals.

Oppression never fully works, this forum is a perfect example. I cannot legally do anything in regards to what this forum is here for, but yet here I am. Where there is a will there is a way. Slavery and Sexism were not developed on the basis of religion, they've always been there and non religious took as much part of those acts as the religious.

Stoney McFried said:
So...it's "God's will?
That's a baited question, if I say yes you'll slam me for the whole belief in God thing again, but yes I do believe in "God's Will" and I am not required to prove the logic of faith.

Stoney McFried said:
Now you're just arguing semantics by panning my choice of booki.SUbstitute whatever title you like, the end result of the argument is the same.
I apologize you weren't able to recognize my sarcasm, it can be hard to convey in writing at times but I thought you would have gotten it. My bad for attempting to be humorous.

Stoney McFried said:
Then believe.Just leave my children's education OUT of it.
Never brought them into it, I am not fighting to have school curriculum changed at all one way or the other.

Stoney McFried said:
"Were said to be?"Who said?Them? Who else?
Yes them, who cares who else, I'm not the one looking for clarification.

Stoney McFried said:
Yes people have done that throughout history.Creationism is another incarnation of just that.Here's a handy pocket list of some of the do's and don't of the bible.Amusing, but true.Please don't tell me Jesus was all about love;he preached on many occasions the exact messages of his father.http://exchristian.net/pics/wallet bible1.pdf
http://exchristian.net/pics/wallet bible2.pdf
Jesus was not only about love, that is true. There is still a cause and effect scenario in play here, but with Jesus you have forgiveness for wrong doing instead of condemnation.

Stoney McFried said:
Plenty of proof.There is no historical record of him.Period.None that cannot be proved a forgery.The ROMANS WERE METICULOUS RECORD KEEPERS.There is no mention of Jesus being executed by Pontius Pilate by the Romans.The only proof any crationists can ever cite is the bible.And using the bible to prove the validity of the bible is kinda silly.
See this is not proof, the lack of information is never proof, you believe in science you should know better than to try and pass this off as proof.

Stoney McFried said:
So, if the big bang never happened,who created god?Did he just arrive out of nothing?According to creationsists, that simply can't happen, at least when they're referring to the Big Bang.So it has to apply to a creator as well.
This is a question that you will never have an answer to, neither side will because then we have to deal with the concept of time and the concept of a beginning.

Stoney McFried said:
Did you used to be Tronica?
? I don't know what you mean by that one, is that an old member or something?

Well, I'm starting a grow journal, and am done killing time in this section, so I probably wont be posting here very frequently.

It's been entertaining,



Well-Known Member
Sorry I was gone for a couple weeks, I had my summer 2 week drill.

This is going back a few pages so bear with me here.

My religion is not forcing its beliefs onto anyone. With any group you will have your radicals, and you happen to be dealing with a few who are in a spot of authority. The Catholic church covering up molestations is shitty, but that was not a belief of the religion that was an act of corrupt individuals.

Oppression never fully works, this forum is a perfect example. I cannot legally do anything in regards to what this forum is here for, but yet here I am. Where there is a will there is a way. Slavery and Sexism were not developed on the basis of religion, they've always been there and non religious took as much part of those acts as the religious.

That's a baited question, if I say yes you'll slam me for the whole belief in God thing again, but yes I do believe in "God's Will" and I am not required to prove the logic of faith.

I apologize you weren't able to recognize my sarcasm, it can be hard to convey in writing at times but I thought you would have gotten it. My bad for attempting to be humorous.

Never brought them into it, I am not fighting to have school curriculum changed at all one way or the other.

Yes them, who cares who else, I'm not the one looking for clarification.

Jesus was not only about love, that is true. There is still a cause and effect scenario in play here, but with Jesus you have forgiveness for wrong doing instead of condemnation.

See this is not proof, the lack of information is never proof, you believe in science you should know better than to try and pass this off as proof.

This is a question that you will never have an answer to, neither side will because then we have to deal with the concept of time and the concept of a beginning.

? I don't know what you mean by that one, is that an old member or something?

Well, I'm starting a grow journal, and am done killing time in this section, so I probably wont be posting here very frequently.

It's been entertaining,


Just thought I'd comment on the entire school debate thing.

If you don't want people expressing their opinion on what should be taught in schools then you shouldn't be taxing them to support the same. It is on par with what the British did to the colonies that lead to the Revolutionary War to ask some one to pay taxes with out a voice in how those taxes are used.

While I agree that teaching creationism in school is a pointless debate, I do think that the school should be focusing on teaching more courses in critical thinking (logic) and in civics and economics. The scope of the general populations ignorance of civics and economics is amazing.

Perhaps the entire debate about evolution vs creationism can be side stepped by replacing the science courses with courses in civics and economics. (Theoretical Science being replaced with Economic Science) I think it might be more important for the population of the United States to understand how credit is dangerous to their financial health than to actually know if humans evolved from apes, or if they were created by a creator.


Well-Known Member
i said let there bee lite love shit and piss,,,then thunder came from my tongue and killed all the evil and fire came from my eyes and burned down all the churches and false thrones.....and i said SHAAAZAAAM!!!!...and you all were born cuz i made all people have sex and there was the world...but then you all went astry and strarted being sodimites and liars and vampires and back biters so i will now say let there be water and i flooded atlantis and made trhe mermaids keep them down in the water and i got on my unicorn and made unity,,,but the people went astray again so now i will burn down all the evil and put you in a volcano and blast you off in2 outerspace with the devil.............

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Fuck, dude.I want some of what you're smoking.:-|
i said let there bee lite love shit and piss,,,then thunder came from my tongue and killed all the evil and fire came from my eyes and burned down all the churches and false thrones.....and i said SHAAAZAAAM!!!!...and you all were born cuz i made all people have sex and there was the world...but then you all went astry and strarted being sodimites and liars and vampires and back biters so i will now say let there be water and i flooded atlantis and made trhe mermaids keep them down in the water and i got on my unicorn and made unity,,,but the people went astray again so now i will burn down all the evil and put you in a volcano and blast you off in2 outerspace with the devil.............


Well-Known Member
as to creation vs evolution...there's not really an argument.
if you have taken a college level biology or physical anthropology course, you know that the "THEORY" in theory of evolution is pretty much fact.
its the same thing as the "theory" of gravity. yea gravity is a theory but are you going to argue against that too?
there is countless physical fossil evidence discovered that gives so much insight into human ancestors and how we came from early primates.
YES THERE IS ACTUALLY PHYSICAL FOSSIL EVIDENCE OF THIS! google australopithecus or hominids, or just human ancestry.

these primates existed for thousands of years before humans did, and there is plenty of evidence out there to link our ancestry to them.

so how does all this evidence play into the bible's story about god creating man from dust? doesn't really fit too well...


Well-Known Member
.u say u are a monkey....i am the angel gabriel who come to slay the dragon ...and to seperate monkey from man...u speak of science then science is your religion and when you die you will go in2 a textbook and no1 will ever read your page..because that page is a liar...monkey man so go with tha monkeys and worship your science...shazzam i said so now u are a monkey in a textbook.i will burn that text book


Well-Known Member
god threw a rock in the sky and i fell down to earth tho slay all the evil and at nite time i am the stars that strike down lightning and make all the weakheart drop....fire comes from my tongue so i can burn all the evil i speak of...monkey.man...and his science god


Well-Known Member
and he mixed the test tubez together. BAM! BIG BANG! the universe is alive spitting out black holes that suck up your god who cries out for help to his god, little does he know there is no higher god, sux. fear black holes they are all knowing of your secrets and sins that she prays to bathe her newborn in?


Active Member
good subject the only thing is no1 will ever be able to prove either completley. Both of these theorys are really beleifs in death we shall know for sure!


New Member
as to creation vs evolution...there's not really an argument.
if you have taken a college level biology or physical anthropology course, you know that the "THEORY" in theory of evolution is pretty much fact.
its the same thing as the "theory" of gravity. yea gravity is a theory but are you going to argue against that too?
there is countless physical fossil evidence discovered that gives so much insight into human ancestors and how we came from early primates.
YES THERE IS ACTUALLY PHYSICAL FOSSIL EVIDENCE OF THIS! google australopithecus or hominids, or just human ancestry.

these primates existed for thousands of years before humans did, and there is plenty of evidence out there to link our ancestry to them.

so how does all this evidence play into the bible's story about god creating man from dust? doesn't really fit too well...
I agree.

It is an insult to evolution to put the two subjects as equals to be contested.

There is no contest.

One adheres to strict scrutiny and fact finding through rigorous examination, the other does not.

It's pretty simple....


good subject the only thing is no1 will ever be able to prove either completley. Both of these theorys are really beleifs in death we shall know for sure!

That's where your wrong.

Evolution is not a belief, no matter how much the religious tell you it is. I do not "choose" to believe in evolution. It's there, I look at reality, my mind AUTOMATICALLY decides for me what is true and false, I have zero conscious decison making ability in the process, just like I don't choose myself to have brown skin color.. It is simply reality, and it can be shown and proven to exist through experimentation and the scientific process.

Religion... Creation, can't.

Evolution = Science > testable, observable

Creation = Religion > untestable, unobservable

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
religions and there fairy tales were created during a time when that was the best explanation that could be had at the time. now we have evolved and have ways to explain natural phenomenon in more logical precise and accurate ways which can be proven through the scientific method. there fore mainstream religion is outdated and not representative of what is known to be true in 2009. the truth will set you free try it sometime.