"Cap and Trade" Bill voted on tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
While the entire media mourns over Michael Jackson, completely void of other news, congress get's ready to vote on a CLIMATE CHANGE BILL. A Global Warming Bill that introduces Carbon Taxes and Carbon Credits.

Cap and Trade disaster coming Friday, expect gas prices to go up

June 25, 1:04 PM

Friday June 26th the house will vote on an energy bill that will include cap and trade. Cap and trade means there will be a limit on companies and most likely, eventually people on producing so called green house gas, carbon dioxide to be specific (the stuff we breath out.) Companies will be limited to how much emission of carbon dioxide they are allowed but will be able to buy and trade carbon credits to produce as much as they want.
Not only is carbon dioxide (what plants take in) not a pollutant but this is not so much an attempt to stop pollutants but to create a massive tax. The non-partisan CBO says it will cost about 22 billion dollars a year but other estimates put it at $80 billion dollars a year. There is no real cost of a carbon credit but any price would artificially set by the government. This money would be paid to the government and no matter how they say they will use it they will spend it on whatever they feel like, in other words this is a tax. Obama said no taxes on ninety fiver percent of the people because he knew he wouldn’t have to out and out tax you as an individual but to tax everybody all at once. It will be said that the companies (the so called polluters) will pay the price. But when your local energy company incurs cost, they pass that cost onto the consumer (you), its how any company does business. Some articles will say the average family will only pay less than $200 a year, but they know that is not realistic. Just like Joe Biden said “we were all wrong” about he stimulus working. They will all be wrong on how much cap and trade costs. This will probably raise gas prices overnight and make gas permanently cost over three if not four dollars a gallon. When winter time comes expect to pay at least 50% more to heat your house.

This system will also invite rampant corruption, because carbon output can’t really be measured. So those who charge for it will say that a lot more is being put out than really is and those who have to pay will say they are putting out far less. With this kind of system, corruption is just being invited to get a chance to exploit these giant holes in the system.

Worst of all, this will set a precedent. If carbon dioxide becomes set by the government as a pollutant, it can only be a matter of time before they charge you some kind of tax based on your breathing output, after all we all exhale carbon dioxide. Will it be far behind that, that people will claim abortions are best to help rid the environment from extra carbon polluters? At the very least you should eventually expect another line on your federal taxes for personal carbon credit, in other words a living tax. In this case, there will no longer be any ability not to file taxes because we will all owe.

Obama and others will call this an energy bill to help the environment. They say it will help stop dependence on foreign oil. But how will it do that? They only way it can and the only way the expect it to, is to raise the price of gas so we wont be able to afford as much foreign oil. When gas prices hit there all time high, Obama didn’t express displeasure at the price of gas, just how quickly it got there.

If you have any concern at all about whether you will be able to afford your bills after this law passes, you should contact your members of congress.


Well-Known Member
we're fucked.. plain and simple. get ready for 60% tax... might as well sign over our entire income check.

edit. im listening to jason bermas talk about it right now


Well-Known Member
God I hope that bill does not pass. But im sure Pres Obama has promised martial law if they don't pass it. My winter heating bill can be brutal when temps dip below 30 below zero. Might as well expect to freeze this next winter as I won't be able to afford to heat my home.

I should go and steal all the railroads solar panels they have, put them on my house, get a carbon credit and sell it and the extra power. Let the good times roll!!


New Member
Doom and gloom, run for the hills. They are going to charge gross poluters. Maybe this will make gross poluters clean up their act instead of pumping massive polutants into the atmosphere, heck, maybe I can get a job as a polutant police,~LOL~. Look out, I'm coming for your breath, stop breathing or else.


Well-Known Member
God I hope that bill does not pass. But im sure Pres Obama has promised martial law if they don't pass it. My winter heating bill can be brutal when temps dip below 30 below zero. Might as well expect to freeze this next winter as I won't be able to afford to heat my home.

I should go and steal all the railroads solar panels they have, put them on my house, get a carbon credit and sell it and the extra power. Let the good times roll!!
you could always heat your home with grow lights too.
at least the power used would more than pay for itself that way.


Well-Known Member
Doom and gloom, run for the hills. They are going to charge gross poluters. Maybe this will make gross poluters clean up their act instead of pumping massive polutants into the atmosphere, heck, maybe I can get a job as a polutant police,~LOL~. Look out, I'm coming for your breath, stop breathing or else.
yea..maybe the gross pollutors such as the power company that supplys you with energy might just raise the cost of the product they supply to you ..the customer..
maybe the pollutor will just leave the USA with the jobs he provided the country and go to another country where it is cheaper to do bussiness. and the government isnt run by a bunch of fucking crooks.


Well-Known Member
Did you read through all of it? This doesn't just effect companies, it effects all Americans. Carbon Taxes and Carbon Credits, and monitoring/limiting every American household's energy use, look into it.

This is another bill being pushed through that most Congressmen aren't reading.

This is a horrible bill my friends. Please read the entirety of it.

Oh and also, the govtracks link, the document is 2 versions old. They have updated the bill with 400-600 more pages.

Call your reps, don't let this bill pass. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
yea..maybe the gross pollutors such as the power company that supplys you with energy might just raise the cost of the product they supply to you ..the customer..
maybe the pollutor will just leave the USA with the jobs he provided the country and go to another country where it is cheaper to do bussiness. and the government isnt run by a bunch of fucking crooks.
:: coughs ::
You mean there's countries that have honest bureaucrats?

Now that is news to me...


Well-Known Member
Rep Turner (OH) to vote no

We already know that RP is voting no, does any one else know of any more no votes?
Not sure, I heard of one person but I'll have to look up who it was. I believe there are quite a few who are saying no to this but I can't confirm it.

Obama: "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

Watch C-SPAN if you want to hear them discuss the bill.

EDIT: WATCH C-SPAN!!! They won't give a copy of the new 300 pages of the bill to the Congressmen, and they still have to vote on it. THIS IS FUCKING INSANE.


Well-Known Member
i'm watching it right now... they don't even have the fucking official copy?! missing 300 pages?!...

how can you vote on something that you don't even know wat you're voting for?


Well-Known Member
i'm watching it right now... they don't even have the fucking official copy?! missing 300 pages?!...

how can you vote on something that you don't even know wat you're voting for?
This bill is insanity. I still can't believe I'm seeing this.

They're about the close the discussion. I highly suggest that everyone looks for it online if you missed it. I tell you this bill is unimaginable.


Well-Known Member
I know man, it's going to make the people struggling to pay the bills go underwater. This could even tax coca-cola! Even COWS!


Well-Known Member
It's hard to believe that there are ANY fair minded people out there that think this bill is a good idea! It seems there's nothing out there that Obama doesn't want to tax and control. The healthcare package alone will be devastating to the American economy, and all the while, DURING A SEVERE RECESSION, they are asking Americans to pay even MORE for their energy!!! Seriously, if I didn't know better, I'd think this administration was actually TRYING to bring down America in one fell swoop. Motherfuckers!!!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
It's hard to believe that there are ANY fair minded people out there that think this bill is a good idea! It seems there's nothing out there that Obama doesn't want to tax and control. The healthcare package alone will be devastating to the American economy, and all the while, DURING A SEVERE RECESSION, they are asking Americans to pay even MORE for their energy!!! Seriously, if I didn't know better, I'd think this administration was actually TRYING to bring down America in one fell swoop. Motherfuckers!!!:cuss:
I seriously believe this. Remember... presidents are just puppets to the elitist. they are trying to make the gap between the rich and the poorer bigger. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
The Dems are wicked schemers. They knew that by putting the vote on a Friday, most Americans wouldn't pay much attention, and one of the biggest hose jobs in history would go down better that way. So, instead of applause, the opposing silent majority gets bent over by the government once more, and this time, with a ball gag in their mouth. I guarantee you, most people won't know what hit them until they see their outrageous power bill, and because the charges are so complicatedly itemized, they'll just think that the power company is the one sticking it to them. Until the majority is wise enough not to see the dangers in the ideas Obama's set forth, America will soon turn into another third world country. Americans being FORCIBLY made to pay for trees NOT to be cut down in the Brazilian rainforests is like having to pay the Mafia for "protection".

And while Obama is jeered by his followers, (largely because of his tenor speaking voice, and keen work with the teleprompter) he is merely the pied piper leading the country off the cliff. Estimates by people IN THE ENERGY BUSINESS, NOT the government say the average American household will end up paying an additional $3,100 a year for their energy. If you're an indoor grower using a lot of lights, well guess what, you can double, triple, quadruple, .....that! Inevitably, the higher inflation due to the weak US dollar, lopsided trade deficits, and astronomical national debt, high energy costs, will make the price of indoor cultivated pot go up. I just don't see any way around it.

Obama clearly has an Oedipus complex, and thinks he's "king of the world". I tried to warn as many people last year as I could that the opposite of George Bush wasn't just another Democrat named Obama, but a Marxist disguised as one. By the time the country wakes up to the fact that their freedoms and liberties have been stolen in more ways than they imagined, it will be too late. 4 years from now will definitely be too late, and wrestiling back that freedom will be next to impossible. If our founding fathers saw what kind of scum-sucking behemoth the government has become today, they'd be rolling over in their graves.


Well-Known Member
It Passed YAY!!
It'll get through the Senate no problem now.
$1500 gas bills next winter can't wait.


Well-Known Member
It Passed YAY!!
It'll get through the Senate no problem now.
$1500 gas bills next winter can't wait.
LOL Rep. Gohmert called it the "Crap & Trade Bill" ahahaha

But yeah, of course it passed. But will people get angry and speak up to the Senate?


I guess Michael Jackson's death is more important than the enslavement of American people. :wall:

I know, I know... this is just a marijuana site, most of yall don't give a shit. But you guys need to know this. Everybody is going to get screwed from this shit hole bill. It will be nearly impossible to live for the average middle class with a huge increase in prices of almost everything.