hey guys can anyone tell me if Im ready to harvest yet

Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
thanks man! the sunflowers helped keep those choppers away! I suggest it to anyone they give off alot of heat too, so if they ever look they see bright yellow sunflowers (which are known to give off heat)

heres another pic for you guys!


Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
the colas are definetly beefing up, it's gonna be so sad chopping these ladies down! :)

I sampled both of them, found some mature buds near the bottom, one of them has a really sharp high I smoked one joint and thought it wasnt gonna be good then I walked down to my local library to do something and totally forgot why I went there heh

the second ones definetly a dramatically different strain, burns differently and had a much deeper smoke, this one has a very mellow head stone.... excellent for watching cartoons hehe

a lil less than two weeks to go! :)

Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
hey guys,

I have been watching my best plant daily (of course) and Im starting to notice a good majority of the leaves are starting to become very light green, almost yellow in some places, now I read, at the end of its life its expected to have some of the leaves yellow....

since I am using only the smallest amounts of fertilizer, and its been almost a month since I fed it, would this mean a chemical deficiency, like something I need to feed, or could it be the plants coming to the end of its life cycle, it has been a lil chilly here the past week.

thanks again! almost there! :P


Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
more pics :D

note all the dead tomatoe plants slowly dying lol stay strong tomatoe foilage just a lil bit more longer before I put you out of your miseries!

