fcked up stories- heres mine


Well-Known Member
true. i would want to have finished too. but theres not too many things worst than being underaged getting caught by sibblings or parents thats gotta suck either way
haha. good thing i'm not underaged then.

but yeah, we've pretty much been busted by his whole family.

The mom, the brothers, the sister. goodness....:lol:


Well-Known Member
yeah and afterwards theres always an uneasyness after that

isn't there though?

I was telling my ex like "i don't wanna be around your brothers and sisters
alone....its awkward".

Like, I would feel if I were alone with them, that they would bring up us
getting busted.


Well-Known Member
the feeling of guilt it will eat you away lol. to be honest if thats ur pic on the avatar id be happy to be caught with ya. give ya proof to your braggin rights lol.


Well-Known Member
the feeling of guilt it will eat you away lol. to be honest if thats ur pic on the avatar id be happy to be caught with ya. give ya proof to your braggin rights lol.
Lol. I do feel bad!!!!

Poor Kids.

Now I didn't feel so bad when his 15 yr brother walked in because its
not like he doesn't know what we're doing. Hell, he was stealing our condoms from the drawer!!!

I didn't care though, as long as he's wrapping it up. I actually laughed
at the fact he did that, he could have just asked and I would have
happily given him some.

He actually doesn't say anything about it except that one
time I overheard him telling his mom and sister. lol.

His mom only said something once.....because we got busted in HER
room. (by the 6 yr old) ***blushing***

She only said "you guys stay outta my room"

I just turned red and was like ".....ok....."


Yeah, thats me in the pic. I posted pics of me in one thread, only
leaving them up for a week though.



Well-Known Member
yeah i cant say ive been caught like that. i been with my girl since high school so we pretty much had our own place after we graduated so privacy wasnt a problem. for some reason i cant find where to view ur pics


Well-Known Member
yeah i cant say ive been caught like that. i been with my girl since high school so we pretty much had our own place after we graduated so privacy wasnt a problem. for some reason i cant find where to view ur pics

Click on the link and its the page where i posted the pics.

its been pretty hard getting on my feet after high school, because
for some time I was supposed to be moving with my mother, so I put
getting a job on hold, and going to school on hold. After I figured out

it was going to be a long while before she got a place, I started
going back to school and looking for a job.

So now, I finally have a car,

I'm in school, and currently looking for a job.

No luck though, had a few interview but no offers.


Well-Known Member
yeah its hard to find jobs down here too. theres nothing. i saved up money and bought a trailer to pull behind my jeep to do odd jobs and make money and i still fill out applications everyday and i check up on them too nothing goin on


Well-Known Member
yeah i lost my license. for a possession charge automatic 2 years so my two years is up so im working on getting it back i should have it by september. then i will have somethin working for me when i look for a job. but im 25 yrs old and im just now getting to a point where we are comfortable with the way we live and i would hate to start back over it would suck. but yeah if i could find a job id be happy.


Well-Known Member
yeah i lost my license. for a possession charge automatic 2 years so my two years is up so im working on getting it back i should have it by september. then i will have somethin working for me when i look for a job. but im 25 yrs old and im just now getting to a point where we are comfortable with the way we live and i would hate to start back over it would suck. but yeah if i could find a job id be happy.
that sounds nice.

I wish I could kinda just jump to the future in my life
because i really didn't think getting a job was this frikkin hard. :cuss:


Active Member
heathaa ive had that same thing happen to me bud and goddamn does that shit hurt!it was durex warm tingle.me and the mrs were going fckin crazy trying to get that crap off!!!!!



Well-Known Member
yeah it was horrible it is hard to explain the feeling just imagine biofreeze on ur dck thats what it was and it was bad


Well-Known Member
haha holy shit dude, how did you not totice the smell as icyhot? I guess that would be the last thing on my mind too tho if my girl decided to get all slippery in the middle of middle of the horizontal tango hah. No but one time my buddies girl dared me to put it on my ball sack and she said it felt good on her nipple so I decided to go for it...NEVER EVER EVER again. fuck that NOISE! seriously, ouch. yea I'd stick it in a bee hive before I'd do that again.