Osama Bin Laden........


Well-Known Member
no, you are mistaken. that is HER. :hug: oh i thought they were a dude because they were talking about fucking a fat cow chick and another chick on her period in the " I once thread". maybe it was lesbian sex. sweet lol.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
garden say that world war one was what started world war 2, which your right every war fought has to do with a previous conflit, wwI causing WWII, and WWII causeing the cold war which was WWIII, which now from WWII and WWIII we now fight WWIV

if after WWI happend we decided not to fight WWII hitler would have the Atom Bomb, what do you think the world would be today if that happend? and that is what would have happend if you had your way during that time.

If they are trying to kill us you either have to A) fight them, B) join them, or C) just sit and wait for them to kill you. everything else to me doesnt matter im focused on this threat to my family and when i say family im talking about women children and men all over the world. after that threat to my family is delt with is a good time to discuss, after victory what happend what went wrong,what can we do to try to make sure this dont happen again

you say they are just people, well thats true they are and no matter what anyone says people are violent and left unchecked they will do horroble things to each other even you can kill Garden, even me, we are after all just animals

people do horrible things while others do great things. We want to reduce the people doing horrible things and encourage the people doing great things. does that work ? can we atleast agree on that?

ok im wakin bakin, heres a titty pic just cuz im allowed to have a nudey pic in this counrty, :hug:

ok im smoking me hash :weed:

you fooking cheater!!!!!!!!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
panda.... I totally feel you.... and thanks foryour thoughtful response


You gave 3 options... kill - be killed - join them

I claim, that we ARE THEM... we have already joined them... WE ARE the same.. it is not a choice... it is only an illusion that we are seperate.... our own self perpetuated illusion..

There has to be a 4th way... there has to be a way not to kill

there has to be way not to ASK boys to kill boys....


shall I post a pic of breasts ? cause that was really effective... it's like you nuked the entire thread :)



Well-Known Member
I think we will stop fighting wars... when we find another planet to attack... than we will realise that we are all the same and say there crazy ass alience lets fucking kill them!!! and everyone will say yeah and do it... and than the aliense will have to teach them lesons about morals and other whatnots and than some other crazy aliense come and everyone dies... and good times are had by all :)


Well-Known Member
yea i just got a pic off the net of titties:mrgreen: it was a good tactic they should use that as a tactic in the war in iraq:mrgreen:, and pls im not a chick geez, i feel gay just sayin that lol

but man i didnt even show the bare ta tas my mission now is to find the best damn tittes on the net



Well-Known Member
yea i just got a pic off the net of titties:mrgreen: it was a good tactic they should use that as a tactic in the war in iraq:mrgreen:, and pls im not a chick geez, i feel gay just sayin that lol

but man i didnt even show the bare ta tas my mission now is to find the best damn tittes on the net

whatever. that was you. :hump:


Well-Known Member
ohhh I see... by being persistent we can change reality...
Yea man... that was totaly you... I know... I was there... taking the picture...


Well-Known Member
this thread is puzzling lol. it has dualities of politics and of luscious titties. me like boobies yum.


New Member
i thought i heard osama was killed a few days after 9-11 by the CIA to prevent him from trying to tell the world he didn't do it...