Kill the G%D damn Libs

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I would rather hide from the police then deal with libs.
I started smoking pot in 1975, never been busted.
Libs cost me an arm and a leg to support people like Octo moms
and countless worthless welfare mommas!
And bogus males mooching off of SSI
F%ck you all... eat a bowl of f@ck and die please for god damn sakes.
You are nothing but leeches and scum suckers. God, when is lib hunting season?


Well-Known Member
Hahahahaha! Our president is one of the biggest liberals
on the planet, So suckit! I'm liberal and proud as shit! obama/biden 2012 bitch!


Again, if you think liberal is a negative connotation... go check the definition, you yourself are probably a liberal...

I blame this shit on Right wing talking heads... Rush, BillO, Beck, Hannity... all those retards who label anyone against their neocon agenda "liberal".

Well guess the fuck what buddy, being liberal is a GOOD THING. It means your not so much of a pussy you'd rather change a fucked up system than just keep it the same, you welcome change, you want freedom for ALL not just select few that fit your conformist ideals, individual freedom and freedom of expression and thought are essential to a liberal society. Freedom of religion and freedom FROM religion. Freedom of speech. All liberal ideals...

Don't fall into that trap. I know you're smarter than those retards on Fox, you know you are too. Think for yourself and don't just repeat what they say.


Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
why theyre the ones that will legalize mj...what are you thinkin
So, we are to sell our souls, bend over and take it in the ass??? To smoke pot? If you feel this way try try men lookin for MEN. I'm sure you will be a happy bottom boy?
Quit and get a life if this is how you all feel!


New Member
the fox news, right wing, extremist douche,nazi, authoritative bullshit movement is not the way to go my friend.


Well-Known Member
So, we are to sell our souls, bend over and take it in the ass??? To smoke pot? If you feel this way try try men lookin for MEN. I'm sure you will be a happy bottom boy?
Quit and get a life if this is how you all feel!
I know your upset about the recent overturn of proposition 8, but youve got to let it go man!

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I, myself 100% man, more then willing to shoot / kill all libs, when is open season! This is all i dream about! Pink girly men make me sick!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey you better stop being mean to him or he might stop using protection with your mom!


New Member
did you know that most homophobes are in fact extremely repressed homos?

are you calling me a girly man?

dude, it's 2009 that's seriously from 1990, are you going to pump us up, or you likea da juice?


Active Member
The men who constantly joke about homosexuality are often the one's afraid of their inner feelings. Just let it out SubZero, it's ok.


New Member
have some refreshing baconnaise and calm down buddy, politics is a shady subject, we make no difference, fuck it.:peace: